Friday, May 18, 2007
Catholic Exam Answers

Last year in January 2006 I wrote a post entitled Catholic Exam. After keeping notes from the RCIA class that I attended years ago, I decided to write up a review of the class with a 130 question quiz.

Catholic Exam Answers:

1. Who are the three persons of the Most Holy Trinity?

A.) The Father
B.) The Son
C.) The Holy Spirit

2. What Language was the Old Testament written in?

The entire Old Testament was written in classical Hebrew except for some brief portions, which were written in ancient Aramaic.

3. What Language was the New Testament written in?

The New Testament was probably written in Greek, though some may have first been written in ancient Aramaic.

4. Name the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit.

A.) Charity G.) Patience
B.) Joy H.) Faithfulness
C.) Generosity I.) Chastity
D.) Peace J.) Kindness
E.) Gentleness K.) Goodness
F.) Self-Control L.) Modesty

5. Name the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit

A.) Wisdom E.) Knowledge
B.) Understanding F.) Piety
C.) Counsel G.) Fear of the Lord
D.) Fortitude

6. What is the difference between Mortal and Venial sin?

Mortal sin-must be of grave matter, full knowledge and full consent. Venial sin are slight sins taht do not break our friendship with God; although they injure it, they involve disobedience of the law of God in slight.

7. Recite the Our Father.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.

8. Recite the Hail Mary.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

9. What are Christ's two natures?

A.) Human
B.) Divine

10. What is the Original sin?

It is a sin, which is contracted and not committed, a state and not an act. The sin that Adam committed, a consequence of this first sin, the hereditary stain with which we are born on account of our origin or descent from Adam.

11. How can it be washed away?


12. In the Old Testament name one event, which symbolized baptism-freeing people.

Moses' crossing the dead Sea, freeing the children of Abraham from the slavery of Pharaoh through the waters of the red sea to be an image of the people set free in baptism. Also, Noah being brought through the Great Flood symbolized baptism.

13. Name the Precepts of the church.

A.) You shall obtain mass on Sunday and Holy days of Obligation.
B.) You shall confess your sins at least once a year.
C.) You shall humbly receive your creator in Holy Communion at least during Easter season.
D.) You shall keep holy the Holy days of Obligation.
E.) You shall observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence.
F.) You shall help to provide the needs of the church each to his own ability.

Obligation to observe the church regulations on marriage, a priest must officiate at their marriage, a Catholic who marries without observing the proper form is not eligible to receive Holy Communion.

14. What is the name given to the first 5 books of the Old Testament?

The Pentateuch

15. How did St. Paul convert to the faith?

On the road to Damascus at midday light shown down suddenly from heaven encompassing Saul; he heard Jesus Christ's voice: "Saul, Saul why perseatest thou me?" St. Paul was a man who hated Christ and all Christians until this encounter. Capitulated in front of the living God, Jesus told him to go into Damascus and there he would be told what to do. Paul became blind and did not eat or drink for 3 days. In Damascus the Lord sent a disciple called Anansas to him who restored his vision, filled him with the Holy Spirit, and baptized him after his conversion. (He then began to preach about Jesus in the synagogues, in Damascus, the Jews wanted to kill him but he escaped with the help of some Christians who lowered him in a basket from the top of the city wall.

16. Who were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

They were known as the patriarchs, they are both the physical and spiritual ancestors of Judaism.

17. Who was Joseph from the book of Genesis?

Joseph was the son of Jacob (who was sold into slavery to the Egyptians by his brothers who were jealous of him.)

18. What is the difference between the Ascension and the Assumption?

Ascension - The elevation of Christ into heaven by his own power in the Presence of his disciples the 40th day after the resurrection.

Assumption - A religious act of the taking up of Mary into heaven.

