Friday, March 3, 2006
Papal Title "Patriarch of the West" Dropped

In what appears to be an effort to bridge the differences between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, Pope Benedict XVI has dropped the papal title "Patriarch of the West."
Vatican, Mar. 01 ( - Pope Benedict XVI has dropped one of the traditional titles of the Roman Pontiff. Evidently hoping to eliminate one possible obstacle to ecumenical progress with the Orthodox world, the Holy Father has renounced the title "Patriarch of the West."

The Catholic News Service writes more...
I hope it is evident that the Pope is not just the Patriarch of the West but of the whole Universal Church - He is the Successor of the Chief of the Apostles, St. Peter, and is the leader of the flock of Jesus Christ.

The Pope's other titles remain the "Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of (Peter) the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of the Vatican City, and Servant of the Servants of God."
Words of Inspiration: March 3, 2006

Padre Pio: "Don’t be upset when you are unable to meditate, receive Communion or carry out all the pious practices. In the meantime, try to make up for this in different manner, by keeping yourself united to Our Lord with a loving will, with ejaculatory prayers and Spiritual Communions."
Lent: A time to Rekindle our Devotions

"Upon first entering the church, there is a fire, a fervency, a desire to serve God in this new place that burns brightly; however, as they fuel for that fire tends to be sparse it is of short duration. Soon, from whatever cause, the fire has died down and is banked, the embers are rarely stirred beneath their fine white covering of ash. Such a faith provides a certain warmth and glow, but not the all-consuming blaze that the Lord would like of us.

"Lent is a time to consider how to move once again toward that intimacy, toward an all-out conflagration rather than a simple house-warming fire. It is a time of renewal--not of hardship. The hardships of Lent are incidentals that receive entirely too much of our attention. Fasting, Prayer, and Alms are not strange entities to pull out only at this season--rather they are constants.

Lent is a time to consider all of our activities and to integrate them into the one goal of serving the Lord. "

From An Invitiation to Intimacy

Today let us begin and end the day in prayer. There is no set prayer, rather, let all prayers we say be from the heart. Remember today the image of true love - the Cross. Ask our Lord how much He cares and loves you. And what does He do? He opened up His arms and died for us so that you might have life and be able to live with Him for all eternity.

Today let us offer our abstience from meat up in prayer for those who are starving and hungry and will go to bed without any food. And let our prayers be for them and for all believers and non-believers that we might all grow in a deeper love for the One True Love - Our Savior, Crucfied.

Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Crucified:

Heavenly Father; in the holy name of your Son Jesus, crucified for my sins, and in the Love of the Holy Spirit, I come very humbly before you, with sorrow for my sins. Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, which I live as I receive Him in the Holy Eucharist.

Lord Jesus crucified; I humbly speak to you, in the Presence of Mary our Blessed Mother. I acknowledge that you suffered so much for me and for all, and that we are indebted to you forever. Lord Jesus; I appreciate very much your sufferings for me and for the rest of humanity. I thank you for saving me through your crushing pain, through your many wounds, through your tiredness and agony and through your Precious Blood shed with so much pain and love for us; through your difficulty to breath, through your sweat and tears, through your merciful patience, through every effort that you made and through your total offering for my sins and for the sins of the whole world.

Lord I complain sometimes when I have a little misfortune, a wound or when I am sick or tired, rejected, despised or prosecuted. But you were covered through your entire body with painful wounds; you were pierced with pain by the crown of thorns, you were stripped of your flesh by the scourging, you were insulted with terrible blasphemies, you were spat upon, you were humiliated, you were inflicted new wounds upon your wounded shoulder by the crushing weight of the cross, you were inflicted more wounds upon your wounds by the brutal stripping of your garments, you were pierced painfully by the nails on the cross, you were hanged upon the cross to bleed painfully to death, you suffered asphyxiation as you found it very painful to breathe, and yet your physical agony was only part of your suffering compared to your spiritual agony because you are God, and your holy soul was sorrowful unto death as you surrendered your life in exchange for our eternal life.

You saw the ingratitude of men for your great sacrifice, and you suffered for the pride of our sins, for the aggressiveness of those whom you created with so much love, for the hatred of men who always receive all your love if only they come to you. My Lord Jesus crucified, I come humbly before you, everlasting fountain of healing and life, Powerful source of our Resurrection, food for our souls in the Holy Eucharist, eternal refuge of Divine Light, gate to the Majesty and Glory of the Father and our only hope and salvation.

Divine Merciful Lord, I pray and beseech on behalf of all humanity for your Mercy and compassion, for your healing and blessings and for our Salvation. O, Precious treasure from Heaven, you who are hidden to the proud, fill my heart with humility and purity that I may be worthy to receive the promises of everlasting life in your Glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord into your Sacred Heart I place my heart united to all my needs and desires, I present humbly my petitions, please deign to listen to my plea, embrace me with your love, respond to my soul, look at me your child who comes attracted by your love.

