Sabado, Mayo 12, 2007
Papal Photo of the Day

I had to share this heart-warming photo of Pope Benedict XVI in Brazil.

Source: REUTERS/Tony Gentile (BRAZIL)

4 comment(s):

del_button Mayo 13, 2007 nang 2:03 AM
Audrey Yu ayon kay ...

Owwwhh~~ that is really heart warming! How I wish I was one of the kids too! :P

del_button Mayo 13, 2007 nang 5:18 PM
Agnes Regina ayon kay ...

Reminds me of Our Lord's "Suffer the little children to come unto Me..." His Vicar apparently follows the command.

del_button Pebrero 3, 2008 nang 2:41 PM
John C. Hathaway ayon kay ...

Can I use this picture? I'm trying to compose a banner for my blog

del_button Pebrero 3, 2008 nang 2:52 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Mr. John C. Hathaway:

I do not hold the copyright to the image so I am not the one who can give permission for its use. The papal photo is from REUTERS/Tony Gentile (BRAZIL). However, I do not think that there would be a problem with you using it in your banner image.

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