Sunday, January 10, 2010
Reader Comments on Francisco Franco Post

I wish to thank the reader who sent me the following comment. It is always great to know that people do appreciate my articles.

Hey Matthew,

I came across your blog while doing a little reading on General Francisco Franco. I would have simply left a comment on your Franco entry; however, I couldn't figure out how to do that. Anyway, that caused me to read a bit more of your blog, and I'm glad I did. I have to say that I'm impressed with your untainted view of history. You seem to have escaped the clutches of the public school system and that is indeed a magnificent thing. And a commitment to Traditional Catholicism.... you definitely have Someone looking out for you. I grew during Vatican II and the changes that followed. My family managed to re-connect with Tradition when I was about your age....31 years ago. Matthew, keep up the good work. You're headed down the right road.
Veni Creator Spiritus: St. James Church (London)

The Veni Creator Spiritus, sung at St. James' Church, Spanish Place, London, UK, on Jan 1st 2010. A Plenary Indulgence (under the usual conditions) may be obtained by singing the Veni Creator Spiritus on the first day of the year.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Epiphany of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Epiphany of the Lord is celebrated each year by the Church on January 6. This is the last day of Christmas (the 12th Day of Christmas). And on the Epiphany, we remember Christ revealing His divinity in three ways:

* to the Magi who, guided by the great and mysterious Star of Bethlehem, came to visit Him when He was a Baby (Matthew 2:1-19)

* through His Baptism by St. John, when "the Spirit of God descending as a dove" came upon Him and there was heard a voice from Heaven saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1), and all Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity were manifest (Note: the Baptism of Our Lord is also commemorated on the 13th of January)

* through His first public miracle -- that of the wedding at Cana when Our Lord turned water into wine at the request of His Mother (John 2). Just as God's first miracle before the Egyptian pharaoh, through Moses, was turning the waters of the Nile into blood, Our Lord's first miracle was turning water into wine.

Source: Fish Eaters

For more information, please see my post entitled: Epiphany of the Lord for prayers, reflections, and much more information.


We keep this day holy in honor of three miracles: this day a star led the Wise Men to the manager; this day water was turned into wine at the marriage feast; this day Christ willed to be baptized by John in the Jordan for our salvation, alleluia.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal, Antiphon at Magnificat for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord (January 6th)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Repose of the Soul of Abbot Ladislas K. Parker

The following note is from our friends at Jade Musik:
Dear Friends,

Just a notice that our founding abbot, Ladislas K. Parker, O.Praem., passed away peacefully Sunday morning at the abbey.  He was 94 years old.

Keep the repose of his soul and all of us in your prayers, thanks!

Fr. Jerome Molokie, O.Praem.
St. Michael's Abbey
19292 El Toro Road
Silverado, California 92676-9710
Sunday, January 3, 2010
2010 Saint for the Year Devotion: Updated

Over the past few years, starting in December 2005, I started offering the Saint for the Year Devotion on my blog, along with Marianne, who actually draws the saints for this devotion. For the 2005 devotion alone, I have had 475 individual requests for a special saint for the year. This is amazing! And starting today I will be taking names of anyone that wants to take part in this devotion for the year 2010.


 St. Louis IX - Virgin and Child Adored by Saint Louis, King of France

What is the Saint for the Year Devotion? Here is my post on this from years past to clarify the matter. This is from the person that draws all of the saints. I don't draw the saints. I will merely pass on your name or screenname to her so that she will draw a saint for you. Also, I will pass on the name of any of your family or friends that would like to participate. This isn't superstition. St. Faustina did the same thing!

Last year dozens of people received saints to be their special patron, and there were miraculous connections. It was truly amazing. We pray that this year the Holy Spirit will again work so that all participants receive a saint that they will be able to pray to for aid throughout the entire year:
Saint for the Year

I want to tell you about the practice of picking a saint at random to be your “holy protector” for the year. Actually, the saint is the one who chooses us though. The tradition of letting a saint “pick you,” is not a new one. St. Faustina wrote about it in her diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul. The excerpt is below.