19. How many days after his death did Christ rise?

3 Days (In the Jewish Tradition of counting days even part of a day counted as a day. Therefore, when Christ died on Good Friday that counted as a day even though He died in the afternoon. Saturday counted as the 2nd day. Sunday, even though Christ rose during the morning, still counts as a day because Christ was still in the tomb for part of the day).

20. How many days after the resurrection did He ascend?

40 Days

21. How many days after the Ascension did the Holy Spirit descend?

10 days

22. What is this day called?


23. In Genesis there were 2 trees name and describe both.

The tree of life - Ideas pleasing to God
The tree of Knowledge of good and evil - Ideas pleasing to oneself.

24. How many books are in the Protestant bible of the Old Testament? How Many additional in the Catholic bible?

The Protestant Bible - 66 Books
The Catholic Bible - 73 Books

25. What city was Christ born in?


26. In what city did He die?


27. What does the name Peter mean?

The Rock (in Greek)

28. To what country did Joseph and Mary take the infant Jesus to so that Herod could not kill him.


29. In what city in Galilee did Jesus live most of His human life?


30. In what city did Christ die?


31. What is Palm Sunday?

It is the beginning of Holy Week, Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.

32. What is Good Friday?

The arrest, trial, crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus Christ. The saddest
day of the year for the Church. It is a day of abstience, fasting, and penance.

33. What is the name of the hill where Christ died?

The hill of Calvary in Jerusalem.

34. In what city did Jesus Christ perform His first public miracle?


35. From what building did Christ drive out the moneychangers?

The Temple

36. From what mount did Christ ascend into heaven and from what mount will He stand on the day of his return?

Mount of Olives

37. What was the name of the river the Jesus Christ was baptized in?

The Jordan River

38. Who baptized Jesus Christ?

St. John the Baptist

39. What is the purpose of a guardian angel?

To keep us from harm.

40. Can someone after they die become an angel? If not can they become a Saint?

A.) No
B.) Yes

41. What are angels?

An angel is a pure spirit created by God, employed by God as the ministers of his will (messengers).

42. What are devils?

Evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

43. If someone's body is still preserved years after death what are they known as?

Incorrupt - preserved from decomposition.

44. Was Jesus Christ forced to die?

No, He gave up his life freely for our salvation, and the forgiveness of our sins.

45. Did Christ have to die for our salvation?


46. Who turned Christ into the Romans?

The high priests of the Sanhedrin

47. The Jews told Christ "We have no king but ___________________"

Caesar, who was the Emperor of Rome.

48. What 3 gifts did the 3 wise men bring?

A.) Gold
B.) Frankincense
C.) Myrrh

49. What is the feast celebrated on January 6th (the day the 3 wise men came to Christ)?

The Epiphany

50. Who is the most popular saint of all time?

Mary the Mother of God

51. Who is the most popular saint of modern time?

Saint Therese (the little flower)

52. What is the type of prayer called when you pray it nine days in a row?


53. Christ died on what day?

Good Friday

54. He rose on what day?

Easter Sunday

55. Name the 7 capital sins.

A.) Gluttony E.) Anger
B.) Greed F.) Pride
C.) Lust G.) Sloth
D.) Envy

56. Name the 10 Commandments?

1.) I am the Lord thy God thou shalt not have any strange gods before me
2.) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
3.) Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
4.) Honor thy father and thy mother.
5.) Thou shalt not murder
6.) Thou shalt not commit adultery.
7.) Thou shalt not steal.
8.) Thou shalt not bare false witness against thy neighbor.
9.) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.
10.) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.

57. Who were the 10 Commandments presented to?


58. Moses parted what sea?

The Red Sea

59. True or False: Peter walked on Water?


60. How could he?

Jesus ordered him to walk on water.

