As of
9:46 Eastern Time $825,465 has been
raised through blogs with the top with the Red Cross receiving most: $160,246 followed by Catholic Charities $92,101. I am amazed by the generosity out there.
Update: $843,015 as of 12:28 Eastern Time.
Update: $ 967,947 as of 6:56 Eastern Time.
Update: $1,021,655 as of 9:21 Eastern Time.
I'm amazed with the generosity. God Bless
The Truth Laid Bear is a site that lists all bloggers that are blogging for Katrina. If you can donate please do so by clicking on the side icon, and please
log your contribution on Truth Laid Bear (you can be anonymous) to see how effective blogging for Katrina is.
Here are some other pages of interest:
Instapundit's roundup pageTTLB Katrina Relief pageIf you can help though, please donate to these people. They have lost everything. And please
log your contribution too. I recommend Catholic Charities (visit them through the icon on the top of this post. I also recommend the
Humane Society of the US for the animals affected by this disaster).
God Bless