Showing posts with label Podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Podcast. Show all posts
Sunday, March 9, 2025
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106

In today’s episode, on the First Sunday of Lent, I address the Precepts of the Church, with an emphasis on the laws of fasting and abstinence, and explain that they bind under mortal sin:

  1. What Are the Precepts of the Church
  2. Catholic Fasting and Abstinence Precepts Outlined
  3. The Church’s Precept Bind Under Penalty of Mortal Sin
  4. Rediscover the Power of Traditional Catholic Fasting

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith, and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. Their Catholic Liturgical Year Course for a one-time cost of $129.95 includes lessons throughout the entire liturgical year on many forgotten days.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, February 16, 2025
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 105

In today’s episode, on the Septuagesima Sunday, I address the following:

  1. A Catholic Life Podcast 50 on Septuagesima
  2. The 7 Traditional Categories of Saints

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, February 2, 2025
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 104

In today’s episode, on the Purification of our Lady, I address the importance of candles in the life of a Catholic:

  1. The Connection Between Groundhog Day and Candlemas
  2. Blessing of Candles on the Feast of St. Blase

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith, and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. Their Catholic Liturgical Year Course for a one-time cost of $129.95 includes lessons throughout the entire liturgical year on many forgotten days.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, January 26, 2025
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 103

In today’s episode, on the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, I address the following:

  1. The Dreams and Miracles of St. John Bosco
  2. The Catholic Church’s Teaching on Dreams

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, January 12, 2025
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 102

In today’s episode, on the Feast of the Holy Family, I address the following topics:

  1. The Feast of the Holy Family and Consecration to the Holy Family
  2. The Catholic Liturgical Year Overview
  3. The Traditional vs Modern Catholic Calendar: Changes to the Temporal & Sanctoral Cycles

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith, and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. Their Catholic Liturgical Year Course for a one-time cost of $129.95 includes lessons throughout the entire liturgical year on many forgotten days.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, January 5, 2025
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 101

In today’s episode, on the Holy Name of Jesus, I address the following:

  1. The History of the Holy Name
  2. Epiphanytide: The Customs for This Forgotten Season and Octave
  3. Prior Episode on Epiphanytide
  4. The Sacredness of Time: The Catholic Day, Week, and Month

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, December 29, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 100

In today’s episode, on the Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity of Our Lord, I address the future of the A Catholic Life Podcast on this 100th Episode Milestone. In addition, I discuss the following relevant articles: 

  1. 12 New Year Resolutions for Catholics
  2. 2025 Traditional Catholic Fasting and Abstinence Calendar
  3. Complete Archive of A Catholic Life Podcast Episode
  4. New Years Indulgences

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith, and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. 

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, December 22, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 99

In today’s episode, on the 4th Sunday of Advent, I address the following: 

  1. Midnight Mass & the Traditional Eucharistic Fast
  2. Indulgences for Praying the Divine Office on Christmas Day
  3. The Companions of Christ (Dec 26, 27, and 28) as Holy Days of Obligation
  4. Christmas Compilation of Articles, Sermons, and Prayers
  5. Friday in the Octave of Christmas Is Still Required Abstinence

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode. My Catholic Will provides simple and effective tools to pass on the heritage of faith and positively impact future generations of Catholics across the country. Ensure your legacy and family are protected while also leaving behind a way to support the Church. Use discount code catholiclife20 to save on your order.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, December 15, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 98

In today’s episode, on the Gaudete Sunday, I address the following: 

  1. Gaudete Sunday
  2. The O Antiphons
  3. Upcoming Ember Days of Advent
  4. The Vigil and Feast of St. Thomas
  5. The 2nd Edition of Restoring Lost Customs of Christendom

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, December 8, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 97

In today’s episode, on the Immaculate Conception of our Lady, I address the following: 

  1. The 2nd Sunday of Advent
  2. The History of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady
  3. Customs for Immaculate Conception Day

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith, and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. Check out their special Advent Study Course now available for 25% off with discount code ADVENT25.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, December 1, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 96

In today’s episode, on the 1st Sunday of Advent, I address the following:

  1. What is Advent?
  2. Advent: The Beginning of the Liturgical Year & Source of Rich Meditations
  3. Advent and Christmas Traditions
  4. The Rorate Mass: A Dawn Mass Said Only By Candlelight

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Sunday, November 24, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 95