61. True or False: Paul was one of the original disciples?


62. Name the 12 original disciples.

1.) Simon (Peter)
2.) Andrew his brother
3.) James son of Zebedee
4.) John his brother
5.) Philip
6.) Bartholomew
7.) Thomas
8.) Matthew
9.) James son of Alphaeus
11.)Simon the Zealot
12.)Judas of Iscariot

63. What disciple turned Christ into the Romans?

Judas of Iscariot

64. Under what Roman governor was Christ crucified?

Pontius Pilot

65. What was the place that Christ was arrested at?

The garden of Gethsemane

66. Money can be a false god: true or false?


67. What are the 4 gospels?

1.) Matthew
2.) Mark
3.) Luke
4.) John

68. When did Christ first institute the Eucharist?

At the Last Supper

69. The arrival of the wise men symbolized what?

The revealing of Jesus Christ to the whole world (Epiphany) marks the arrival of the three wise men at Jesus' birthplace. It symbolized the later acceptance of the Gentiles.

70. Recite a Glory be.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the
beginning and now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.

71. Who was Francis of Assisi?

He was the patron Saint of animals and ecology. A Roman Catholic Saint who took the gospel literally by following all Jesus said and did. He bore the stigmata two years before his death at the age of 44.

72. What two additional commandments did Christ mention in the New Testament?

1.) You shall love you God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind.
2.) You shall love your neighbor as yourself ( that we love one another as Christ loves us.)

73. What does testament mean?


74. Why are there four different gospels instead of one?

To give a more complete picture of Jesus Christ, in having 4 different and yet accurate accounts of Christ you have different aspects of his person and his mission.

75. The Old Testament mirrored the New Testament who symbolized Christ in the Old Testament? (Hint: King_________)


76. Name at least two prophets.

A.) Isaiah
B.) Elisha
C.) Jeremiah

77. What is a Martyr, and why are they symbolized in art?

A person who is put to death or endures suffering because of a belief, Principle or cause. Catholic artistic tradition assigns the saints particular symbols that reveal the saint's martyrdom, miracles or circumstances of their lives. Symbols serve in identifying the saints; for example, martyrs are frequently depicted with palms because of their purity. A saint's life and actions are symbols of spiritual ideas.

78. What does it take to be a Saint?

Proof of 1 miracle for beatification (level below a Saint), 2 more for Canonization. Good works, miracles not until 5 years after your death. A declaration by the Pope that a person a martyr practiced Christian Virtue to a heroic degree is in heaven and is worthy of honor. To be a saint simply means that the person is in Heaven. There are certainly millions of saints who have never been officially canonized.

79. Canonization is the term for what?

Delcaring that someone is a saint in Heaven

80. Most of the books of the bible were written by the end of what century?

1st, 4th and 5th century

81. Jesus tells us His church will be guided by what?

The Holy Spirit

82. True or False: tattoos are allowed ( Hint: Leviticus )

False - "Ye shall not make any cuttings in you flesh for the dead nor imprint any markings upon you. I am the Lord."

83. Is contraception, in vitro fertilization, and artificial insemination a sin?


84. The Great Flood lasted how many days?

150 Days

85. Did Noah first send out a raven or a dove?


86. What did God tell Noah the rainbow meant?

God told Noah the rainbow was a promise that never again would there be a flood to destroy the earth. The rainbow is a sign of that promise.

87. What is the name of the mount where the ark came to rest?

Mount Ararat

88. How many people were on Noah's ark during the flood?


89. What did God tell Noah the rainbow meant?

God told Noah the rainbow was a promise that never again would there be a flood to destroy the earth. The rainbow is a sign of that promise.

90. Who replaced Judas Iscariot?

Saint Matthias

91. At what place was Jesus Christ arrested?

The garden of Gethsemane

92. Who wrote most of the Epistles of the New Testament?


93. True or False: there was a gospel of Mary and James, if yes were they ever part of the Bible?

Yes, No

94. What are the 7 corporal works of mercy?

1.) Feed the hungry
2.) Give drink to the thirsty
3.) Clothe the naked
4.) Shelter the homeless
5.) Comfort the imprisoned
6.) Visit the sick
7.) Bury the dead

95. Who were the 4 major prophets?

1.) Isaiah
2.) Ezekiel
3.) Jeremiah
4.) Daniel

96. Lent has three parts to prepare ourselves for Christ's Resurrection at Easter, what are they as stated in Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18.