“There is a custom among us of drawing by lot, on New Year's Day, special Patrons for ourselves for the whole year. In the morning during meditation, there arose within me a secret desire that the Eucharistic Jesus be my special Patron for this year also, as in the past. But, hiding this desire from my Beloved, I spoke to Him about everything else but that. When we came to refectory for breakfast, we blessed ourselves and began drawing our patrons. When I approached the holy cards on which the names of the patrons were written, without hesitation I took one, but I didn't read the name immediately as I wanted to mortify myself for a few minutes. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my soul: ‘I am your patron. Read.’ I looked at once at the inscription and read, ‘Patron for the Year 1935 - the Most Blessed Eucharist.’ My heart leapt with joy, and I slipped quietly away from the sisters and went for a short visit before the Blessed Sacrament, where I poured out my heart. But Jesus sweetly admonished me that I should be at that moment together with the sisters. I went immediately in obedience to the rule.”Excerpt from Divine Mercy in My Soul, the Diary of St. Faustina"

I have a container full of names ... I will be glad to pick out the name for you and send you the name if you prefer. I am so excited by my saint(s) ... I already picked mine. Well, I should say that they picked me ... I have Saints Marcus and Marcellianus ... they are twin brothers who were sent to prison before their death. St. Sebastian visited them continually in prison and helped keep their faith alive. They are buried near St. Felix and are specifically honored in Spain.

OK now ... here are a couple of immediate ironies in regard to these saints ... I have a SPECIAL place in my heart for twins! As a child, I LOVED reading the story about St. Sebastian. I had a children's book of saints and I think I wore out the pages on St. Sebastian! Felix is my grandfather's name! Silvia, our exchange student, is from Spain! I am so excited to have these two saints to walk through 2006 with me! I'm looking forward as to where and how they will intercede for me.
Please pass this message on through your blogs and/or email distribution lists, letting all of the Catholic blogsphere have the chance to participate. I only ask that you give me your email address so that I may contact you when your saint is drawn. Usually within one to two days I can email you about your saint.

So, please either make sure your email address is in your profile or please leave it below in the comment box when you ask to participate. If you wish to remain anonymous, please leave your initials instead of your name.  And, if you would prefer to email me directly and not write your email address in the comment box, please send an email entitled "Saint for the Year 2010" to acatholiclife [at]

So, comment below and pass this message on throughout the entire Catholic Blogsphere!


St. Louis IX - Death of Saint Louis 1270 by Gustave Dore

The results of all individuals who request saints will be displayed below.  Only first names and/or initials will be used to identify individuals.  An individuals results will also be emailed to them.