My Lord Jesus; In your crucified body I reverently place my sinfulness, my sicknesses and those of the people that I pray for; since you bore our diseases and infirmities, since you endured our sufferings and paid for our sins. Please dissolve them in your mercy; grant me these petitions in your holy name and in the name of your sorrowful mother, my mother. Amen.

The End of Abortion in Mississippi

The Day is coming when abortion will end! Following South Dakota, Missisippi has introduced a bill in its legislature that will ban virtually all abortions in the state. The only exception is for the life of mother. Governor Barbour of Mississippi has said that although the bill doesn't include exceptions for incest and rape, he will sign it:

"It hasn't gotten to my desk yet. When one gets there, we'll find out, and I suspect I'll sign it."
Update: The Legislature has added exceptions in cases of rape and incest. Although the Catholic Church does not approve of any exceptions because all life is sacred, I do hope this will become law. We need to limit and outlaw abortions - children deserve life.

This is wonderful news. The day is coming when all abortions will be illegal. I have a dream that one day this holocaust of the innocent might end and we will all sit down at the table of brotherhood. Since 1973, over 46 million unborn children have been murdered in the name of privacy and choice. It's time for our society in the twenty-first century to change this. The time has arrived. Let us pray, pray, and pray. Let us also support Gov. Barbour and hope that this bill and the similar measure in South Dakota will become law and survive the courts.

Missouri, the third state, has proposed a measure that would ban abortions with the same exception. This measure however, would be placed before the voters in November and decided upon by them.

Sen. Jason Crowell, the measure's sponsor, said: "The time has come for us to outlaw abortion. The time has come for these decisions to be made in these deliberative bodies, not by nine men and women who wear black robes."
The Holy Father on Ash Wednesday

The Holy Father's audience given at the Ash Wednesday Mass is available online now. Here is only a segment of it:

"Today we begin our Lenten journey, when the Church invites us to ponder Christ's saving work, to live out more deeply the reality of our Baptism and to draw rich nourishment from sacred Scripture. Above all, we are to relive with Jesus the 40 days he spent in the desert, praying and fasting, in preparation for his public mission. We join him in a spiritual journey, we follow him on the road to Calvary, and after the mystery of the Cross, we experience the joy of his Resurrection.

"This day is marked by the solemn distribution of ashes. Two Scripture passages are used to accompany the rite. The first, "remember that you are dust and to dust you will return" (John 3:19), urges us to place our hope in God alone. The second, "turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel" (Mark 1:15), directs us to set out on the path of spiritual renewal, rejecting evil and drawing life from Christ's saving truth.

"The theme of my Lenten Message for this year is the Gospel text: "Jesus, at the sight of the crowds, was moved with pity." We too are called to be attentive to the needs of our suffering brothers and sisters as part of our Lenten observance. Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, may we be purified and renewed, as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Easter."
Thursday, March 2, 2006
55 Democrats sign "Statement of Principles" supporting abortion

Recently a group of 55 Catholic Democrats from the House of Representatives signed a "Statement of Principles." This Statement states that they "agree with the Catholic Church about the value of human life and the undesirability of abortion, we do not celebrate its practice." However, these lawmakers are doing nothing else than playing politics. The Catholic Church was the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It will not be swayed by these Catholics who claim they can be pro-choice and Catholic - that is heresy.

Catholic League president William Donohue commented, "The House Catholic Democrats who signed this statement - and 17 of them did not - are trying to convince the public, and especially Catholics, that one can be a good Catholic and differ with the Catholic Church on abortion."

These are the 55 Democracts:

Rosa L. DeLauro
David R. Obey
Wm. Lacy Clay
Hilda L. Solis
James R. Langevin
Bart Stupak
Anna Eshoo
Bill Pascrell
Betty McCollum
Gene Taylor
Raul M. Grijalva
Carolyn McCarthy
John B. Larson
Ed Pastor
Joe Baca
William Delahunt
Tim Ryan
Silvestre Reyes
Mike Thompson
Linda T. Sanchez
Charles A. Gonzalez
Xavier Becerra
Diane Watson
Michael H. Michaud
Nydia Velazquez
Jim Marshall
Frank Pallone
John T. Salazar
James P. McGovern
George Miller
Tim Holden
James L. Oberstar
Dale E. Kildee
Patrick J. Kennedy
Cynthia McKinney
James P. Moran
Michael Capuano
Richard E. Neal
Mike Doyle
Peter A. DeFazio
Maurice Hinchey
Dennis A. Cardoza
Joseph Crowley
Jim Costa
Lucille Roybal-Allard
Loretta Sanchez
Robert Brady
Marty Meehan
Grace Napolitano
Luis V. Gutierrez
Jose Serrano
Stephen Lynch
Edward J. Markey
Nancy Pelosi
Lane Evans

Read their "Statement" here. Let us pray that these Catholics will one day embrace the Church again and realize that one cannot be pro-choice and Catholic.
The Glorious Sacrament

"Yesterday on approaching the Most Blessed Sacrament, I felt myself burning and I had to withdraw. I am astounded that so many who receive Jesus are not reduced to ashes." St. Gemma Galgani
The blogger at lDymphna's Well posted these words, and I was blown away by their validity. In the Eucharist we have the True Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. We have the most supreme gift to the human race - Our Lord Himself. Last night I went to Mass for Ash Wednesday, and it left a profound impact on my soul. Right before the consecration, when the bread and wine become Jesus Christ, the priest began, "On the night He was betrayed..."

