Friday, February 3, 2006
Let us Defend the Church

I noticed a huge amount of non-Catholics commenting negatively on Our Blessed Mother on the my post for the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes. It is sad that they reject Mary, Our Mother, who Christ gave to us, His Church: "Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own" (John 19:26-27).

On one of their blogs, I was called a "Mary worshiper". How sad... Mary, pray for us sinners!

Mary is such an important part of our faith as are the saints, which these commenters challege. I however, welcome their comments. It gives me a topic to pray upon and something to write about. I ask you non-Catholics to please read some of these posts of mine and other websites below. You don't have to agree, but please be informed. I've heard too many times that "Catholics worship Mary." It's time for people to learn the truth, and I want to help spread this truth of the Catholic faith.
  1. Why is Mary sinless?
  2. Why is Mary called Co-Redemptrix?
  3. Everything you'd like to know on praying to the saints
  4. Saint Worship?
Blessing of the Throats

With today being the Feast of St. Blase, it's time to get your throat blessed!

For centuries, it has been a tradition for Catholics to have their throats blessed on the Feast of St. Blase, the patron saint against throat ailments. It's a lovely tradition with St. Blaise, who healed a boy with a fishbone stuck in his throat. St. Blase is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

The priest takes two unlit candles and crosses them. He places one on one side of the parishioner's neck and one on the other. And, the priest says this prayer:
By the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every malady of the throat, and from every possible mishap; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. R. Amen.
Also, the priest will pray over and bless the candles prior to using them for this blessing.  The blessing he will use is this: Blessing of Candles for the Feast of St. Blase.
Alito Votes Pro-life Already

Although he was confirmed only a few days ago, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has sided with liberals and moderates in his recent decision. This decision stopped Missouri from executing a man, and as a death-penalty opponent I'm pleased with the outcome.

For more information on this case, please see MSNBC
Second Day of the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

Today is the Second day of this Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes. Please join me in praying this novena even if you have not started yet.

Novena (Feb 2-10):

O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfort to the Afflicted,you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings. Deign to cast upon me a look of mercy.

By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors; and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal.I come, therefore, with the most unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession.

Obtain, O loving Mother, the granting of my requests.Through gratitude for favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues that I may one day share your glory.Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Amen.

(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.)
St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr

Simple (1955 Calendar): February 3

St. Blase's feast day is today. Many people, including myself, go to Mass today to receive a special blessing of the throats. I have always loved this devotion after I received it one year and my sore throat was healed the next morning. See also the special candle blessing given on this day.

Before the changes to the Roman Calendar in the early 1960s, the Divine Office provided this lesson on his life for our edification:
Blase, whose signal virtues made him dear to the people of Sebaste in Armenia, was chosen bishop of that city. When the emperor Diocletian waged his cruel persecution against the Christians, the saint hid himself in a cave on Mount Argeus, and there he remained some time concealed, but was at length discovered by some soldiers of the governor Agricolaus, while they were hunting. They led him to the governor, who gave orders that he should be put into prison. During his imprisonment, many sick people, attracted by the reputation of his sanctity, came to him, and he healed them. Among these was a boy, whose life was despaired of by the physicians, on account of his having swallowed a bone, which could not be extracted from his throat. The saint was twice brought before the governor, but neither fair promises nor threats could induce him to offer sacrifice to the gods. Whereupon, he was first beaten with rods, and then his flesh was torn with iron hooks while he lay stretched on the rack. At length he was beheaded, and nobly gave testimony to the faith of Christ our Lord, on the third of the Nones of February (February 3).

O God, Who dost gladden us by the annual feast of blessed Blase, Thy Martyr and Bishop: mercifully grant that we, who celebrate his heavenly birthday, may also rejoice in his protection. Through our Lord.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
Thursday, February 2, 2006
Remember to Spread the Light of Christ

On the Feast of the Purification of Our Lady.

We are also called to be these beacons of light in a world of darkness. On the EWTN Mass today, the priest called for us to be missionaries for the whole world. Right now the world is 27% Christian. He said our goal is 100%. We are all called to work to saving others souls. Your very prayers and works could save dozens for souls. This is the responsibility to each of us.

The priest said his father goes out to libraries and puts pro-life pamphlets in books on abortion. The point is this - serve Christ. Be his light and He shall give to you life, eternal life.
First Day of the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

Please join me in prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes for the health of all those who suffer. Today is the first day of the Novena, but please keep praying with me for the whole nine day of this novena.

Novena (Feb 2-10):

O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfort to the Afflicted,

you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings. Deign to cast upon me a look of mercy. By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors; and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal.

I come, therefore, with the most unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. Obtain, O loving Mother, the granting of my requests.
Through gratitude for favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues that I may one day share your glory.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Amen. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.)
The Word "Love"

"Today the word 'love' is so tarnished, so spoiled and so abused that one is almost afraid to pronounce it with one's lips. We must take it up again, purify it and give back to it its original splendor so that it might illuminate our life and lead it on the right path."

Pope Benedict XVI (January 23, 2006)
Blessing of Candles for the Feast of St. Blase

The day after The Feast of the Purification of our Lady (called Candlemas) is the feastday of St. Blase. The following prayer for the Blessing of Candles may be said by the ordained. Blessed candles are used in the special Blessing of Throats given on this day.
BLESSING OF CANDLES on the Feast of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr

P: Our help is in the name of the Lord.

All: Who made heaven and earth.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: May He also be with you. 
Let us pray. God, almighty and all-mild, by your Word alone you created the manifold things in the world, and willed that that same Word by whom all things were made take flesh in order to redeem mankind; you are great and immeasurable, awesome and praiseworthy, a worker of marvels. Hence in professing his faith in you the glorious martyr and bishop, Blaise, did not fear any manner of torment but gladly accepted the palm of martyrdom. In virtue of which you bestowed on him, among other gifts, the power to heal all ailments of the throat. And now we implore your majesty that, overlooking our guilt and considering only his merits and intercession, it may please you to bless + and sanctify + and impart your grace to these candles. Let all men of faith whose necks are touched with them be healed of every malady of the throat, and being restored in health and good spirits let them return thanks to you in your holy Church, and praise your glorious name which is blessed forever; through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.

They are sprinkled with holy water.

Source: 1962 Roman Ritual
Feast of the Purification of Our Lady (Candlemas)

Feast (1969 Calendar): February 2
Double of the II Class (1955 Calendar): February 2

Today is the 40th day after Christmas and the final day of the Christmas season. Today is Candlemas, known as the Feast of the Purification of our Lady. Our Lord was presented in the temple on this by the aged Simeon. This beautiful mystery of the Rosary is recorded in the Gospel according to St. Luke:
"And when the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, "Every male that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord") and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, "a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. 
Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And inspired by the Spirit he came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law, he took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to thy people Israel." 
[And His father and His mother marveled at what was said about Him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this Child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed."
And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanu-el, of the tribe of Asher; she was of a great age, having lived with her husband seven years from her virginity, and as a widow till she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day. And coming up at that very hour she gave thanks to God, and spoke of Him to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. 
And when they have performed everything according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth. And the Child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon Him.]" (Luke 22:40)
Today our purification comes in baptism, where by the grace of God our sins are washed clean. See the special prayers for the Blessing of Candles on Candlemas.

This is the Sequence for Candlemas, sung to Dominican chant by the Dominican friars at Blackfriars, Oxford.


Almighty and ever living God, we humbly beseech thy Majesty, that as Thy only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple in substance of our flesh, so Thou wouldst cause us too with purified hearts to be presented unto Thee. Through the same our Lord.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal

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