Update: January 3 - all received requests thus far have been processed.  The results are below.  Please feel free to contact me still as this devotion has not ended!
  1.     BearPaw - St. Paul of the Cross, 04/28
  2.     Angelica - St. John the Silent, 05/13
  3.     Anna - St. Radegundes, 08/13
  4.     Vince, - St. Rogatian, 05/24
  5.     Auliya Marie  - St. Elphege, 04/19
  6.     John-Luc - St. Thomas More and St. Raymond of Penyafort
  7.     Monique - The Sacred Heart
  8.     Frances - St. John Baptist de la Salle
  9.     Claudette - The Blessed Virgin Mary and her Miraculous Medal, 11/27
  10.     Nicholas - St. Nicholas of Myra, 12/06
  11.     Natile - St. Hospitius, 05/21
  12.     Ida - St. Finnbar, 09/25
  13.     Helen - St. Stephen, the First martyr
  14.     Seminarian Edward - St. Hugh of Grenoble, 04/01
  15.     Mark M - The Eighteen Holy Martyrs of Saragossa, 04/16
  16.     Kim,  - St. Simeon, Bishop, 02/18
  17.     Gene, - St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe
  18.     Erin,  - St. John Bosco, 01/31
  19.     Daniel,  - St. John the Evangelist, 12/27
  20.     Paul  - St. Louis Mary de Montfort, 04/28
  21.     Annemarie - St. Stephen, the First Martyr
  22.     James - St. Raymond of Pennafort, -1/23
  23.     LW - St. Fabien, 01/20
  24.     Holly Hall - St. Anthony-Mary Claret, 10/23
  25.     Nevaeh - St. Vitus
  26.     Bryan D - St. Finan or Finian, 12/12
  27.     ivarbjoe  - St. Benedict
  28.     Cassidy - St. Thomas More
  29.     Marjorie H., - St. Isidore the Farmer, 05/15
  30.     Mike H.,  - St. Louis Bertrand, 10/09
  31.     Michael H.,  - St. Christina, 07/24
  32.     Matthew H. - St. Servulus, 12/23
  33.     Melissa H. - St. Agatha, 02/05
  34.     Steve  - St. Anacletus, 07/13
  35.     Toni - St. Joseph Calasanz, 08/25
  36.     Stephanie -- St. Peter and his Chair at Rome, 01/18
  37.     Trissi  - St. Peter Fourier, 12/09
  38.     Ken - St. Epiphanius, 05/12
  39.     John - St. Perpetuus, 04/08
  40.     Dan - The Blessed Virgin Mary and her Miraculous Medal, 11/27
  41.     Chris - St. Claude, Apollinaire, 01/08
  42.     Rudy - St. Oswald, 02/28
  43.     Julie H - St. Vincent, 01/22
  44.     Cy - St. Raymond Nonnatus, 08/31
  45.     Cy sister - St. Brendan, 05/16! 
  46.     Francis Carmelle - St. Pantaenus, 07/07 
  47.     Fran - The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, 03/10 
  48.     Ann - Bl. Maximin Giraud,  09/20! 
  49.     Christine - St. Eligius or Eloy, 12/01
  50.     Jam - St. John, apostle and evangelist, 12/27
  51.     DJ - St. Gerard, abbott, 10/03
  52.     Wally - St. Martin de Porres, 11/03
  53.     Yaya - St. Agnes, 01/21
  54.     Jazmyn - St. Joseph
  55.     Katelyn - St. John of Sahagun or of St.Fagondez
  56.     Ursula - St. Osmund
  57.     deProfunis -  St. Lambert, 09/17 
  58.     Jarrett - St. Tarachus, feast day on 10/11 
  59.     Lucy - St. Benedict - Joseph Labre, 04/16
  60.     Demetria - St. Jeanne - Antide Thouret, 05/23
  61.     Jeannette - St. Michael the Archangel, 09/29
  62.     Cesar - St. Martin de Tours, 11/11 
  63.     Brian T - St. Philogonius, 12/20 
  64.     Lara - St. Francis de Sales
  65.     Meghan O. - St. John Chrysostom
  66.     Hank - St. Margaret, queen of Scotland, 06/10
  67.     Timber - St. John the Evangelist, 12/27 
  68.     Xman - The Immaculate Heart of Mary, 08/22
  69.     Lightning and Family - St. Paul, 06/29
  70.     Stace and family - St. Matthew, 09/21
  71.     Mix - Bl. Maximin Giraud, 09/20
  72.     Joy - St. Thomas Aquinas 
  73.     Pam - St. Catherine of Sweden, 03/22
  74.     Hilda - St. Blandina, 06/02
Friday, January 1, 2010
Novena to the Holy Family

O most loving Jesus, Who by Thy sublime and beautiful virtues of humility, obedience, poverty, modesty, charity, patience and gentleness, and by the example of Thy domestic life didst bless with peace and happiness the family Thou didst choose on earth, in Thy clemency look down upon this household, humbly prostrate before Thee and imploring Thy mercy. Remember that this family belongs to Thee; for to Thee we have in a special way dedicated and devoted ourselves. Look upon us in Thy loving kindness; preserve us from danger; give us help in time of need, and grant us the grace to persevere to the end in the imitation of Thy Holy Family; that having revered Thee and loved Thee faithfully on earth, we may bless and praise Thee eternally in heaven.

