Showing posts with label Take Action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Take Action. Show all posts
Friday, February 3, 2012
Susan Komen & Planned Parenthood

Updated: Bowing to liberal pressures, it appears that Susan G Komen will reverse its decision and amends its rules to continue funding the abortion business of Planned Parenthood even when PP is under Congressional investigation.  This story is extremely fluid and changing by the minute.  The latest update from Rev. Pat Mahoney:
"Ok people "stop the presses" on the Susan G. Komen controversy. I have been on the phone with pro-leaders all day and this story is really "fluid" as they say here in D.C. This is what I am hearing. The Komen Foundation has said they will only honor the existing contracts they have for this year while revising grant applications for next year. However, it is there intention NOT to fund Planned Parenthood after their existing contracts with them expire. This is a fascinating story in which I am asking of you to diligently be praying about. I will keep you updated. Blessings."

Original Post (January 31): January The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation has finally decided to stop its funding of Planned Parenthood, thus allowing for Catholics to support this organization in good conscience.  However, while we can fund Susan G. Komen for the Cure, we can not fund any of their affiliates. Below is what their Connecticut affiliate stated:
The decision regarding the funding of Planned Parenthood was made by Susan G. Komen for the Cure National Headquarters. Susan G. Komen for the Cure Connecticut enjoys a great partnership with Planned Parenthood, and is currently funding Planned Parenthood of Southern New England. We understand, and share, in the frustration around this situation. We hope that any investigation prohibiting Planned Parenthood from receiving Komen grants is promptly resolved.
Send a Letter/Email

Please take a few moments and send an email to thanking them for their decision.  A sample letter is below:
To whom it may concern:

I wish to express my deepest gratitude for Susan G. Komen for the Cure for de-funding Planned Parenthood.  As a Catholic unable in conscience to support an organization that in any way funds the largest abortion provider in the world, I have been unable to donate to your organization.  Now I can at last in good conscience donate to your work and participate in your Save Lids to Save Lives Campaign.  Please realize that if you resume any form of donations to Planned Parenthood, I will immediately end my support for your organization.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Help Bankrupt Pro-Abortion Organizations One Stamp at a Time

As taught by the Angelic Doctor in Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 79, omission on the part of an individual is a sin.

As St. Thomas explains, "To the sin of transgression there correspond both the pain of loss on account of the aversion from God and the pain of sense, on account of the inordinate conversion to a mutable good. In a like manner, omission deserves not only the pain of loss, but also the pain of sense, according to Matthew 7:19, "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire"; and this on account of the root from which it grows, although it does not necessarily imply conversion to any mutable good."

It is clear to the readers of this blog that our world - American society and the world by and large - is a bastion of sin and vice, which in our modern world is at times not only allowed but is even praised! How many people praise the evil of legalized abortion, contraception, divorce, and sexually-themed motion pictures to name only a handful!

Yet, it would seem that failure to act against such realities through clear, decisive, and regular actions is a sin of omission. While we cannot be held responsible for legalized abortion and the murder of children since we are not actualizing the crime, we do act as accessories if we knowingly and willingly vote for politicians that campaign on pro-death platforms.

But this post is not about politicians who support a culture of death. Rather, I argue that all Catholics who fail to take concrete steps to fight injustices fail in their duty of state and sin by omission. How often do you fight abortion by protesting it, by funding pro-life and anti-abortion organizations, by praying for an end of it, or by other means?

Your concrete actions are needed to stop abortion. The actions of all Catholics against these crimes that cry to Heaven for vengeance are needed in this war against Satan and his soldiers. Were you not baptized and confirmed as a soldier of Christ? Were you not given the Rosary, the weapon against evil, yet why do you not wield your weapon against the foes which press on from every side? Your omission is not innocent - it is as if you were a soldier whose duty was to guard a city and you willingly stepped aside as invaders pressed onward to burn the city. Your sin of omission is most grievous to the Church of God, even if it be a sin of omission and not a sin of transgression.

I wish to recommend the following small way to help in the fight to bankrupt pro-death organizations. I was inspired by reading a post regarding sending mass marketers their junk mail back in postage-paid envelopes.

In short, go out and contact various pro-death organizations and ask them for donation envelopes. They will very willingly send them to you. Then, when you get them, simply find a box, fill it with any junk that you don't want, and affix the postage-paid label to the top. These organizations pay around 20 cents an ounce so even sending them a few old, virtually worthless books will quickly add up in shipping expenses that they will pay 100%.

If you're interested, these organizations would be a good place to start:
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Hemlock Society
  • Call to Action
  • Call to Action Nebraska
  • Catholics for a Free Choice
Above all, if the organization is spending more and more on handling customer emails and on shipping expenses, they will have less to spend on aiding Satan.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Support the Building of a Chapel in Honor of our Lady of Sorrows in Arizona

Our Lady of Sorrows was established in 1980 when a small group of traditionalists purchased the current church site from a Protestant denomination. Over the years, Sunday attendance has steadily grown to an average of 550 faithful.

The property is 10.8 acres. It is primarily comprised of the current Protestant-designed church, a growing K-12 Catholic school for 75 students, and a 34-room retreat house.

