Sabado, Mayo 12, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI in Brazil: Day Four

Today, May 12, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI continued his sixth apostolic voyage outside of Italy by visiting a center for drug rehabilitation and then praying the rosary at the famous Shrine of Aparecida. Pope Benedict XVI's first major event today was visiting Fazenda da Esperança (Farm of Hope) in Guaratinguetá, about 30 km from the town of Aparecida, which is a center for drug rehabilitation.

While at the center for drug rehabilitation, Pope Benedict XVI said, “I urge drug-dealers to reflect on the grave harm they are inflicting on countless young people and adults from every walk of life. God will call you to account for your deeds.” The Holy Father also said, “Christians are called to announce the Resurrection with force. Right here, in this ‘Fazenda da Esperança’, where people, especially young people, try to overcome drug and chemical addictions, we bear witness to the Gospel of Christ in a consumer-oriented society that is far from God. How different is the Creator’s perspective in that of His work!” More information about his visit can be read on


AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano

AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano

REUTERS/Sergio Moraes


After visiting the center, Pope Benedict XVI journeyed to the Basilica of Aparecida in Aparecida, Brazil where he prayed the Rosary with priests, religious, deacons, and seminarians. He addressed those present as well. The city of Aparecida is home to the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, the patron saint of Brazil, declared so by Pope Pius XI in 1929.


AFP/Orlando Kissner

2 comment(s):

del_button Mayo 14, 2007 nang 11:23 AM
Gattorusso ayon kay ...

Benedict XVI video from Brazil on the site
this site has videos of the Pope's speeches and his activities. All information here is free to download.

del_button Mayo 15, 2007 nang 7:52 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

The Feast of Our Lady of Apericida (Brazil) as far as i know is 12th October..the birthday of my 8th daughter Jacinta..12th October 2000.

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