O Mary, most sweet Mother, to thy intercession we have recourse, knowing that thy Divine Son will hear thy prayers.

And do thou, O glorious Patriarch, St. Joseph, assist us by thy powerful mediation, and offer, by the hands of Mary, our prayers to Jesus. Amen.

1 Our Father ...1 Hail Mary... 1 Glory Be


Lord Jesus Christ, who, being made subject to Mary and Joseph, didst consecrate domestic life by Thine ineffable virtues; grant that we, with the assistance of both, may be taught by the example of Thy holy Family and may attain to its everlasting fellowship. Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.

(Indulgence, 5 years each time)

A Prayer to The Holy Family, for One’s Children

O Jesus, only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father, well-beloved Son of the Blessed Virgin and foster Child of St. Joseph, we most fervently implore Thee, through Mary Thine ever-blessed Mother and St. Joseph Thy foster father, take our children under Thy special charge and enclose them in the love of Thy Sacred Heart. They are the children of Thy Father in Heaven, created after His own image; they are Thy possession, for Thou hast purchased them with Thy Precious Blood; they are temples of the Holy Ghost, who sanctified them in Baptism and implanted in their hearts the virtues of faith, hope and charity.

O most loving Jesus, rule and guide them, that they may live according to the holy Catholic Faith, that they may not waver in their confidence in Thee and that they may ever remain faithful to Thy love.

O Mary, Blessed Mother of Jesus, grant to our children a place in thy pure maternal heart! Spread over them thy protecting mantle when danger threatens their innocence;
keep them firm when they are about to stray from the path of virtue; and should they have the misfortune of falling into mortal sin, oh, then raise them up again, reconcile them with thy Divine Son and restore them to Sanctifying Grace.

And thou, O holy foster father St. Joseph, do not abandon our children! Protect them from the assaults of the wicked enemy and deliver them from all dangers of soul and body.

O dear parents of the holy Child Jesus! Intercede for us parents also, that we may bring up our children in the love and fear of God and one day attain with them the Beatific Vision. Amen.

Prayers Source: This prayer is taken from Prayer Book for Religious, compiled by Fr. F. X. Lasance, S.J. (Benziger Brothers, 1904)
St Andrews & Edinburgh Schola 2010 Calendar

I wanted to recommend these upcoming Sacred Liturgies from the St Andrews & Edinburgh Schola located in Edinburgh (UK).

In the past I have posted photos from their I Vespers of St. Joseph the Workman. If you attend any of the following sacred liturgies, please send me any pertinent photos, as I would love to publish them on this blog.

Thursday 21 January 2010
St Agnes, Virgin & Martyr
Solemn Vespers and Benediction
St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh

All are welcome to join the Schola for this opportunity to pray with the ancient music of the Church. St. Agnes of Rome (c. 291 – c.304) is a virgin–martyr, venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Catholic Churches, the Anglican Communion, and in Eastern Orthodoxy. She is one of seven women, excluding the Blessed Virgin, commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass. She is the patron saint of chastity, gardeners, girls, engaged couples, rape victims, and virgins.


Thursday 11 February 2010
Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Solemn Vespers and Benediction
St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh


Thursday 25 March 2010
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Solemn Vespers and Benediction
St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh


Thursday 1, Friday 2 and Saturday 3 April 2010
Tenebrae for the Holy Triduum
10.00am, St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh
Sunday within the Octave of Christmas

A good video for Mass said for the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas. This Mass is said at the St. Martin of Tours Church in Louisville, KY.

