Showing posts with label Stem Cell Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stem Cell Research. Show all posts
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Adult Stem Cells Cure Paraplegic

It's true. Adult stem cells have cured a paraplegic after living in this condition for 19 years. These cells are supported by the Church because they came from umbilical cord cells that didn't result in any death unlike embryonic stem cells.
Monday, August 1, 2005
Stem Cell Research Update

Update. Try this link and click on "send message". Let me know if this works for those of you that couldn't get it to send before.

Original Post: We, as Catholics, believe embryonic stem cell research is intrinsically evil and never acceptable because it requires the killing of a human embryo, a life (read more). We do, however, eagerly support adult stem cell research and umbilical cord stem cell research. Besides the morality, these forms of research have already helped people; no one has ever been helped by embryonic stem cell research.

As of today, July 29th, 2005, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has voiced his change of position on the matter and now supports embryonic stem cell research. I urge everyone to write to their Senators and urge them not to support S. 471, which funds embryonic stem cell research. Also, ask them to support S. 658 (ban on human cloning) and S. 1373 (ban the creation of human/animal chimeras).
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Adult Stem Cell Research

Catholics are not opposed to stem cell research but only embryonic stem cell research. The Archdiocese of Sydney just announced they are contributing $100,000 to adult stem cell research.

Adult stem cell research is also more productive than embryonic stem cell reserach. Look at everything that adult stem cells have done. This list in from the IL Right to Life website:
  • Spinal cord injury repair (using stem cells from nasal and sinus regions)
  • Complete reversal of juvenile diabetes in mice using adult spleen cells, with Harvard now preparing for human patient trials using spleen cells
  • Crohn’s Disease put into remission (using patient’s blood stem cells)
  • Lupus put into remission (using stem cells from patient’s bloodstream)
  • Parkinson’s disease put into remission (using patient’s brain stem cells)
  • Repair heart muscle in cases of congestive heart failure (using stem cells from bone marrow)
  • Repair heart attack damage (using the patient’s own blood stem cells)
  • Restore bone marrow in cancer patients (using stem cells from umbilical cord blood)
  • Restore weak heart muscles (using immature skeletal muscle cells)
  • Put leukemia into remission (using umbilical cord blood)
  • Heal bone fractures (using bone marrow cells)
  • Restore a blind man’s sight (using an ocular surface stem-cell transplant & a cornea transplant)
  • Recovery from a stroke (using stem cells from bone marrow)
  • Treat urinary incontinence (using under arm muscle stem cells)
  • Reverse severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) (using genetically modified adult stem cells)
  • Restore blood circulation in legs (using bone marrow stem cells)
  • Treat sickle-cell anemia (using stem cells from unbilical cord blood)

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