In today’s episode, on the Last and Final Sunday after Pentecost, I address the following: 

  1. The Significance of the Last & Final Sunday after Pentecost
  2. A Catholic Understanding of Death
  3. Christ Instituted the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith, and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. Check out their special Advent Study Course now available for 25% off with discount code ADVENT25.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Sunday, November 17, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 94

In today’s episode, on the 6th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany, I address the following:

  1. The Dedication of the Basilicas Ss. Peter and Paul
  2. The Presentation of our Lady in the Temple and Day of Cloistered Life
  3. Customs for St. Cecilia’s Feast Day

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Sunday, November 10, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 93

In today’s episode, on the 5th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany, I address the following:

  1. How Did The Saints Fast? What Can They Teach Us?
  2. The Advent Fast Begins on November 12th 

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and much more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. Check out their best-selling Adult Faith Formation Course, which even life-long Catholics can learn from.

Sunday, November 3, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 92

In today’s episode, on the Sunday within the Octave of All Saints, I address the following:

  1. The Forgotten Octave of All Saints
  2. How and Why American Catholics Must Vote in 2024

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Sunday, October 27, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 91

In today’s episode, on the Feast of Christ the King, I address the following:

  1. Why and How to Honor the Evangelists
  2. Why the Offertory of the Mass is Important and How the Novus Ordo Dismantled it
  3. How and Why Christ is the King of all

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and much more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. Check out their best-selling Adult Faith Formation Course, which even life-long Catholics can learn from.

Sunday, October 20, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 90

In today’s episode, on Mission Sunday, I address the following:

  1. Mission Sunday
  2. Customs for St. Raphael’s Day
  3. 2025 Traditional Catholic Fasting and Abstinence Calendar

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
The Forgotten History of the Eucharistic Fast

In today’s special episode, I address the forgotten history of the Eucharistic Fast based on a talk I gave to the Young Adults of St. John Cantius Church in Chicago, IL

Fasting before receiving our Lord in Holy Communion, although the specifics have changed over time, is of apostolic origin. Hippolytus (c. 170 – 235 AD) in the Apostolic Tradition writes, "The faithful shall be careful to partake of the eucharist before eating anything else." At the Synod of Hippo in 393, the Eucharistic Fast was codified in Canon 29, and again a few years later it was likewise codified at the Synod of Carthage in Canon 28.

St. Augustine bears witness to the universality of the fast before Holy Communion in his writings: “Must we therefore censure the universal Church because the sacrament is everywhere partaken of by persons fasting? Nay, verily, for from that time it pleased the Holy Spirit to appoint, for the honour of so great a sacrament, that the body of the Lord should take the precedence of all other food entering the mouth of a Christian; and it is for this reason that the custom referred to is universally observed.”

For more information, pick up a copy of "The Definitive Guide to Catholic Fasting and Abstinence," of which even many Catholic priests said that 95% of it was new to them. And check out the article "What is the Eucharistic Fast" for more basic information.

Prayer: Sweet Jesus, I love Thee, I desire with all my heart to receive Thee. My most sweet Jesus, come into my poor soul, and give me Thy flesh to eat and Thy Blood to drink. Give me Thy whole Self, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, that I may live for ever with Thee.

Sunday, October 13, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 88

In today’s episode, on the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, I address the following:

  1. Mass Propers: Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
  2. The Necessity of Detachment in the Spiritual Life
  3. Detachment Helps Combat Pride and Sloth

I would like to thank for sponsoring this episode., the leader in online Catholic catechism classes, has everything from online K-12 programs, RCIA classes, adult continuing education, marriage preparation, baptism preparation, confirmation prep, quince prep classes, catechist training courses, and much more. It is never too late to study the fullness of the Catholic Faith and is the gold standard in authentic Catholic formation online. Check out their best-selling Adult Faith Formation Course, which even life-long Catholics can learn from.

Sunday, October 6, 2024
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 87

In today’s episode, on Rosary Sunday, I address the following:

  1. October as the Month of the Holy Rosary
  2. The 15 Prayers and 21 Promises Associated with St. Bridget. Are they Legitimate? 

This episode is sponsored by offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers in Latin conveniently on the go. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. offers prayer cards in various formats, including Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Shop for additional Latin resources like missal booklets, server response cards, and more. Visit today.

Subscribe to the podcast on Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I-tunes, and many other platforms!


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