For the Mass propers for this Octave Sunday, click here.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
St. Thomas of Canterbury

Image: The martyrdom of St Thomas from the St Thomas Altarpiece commissioned in 1424, from Meister Francke by the Guild of English Merchants in Hamburg

Double (1955 Calendar): December 29
Commemoration (1962 Calendar): December 29 (First Class in England and Wales)
Optional Memorial (1969 Calendar): December 29

St. Thomas of Canterbury (1118 - 1170) - also known as St. Thomas Becket - was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to December 29, 1170, the date of his assassination.

St. Thomas Becket grew into a dispute with King Henry II of England when Henry II wished for St. Thomas Becket to sanction customers contrary to the liberties of the Church - an action that would undoubtedly make the Church subservient to the secular rule of the King.  In his defiance, St. Thomas Becket refused to consent to this request.  As a result, St. Thomas Becket - ever faithful to the Lord - was slain in the Cathedral in Canterbury on December 29, 1170.

As sings the Introit for today's Mass Propers: "Let us all rejoice in the Lord, celebrating a festal day in honor of blessed Thomas the Martyr: at whose martyrdom the Angels rejoice, and praise the Son of God.  Rejoice in the Lord, O ye just: praise becometh the upright."

Account of the Assassination according to Edward Grim:
The wicked knight leapt suddenly upon him, cutting off the top of the crown which the unction of sacred chrism had dedicated to God. Next he received a second blow on the head, but still he stood firm and immovable. At the third blow he fell on his knees and elbows, offering himself a living sacrifice, and saying in a low voice, 'For the name of Jesus and the protection of the Church, I am ready to embrace death.' But the third knight inflicted a terrible wound as he lay prostrate. By this stroke, the crown of his head was separated from the head in such a way that the blood white with the brain, and the brain no less red from the blood, dyed the floor of the cathedral. The same clerk who had entered with the knights placed his foot on the neck of the holy priest and precious martyr, and, horrible to relate, scattered the brains and blood about the pavements, crying to the others, 'Let us away, knights; this fellow will arise no more.
 Source: This Sceptred Isle: 55 BC - 1901: The Roman Invasion to the Death of Queen Victoria p.73 Christopher Lee
In 1173 — barely three years after his death — he was canonized by Pope Alexander III as a saint.  On July 12, 1174, Henry II visited the tomb of St. Thomas Becket in a display of public penance.

The Forgotten Importance of St. Thomas Becket's Day:

In the 1962 Missal, his feastday was reduced to a mere commemoration since the feria days in the Octave of Christmas were raised to the II class in 1960. However, in England and Wales, St. Thomas's feast is of the First Class and kept with a Commemoration of the Octave of Christmas. In Medieval England, the Feast of St. Thomas Becket (Dec 29) and the Feast of his translation (July 7) were Holy Days of Obligation as affirmed in Archbishop Islip’s list of days of obligation for England.


O God, for the sake of Whose Church the glorious Bishop Thomas fell by the sword of ungodly men: grant, we beseech Thee, that all who implore his aid, may obtain the good fruit of their petition.  Through our Lord.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Importance of Music in the Life of a Parish and How a Parish Can Start a Sacred Music Program

The Importance of Music in the Life of a Parish and How a Parish Can Start a Sacred Music Program

Guest Author of this article: Daniel

If you wish to contact the author, please leave comments in the comments box or email acatholiclife[at]gmail[dot]com.


In the Catholic Book of Character, Edward Garesche S.J. indicates that whatever enters the imagination remains there until death, even if not always present to consciousness. We are therefore obliged to nourish the imagination with good and beautiful things that lead us to God. This summarizes the beneficence of having good music in our liturgies on a human level. Everything employed in the worship of God seeks firstly to glorify Him. Secondarily, though probably just as important, is its salutary effect on us.