Retreatants come from across North America to attend one or more of fourteen retreats each year. Phoenix also annually hosts one of the two priests' retreats. More than 35 priests and usually a bishop are in attendance.

The site also has a priory, other living quarters, a large athletic field, and an orange grove.

Four priests reside at Our Lady of Sorrows. They serve the parish as well as nearby missions.

With fundraising nearing the end, I would like to promote this initiative so that a chapel may be built in honor of our Lady under the title, Our Lady of Sorrows.  Please visit the site to help them in this noble cause.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Boycott American Girl Dolls

February 2007 Update: "The 'I CAN' campaign initiated by American Girl in Sept. 2005, ended with more than $200,000 donated to Girls Inc. amid protests, pickets, and a boycott of American Girl Inc. products in Dec. 2005" (Source)

Original Post: If you haven't heard, American Girl Dolls are selling an "I can" bracelet, which funds Girls Inc, an abortion and homosexuality supporter. Girls Inc. also opposes abstinence-only education. I am boycotting the group along with many prominent pro-life groups and I hope you will join me in this campaign.

For each "I can" bracelet sold, Girls Inc, gets 70 cents in addition to their $50,000 donation from American Girl. So far, as a result of the boycott from November 1st, Bath and Body Works has stopped selling the "I can" bracelet.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Don't use Progressive Auto Insurance

As Christmas nears we have seen more and more companies attack Christmas but remember - you can't have Christmas without Christ. We are His messengers; the ones who share in the great light of joy. With this week of Advent focusing on the joy of the Coming Birth of Christ and ultimately His final coming, let us stand up for Christ this Christmas.

I received an email from the American Family Assosication describing Progressive Auto Insurance supporting the ACLU. Here is the text of the message:
In one of his recent columns, Chuck Colson relates the following story.

In a Texas classroom, children were told to draw a tracing of their foot, and then put a message on the drawing. One little girl wrote "Jesus Loves Me" on hers. What happened next shows the abysmal state of religious tolerance in America. As Fox news anchor John Gibson relates in his new book, The War on Christmas, the child's teacher ripped the tracing off the board. "Don't you ever do this again," she said. The little girl burst into tears. When her outraged father called the school, nervous officials told the child to make another tracing.

She did so—but this time, instead of scrawling "Jesus Loves Me," she drew a tiny cross that was so small it was almost invisible.Behind nearly every such incident you will find the ACLU. According to the New York Times, Peter Lewis, chairman of Progressive Insurance, believes in the mission and work of the ACLU so much that he gave them $8.5 million.

Chairman Lewis' gift helps the ACLU promote their anti-Christmas agenda such as:

  • Removing nativity scenes from public property
  • Banning songs such as Silent Night from schools
  • Refusing to allow students to write about the Christian aspect of Christmas in school projects
  • Renaming Christmas break Winter break
  • Refusing to allow a city sponsored Christmas parade to be called a Christmas parade
  • Not allowing a Christmas tree in a public school
  • Renaming a Christmas tree displayed on public property a Holiday tree
In addition to their war on Christmas, the ACLU uses gifts like that from Chairman Lewis to:

  • Sue states to force them to legalize homosexual marriage
  • Force libraries to remove porn filters from their computers
  • Sue the Boy Scouts to force them to accept homosexuals as scout leaders
  • Help legalize child pornography
  • Legalize live sex acts in bars in Oregon
  • Protect the North American Man Boy Love Association whose motto is "sex by eight or it is too late"
  • Censor student led prayer at graduation
  • Remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Remove "In God We Trust" on our currency

Recommended action: If you have a Progressive Insurance policy, cancel it. If you don't have a Progressive policy, let Chairman Lewis know you will not be buying one. (We recommend you do not purchase Allstate Insurance. We will explain our recommendation in a future letter.)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Don't Support "Save Lids to Save Lives"

The program "Save Lids to Save lives" on Yoplait Yogurt containers should not be supported. The money donated goes to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and I was going to send some lids away because for every lid $0.10 goes to the foundation. However, I did some research and discovered this Foundation is a supporter of abortion.

"The Komen Foundation took in $153 million in 2003, and much of it probably went to finance good causes. But in 2003 the foundation also donated $475,000 to Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider" (Source: Toronoto Free Press).

Update: According to LifeNews in December 2006, the Susan G. Komen foundation gave more donations to Planned Parenthood.

As Catholics and Christians or even people of other faiths that value life from God, we must not support abortion in any way. Abortion, no matter what way you look at it, ends with death - death not in accordance with God's time but with our own. Abortion should be considered murder, and I can not send away anything to any foundation financing, even in part, such a horrible cause.

January 2012 Update: The National Office (not affiliates) have at least temporarily suspended donations to Planned Parenthood.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Take Action: Catholic Action

Take a stand for the Faith! Be a solder for Christ! Click here to see the action items that you can take as a Catholic.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Don't support UNICEF or the March of Dimes

As Catholics we should always be cautious of what work our donations contribute towards, and I strongly recommend again the March of Dimes and UNICEF because these organizations support abortion, which is equal to the murder of another human being. Technically, the March of Dimes is neutral on abortion but they support destroying embryos with genetic abnormalities (1).

I'd like to point out that I recently read that UNICEF's work involves promoting abortion (2).

Note: Some other charities give to Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider in the US. See the list.

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