Miyerkules, Mayo 9, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI Visits Brazil

AP Photo/L'Osservatore Romano

Today, May 9, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI begins his trip to Brazil where he will preside at the Canonization of Blessed Frei Galvao on Friday, May 11, 2007. His appearance at the Latin American bishops' conference CELAM will also be a highlight of the trip. Let us pray for Brazil during his trip. Specifically, let us pray that the right to life will be protected there, and let us pray for the resurgence of Catholic Tradition in the highly protestanized country. Thankfully, today the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva, also voiced his opposition to the legalization of abortion in the country. Deo Gratias!

Also in the news today, Pope would deny communion, not excommunicate Catholic politicians who support abortion rights.

Below is a schedule of Pope Benedict XVI's trip to Brazil from May 9, 2007 - May 14, 2007. I hope to post about the trip each day.

May 9:

May 10:
May 11:
May 12:
May 13:
May 14:
  • Arrive at Rome's Ciampino airport shortly after midday
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1 comment(s):

del_button Mayo 10, 2007 nang 7:37 AM
Micki ayon kay ...

I sorry to miss Our Holy Father at the airport. We will arrive May 17th. Our first trip to Italy...can't wait. I'll say a prayer for you and your other seminarians.....

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