The Gregorian Mass is saturated with symbols expressed through gestures, sounds, and smells for a reason which is at the very heart of religion: To bring mankind into an encounter with the Divine. Like our incomparable Savior, the Mass is composed of divine and human elements. Its divinity consists in the offering of the Son to the Father in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. However, in order that we may more fully benefit from its effects, the Church draws our attention to this mystery by stimulating our imaginations with beautiful ritual, for the more beautiful something is, the closer it is to God, Who is Beauty Itself.

Until the reforms of the 1960s, it was generally accepted that only the most beautiful and holy music, especially Gregorian chant, was suitable for the solemnity of the Mass. With the introduction of the "folk Mass," however, music in the liturgy became intimately tied with the world, losing its holiness to secular influences and beauty to shallow popular forms. The imagination no longer had the opportunity to soar into the transcendent, but was dragged into the immanent.

Such a description of these reforms might sound ridiculous. Why is music so important that I should view recent history with this perspective? The Second Vatican Council responds in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy that music is the most esteemed of the Church's liturgical arts, as it most directly speaks to the soul. That is, music, more than any other element of the liturgy, affects the imagination, having the power to raise our thoughts to heavenly things or lower them to worldly distractions. When we raise our minds to God, we are praying; music therefore has a direct correlation to our life of prayer. Therefore man has a greater potential for holiness when he is nourished with the bread of beauty in the worship of God.

This is why the return to beautiful liturgical music in recent years is such a good thing and so important. One could almost say our salvation depends on it. If we do not conceive heaven as being someplace beautiful, then we will not want to go there. We are drawn toward things that please us; only God, Who is infinitely pleasing, can satisfy our infinite longings, but we cannot know this if He is shrouded and blocked out by ugliness. It is imperative, then, that all parishes begin the process of restoring beauty - dare I say, God Himself - to their liturgies. Through music, the liturgy can become more God-like, greatly sanctifying its participants and, consequently, the world.

Such a noble task rests with church musicians in cooperation with their pastors. Establishing or reorganizing a parochial music program can appear a daunting task. In considering the challenges, though, musicians should always keep in mind that there is no obstacle too great for God's grace to overcome. Be sure to complement all your efforts with prayer.

Having a supportive pastor is essential in enacting meaningful and enduring changes. It is through his preaching and teaching of orthodoxy that a congregation will be able to appreciate the gradual changes that you will implement. Depending on your situation, this might be the most difficult part of the process and will require more prayer.

Once you have the support of your pastor, your primary concern will be to address the twofold challenge of teaching your choir good vocal technique and acclimating the congregation to proper liturgy. Concerning the former, if you do not know where to start, it is good to keep in mind that the two most important components of good singing are breath control and unity of vowels. Regarding the latter, I offer my own experience.

For the purpose of training both choir and congregation, it is best to begin with hymns, avoiding a complete switch from one style of worship to another. This also permits your choir some time to begin learning the art of singing chant. Some good sources of hymnody include the Traditional Roman Hymnal - one of the best in my opinion, the St. Gregory Hymnal, the Westminster Hymnal - text and music are separate here, and the Adoremus Hymnal. Hymns are the best way for your choir to practice good singing and for the congregation to become accustomed to orthodox text and beautifully crafted melodies.

You should use chant hymns that have been harmonized - such as Creator of the Stars of Night or Of the Father's Love Begotten, for example - whenever possible in order to prepare the way for the propers. When you believe your choir is ready, you may start adding simple propers. One of the best sources of free online chants and chant resources is I have found the Anglican Use Gradual - approved for use in the Mass - wonderfully suited to novice singers and congregations. They use psalm tones and high English, making them accessible yet exalted.

If you have attained these heights in your liturgies, then your parish is well on its way to fostering great holiness among its parishioners. From here, the paths are as varied as the branches of a Christmas tree. You may choose to employ polyphonic music of the renaissance, modern compositions ( is a good place to find some of these), or simple hymns. The sky is your limit and the rubrics your foundation.

St. Cecelia, pray for us!

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