Showing posts with label Missions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missions. Show all posts
Monday, August 20, 2018
Mission Santa Clara and Servant of God Magín Catalá

A few weeks ago I visited Mission Santa Clara in Santa Clara, CA. Inside the mission of Santa Clara is the tomb and the story of a remarkably holy man: Father Magín Catalá.  In particular, the beautiful Crucifix shown above is the miraculous Crucifix in front of which Father would pray and was seen levitating from the ground by witnesses who have sworn under oath to this miracle's authenticity.  Father Catalá lived a heroic life of sanctity.  As stated in the below pamphlet from the Mission: "[He] fasted ever day of the year, tasting nothing until noon and then allowing himself but a little milk and corn bread.  He never ate flesh, meat, eggs, or fish."

Let us pray for the canonization of Fr. Catalá:

O God, you sent your holy servant, Father Magín Catalá, to preach your gospel to Native Americans, and you inspired him to glorify your holy name among them by the example of his eminent virtues. We humbly ask you to honor Father Catalá on earth with the testimony of miracles performed through his intercession. Grant us by his merits all manner of blessings. Fill our minds with the light of your truth that, walking always in the way of your commandments, we may come to eternal union with you. We ask this through Christ, our Lord

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