Showing posts with label Words of Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Words of Inspiration. Show all posts
Friday, June 30, 2006
St. John of the Cross: We are judged on love

"In the evening of life, we will be judged on love alone" (St. John of the Cross)

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Words of Inspiration: June 28, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"I serve Jesus twenty-four hours a day. Whatever I do is for Him. And He gives me strength."

Padre Pio:

"Each holy Mass heard with devotion, produces marvelous effects in our souls, spiritual and material graces, that we ourselves do not know. For such purposes do not spend your money uselessly, make a sacrifice of it and come here to hear holy Mass."

"It would be easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the holy sacrifice of the Mass."

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain

Saturday, June 24, 2006
Words of Inspiration: June 24, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa: "When you accept a task, do it willingly. If not, don’t accept it!"

Padre Pio: "Jesus alone can understand what I suffer when the painful scene of Calvary is enacted before my eyes. It is equally incomprehensible how Jesus can be consoled not merely by those who sympathize with His torments, but when He finds a soul who, for love of Him, asks no consolations and only wants to be allowed to share in his sufferings" (Letters p 377).

"Man should tremble, the world should vibrate, all Heaven should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the alter in the hands of the priest" (St. Francis of Assisi)

Image Source: Pope Pius XI Enthroned at St. John Lateran Basilica
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Words of Inspiration: June 20, 2006

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen:

“Jesus fed bread to the multitudes in the desert. Having fed the hungry masses, they ‘sought to make Him king’ (John 6: 15). It is ever in the human heart, when it loses its love of the spiritual, to worship those who promise full stomachs or economic power. They wished to make Jesus king in opposition to all the kings of the earth; instead of surrendering themselves to Him and His sublime doctrine about sin and redemption, they willed to have Him submit to them. They did not want to be drawn up to Him, but to draw Him down to them. However sincere and enthusiastic they were, they were, nevertheless, bent on pulling Divinity down to the level of the human.”

My children, we can never prepare ourselves too much for Holy Communion (St. Padre Pio).

"This Sacrament being a mystery of faith, we must believe firmly that Jesus Christ is really present in the Holy Eucharist, and that He is living and glorious there as in heaven" (St. John Vianney).

Image Source: The Tridentine Mass: A Picture Essay
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Padre Pio: Jesus Take Possession of Me

"My Jesus, my sweetness, how can I live without You? Come always, My Jesus, come; You alone take possession of my heart"

St. Padre Pio
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Words of Inspiration: June 10, 2006

Today is a horribly, rainy day for me. Here's some wisdom from Blessed Mother Teresa to improve our day.

"The password of the early Christians was "joy," so let us still serve the Lord with joy. Joy is love, joy is prayer, joy is strength. God loves a person who gives joyfully, and if you give joyfully you always give more. A joyful heart is the result of a heart burning with love."
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Words of Inspiration: June 8, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"When you know how much God is in love with you the you can only live your life radiating that love."

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Monday, June 5, 2006
Words of Inspiration: June 5, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"Anyone is capable of going to Heaven. Heaven is our home. Dying is not the end, it is just the beginning. Death is a continuation of life. This is the meaning of eternal life; it is where our soul goes to God, to be in the presence of God, to see God, to speak to God, to continue loving Him with greater love. We only surrender our body in death - our heart and our soul live forever."

Image Source: Jesus Returning the Keys to St. Peter by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1820
Words of Inspiration: June 5, 2006

"I will not rest until I find the whole world devoted to the Blessed Sacrament!" (Blessed Didacus Joseph of Cadiz).
Saturday, June 3, 2006
Words of Inspiration: June 3, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"We are all capable of good and evil. We are not born bad: everybody has something good inside. Some hide it, some neglect it, but it is there. God created us to love and to be loved, so it is our test from God to choose one path or another."

Padre Pio:

"Jesus you already come into my soul. With what food must I feed You? With love! But my love is false, Jesus I love You very much, make up for my love" (AD,36).

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat:

"Ah! If we had faith! If we were penetrated by the thought that at this moment Our Lord is on the altar! We would be motionless, we would forget that we have bodies
. . . . We have so much to ask for the Church, for sinners, for the Society, for our families, for the children entrusted to us, for ourselves."
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Words of Inspiration: May 31, 2006

I have several quotations that I'd like to share today:

"Without prayer I could not work for even half an hour. I get my strength from God through prayer" (Blessed Mother Teresa)

"Helping Christ carry His cross fills one with a strong and pure joy, and those who may and can do so, the builders of God's kingdom are the most authentic children of God" (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

"Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life. Therefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits" (Saint Philip Neri)

"Prayer ought to be humble, fervent, resigned, persevering, and accompanied with great reverence. One should consider that he stands in the presence of a God, and speaks with a Lord before whom the angels tremble from awe and fear" (Saint Mary Magdalen de Pazzi)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Words of Inspiration: May 23, 2006

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.

Source: Mother Teresa

Image Source: Unknown, Believed to be in the Public Domain
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Words of Inspiration: May 21, 2006

"To attract souls and transform them into Himself through love, Christ has revealed His own infinite love, His own Heart inflamed by love for souls, a love that impelled Him to mount the Cross, to remain with us in the Eucharist and to enter our souls and to leave us in testament His own Mother as our Mother" (St. Maximilian Kolbe)

"The poor are Christ Himself" (Blessed Mother Teresa).

"Jesus who reigned in heaven with His most holy humanity received from the womb of the Virgin, wanted his mother to be reunited to Him not only with her soul but also with her body and share fully in His glory. And that was right and the just. That body that was not as slave of the devil and sin for one instant was not to be as slave of corruption either" (St. Padre Pio).
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Remember Jesus in the Eucharist

""Never forget Jesus, this divine Model. Try to see a certain lovable majesty in his Presence [in the Holy Eucharist]. Try to hear a certain pleasant authority in His manner of speaking . . . . Imagine His extremely composed and sweet expression with which He drew the crowds, making them leave cities and castles, leading them to the mountains, to the forests, and to the solitude of the deserted beaches of the sea. Imagine the crowds totally forgetting food, drink, and their domestic duties in order to follow Him" (St. Padre Pio)

Image Source: Unknown
Monday, May 15, 2006
Words of Inspiration: May 15, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. "

St. Padre Pio:

"May the Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, always smile on your spirit, obtaining for it, from her Most Holy Son, every heavenly blessing."

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Words of Inspiration: May 10, 2006

"The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved."

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Words of Inspiration: May 7, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."

Padre Pio:

"Oh Mary, sweet Mother of priests, mediatrix and administratrix of all graces, from the bottom of my heart I beg and implore you to thank Jesus, the fruit of thy womb, today, tomorrow and forever. "

Thursday, May 4, 2006
Words of Inspiration: May 4, 2006

"May Mary be the star which shines on your path, and May she show you the safe way to reach the Heavenly Father. May she be like an anchor to which you must be more closely attached in time of trial."

Image Source: Assumption of Mary by Veronese
Monday, May 1, 2006
Words of Inspiration: May 1, 2006

"To know history is to cease to be a Protestant" (John Henry Cardinal Newman, former Anglican clergyman and Catholic convert)

Image Source: Chapel of Ecce Homo, Believed to be in the Public Domain
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Quotations from Mother Teresa and St. Pio

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"I believe in person to person. Every person is Christ for me, and since there is only one Jesus, that person is the one person in the world at that moment."

Padre Pio:

"Do not abandon your soul to temptation, says the Holy Spirit, because the joy of the heart is the life of the soul, it is an inexhaustible treasure of sanctity; while sadness is the slow death of the soul and it is of no use to anyone."

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