Wow. Think about that. It was on the night that He knew He was to be betrayed and condemned to death that He gave each of us this gift - the ability to receive Him. But what tears me apart is seeing people receive Him in mortal sin. These people will say "Well, this sin (there are many that could apply) isn't a mortal sin. Why can the Church decide this?" So they rationalize their sins and receive Our Lord's precious Body in a state of sin. How horrible! Our Lord is still continually offended and insulted each day in this Sacrament, but in this Sacrament of Love he gives us to Himself. He gives us the highest gift. We must examine our consciences before receiving him!

Those who rationalize their sins, and claim a serious sin is infact not serious, act like those who stood beneath the Cross. The call out to the Church "Come down from there and we will believe" just as people called out to Christ. But neither Christ nor His Catholic Church will come down and change the firm rules of our faith. Our faith is set in stone. As Pope Benedict XVI articulated, "A mature faith is not one that follows the waves of fashion and the latest novelty."

So to those like the Catholic Democrats who signed the recent document thinking that think they can change the Church, you are wrong. To those who receive Christ in a state of mortal sin, stop now. I beg you in the words of St. Paul:

"Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice" (1 Cor 11:27-28).

And to those of you who do not believe in the Real Presence and view the Eucharist as a symbol:
"The bread and wine are not a foreshadowing of the body and blood of Christ—By no means!—but the actual deified body of the Lord, because the Lord Himself said: ‘This is my body'; not ‘a foreshadowing of my body' but ‘my body,' and not ‘a foreshadowing of my blood' but ‘my blood'" (St. John Damascene).

Lent is about changing our ways and repenting. Stop sinning, I beg you for each sin tore through Our Savior. Each mortal sin crucified our Savior. Instead, repent and believe. As my priest said last night as ashes were placed on my forehead, "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel."

More information on the Eucharist can be found through my post, The Eucharist.

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Check out "Journey to Spirituality"

Mike from "Journey to Spirituality" has added a great addition to his blog - a calendar. He is adding the links to the daily scripture readings and will be adding links to his commentary on the calendar soon. I think it's a great idea and something to check out over the next few weeks.
Prayers Needed for Governor Rounds, Abortion to be Stopped

We have begun the long penitential season of Lent. I am asking my fellow Catholics to please prayerfully offer to God your sufferings in reparation for our sins and those of the whole world as well as for the Holy Father and the souls in purgatory.

However, Governor Rounds of South Dakota needs prayers. He is debating whether to sign a piece of legislation that would ban all abortions in the state. This bill has passed the South Dakota Senate and House and is awaiting his action. If signed, Planned Parenthood is planning to immediately file suit, and this case will likely wind up at the Supreme Court.

Gov. Rounds says that many other governors have expressed interest in such legislation including the state of Washington.

Abortion advocates are urging abortion-supporters to boycott South Dakota tourism if the bill is signed. South Dakota depends heavily on its $2 billion tourism industry.

Please offer your prayers and penance up to God for Gov. Rounds to have the courage to sign this bill into law. Please, for the sake of the unborn, the greatest holocaust in our history.

Also, please write to Governor Rounds asking him to sign this bill into law. You can contact him by visiting the Governor of South Dakota website and clicking on "Contact the Governor" in the left-hand menu.

Image Source: Believed to be Life News
The Purpose of Lent

"In these days of Lent, I think of the fact that everything that is born in nature needs preparation, even if it is fundamentally hidden. Thus it is for the seed in the earth, so it is for the fetus in the mother's womb, so it is for the known and unknown stars and planets that have lived for infinite generations, and of which we have received news, particularly in the last century.

"When we speak of Lent, we speak of preparation so that the life in us can be recovered -- or much more -- so that the life in us can be welcomed. The life of Christ risen, his Spirit which is given to us at Easter, needs to find hospitality in us. This is the meaning of the silence and the prayers that is recommended by the Church in this time. This is the meaning of fasting, which is closely related to prayer and silence. That our eyes may not be closed, that our senses may not be dulled.

"This is the meaning of the alms that are asked of us. That our life may not be built on what is secondary and fleeting, but that it may find in Jesus the only richness that does not end, the richness that gives light and weight to every tiny thing. In this way, in our hands, instead of the sad object that will be destroyed, everything becomes an icon of the beauty of the Savior."

Monsignor Massimo Camisasca

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