1.) Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them for then you will have no reward from your father who is in heaven.
2.) Thur, when you give alms sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites
Do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may be praised by man I say to you they have received their reward.
3.) But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
4.) So that your alms may be in secret and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
5.) And when you pray you must not be like the hypocrites for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners that they may be seen by man truly I say to you they have received their reward.
6.) But when you pray go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you fast do not look dismal like the hypocrites for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by man. Truly I say to you they have received their reward. But when you fast anoint your head and wash your face. That your fasting may not be seen by man but by your Father who is in secret and your Father who sees in secret will reward you

97. What was the split between the Eastern Church and western church in 1054 called?

The Great Schism: it was the joint excommunication of Cerularius, and Humbert

98. What is Mary's promise to anyone who wears a brown Scapular?

Whoever dies wearing the scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.

99. What are the two parts of the Mass?

1.) The Liturgy of the word.
2.) The Liturgy of the Eucharist.

100. Recite the Nicene Creed.

We believe in on God, the Father almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen, we believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made one being with the Father, through him all things were made, for us and for our salvation he came down from Heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit, He became incarnate from the Virgin Mary and was made man, for our sake, he was crucified under Pontius Pilot, He suffered death and was buried, on the third day he rose Again in accordance with the scriptures, He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father, He will come again in Glory to judge The living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, with the Father and the Son, He is worshipped and glorified, He has spoken through the prophets, we believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic church, we acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come, Amen.

101. Why do we genuflect?

To humble ourselves and show respect. We are to genuflect to the Tabernacle on the right knee. We are to genuflect to the pope, if we are in his presence, on the left knee.

102. Why do we make the sign of the cross upon entering the church (2 reasons)?

1.) As a reminder of Baptism
2.) Confession of faith, mark of discipleship

103. What is the greatest Commandment?

Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your mind.

104. The movement towards unity of all Christians is called?

Ecumenism: There can be some problems with this movement at times because the Faith can easily be watered down. True ecumenism must involve attempting to convert ALL non Catholics to the Catholic Faith

105. Who was the first person to see Christ after the resurrection?

St. Mary Magdalene

106. What is the beginning of wisdom?

The fear of the Lord.

107. What is the difference of tradition and Tradition?

Lowercase "tradition" are customs of man but uppercase "Tradition" is the revelation of God.

108. What personal friend of our Lord was raised up from the dead by Jesus?


109. What is the Mass? How is it a sacred meal, a sacrifice?

The mass is the perpetuation of the sacrifice of the cross in the sense that it offers Jesus to God and thus commemorates the sacrifice of the cross, reenacts symbolically and mystically, and applies the fruits of Christ's death upon the cross to individual human souls. All the efficacy of the mass is derived therefore from the sacrifice of Calvary. At the Mass, we are essentially at the Cross of Calvary.

Separate consecration of the bread and of the wine symbolizes the separation of the body and the blood of Christ and these symbolize his death upon the cross.

110. When do we genuflect on both knees in the church?

At the altar repose, and to adore the Blessed Sacrament when it is exposed like during Eucharistic Adoration or Benediction in a monstrance.

111. Name two times we perform a profound bow in church?

1.) During the Liturgy of the Hours when we pray "Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit"
2.) In the Nicene Creed at the words "by the power of the Holy Spirit".

112. What is the purpose of Ash Wednesday?

To address sin and death, to show humility and penance.

113. What is the seal of the sacrament of reconciliation?

A sacred bond, the priest cannot divulge anything about the confession or that it took place, the punishment for a priest who breaks the seal is Excommunication.

114. Who was the first Martyr? Why was he murdered?

Saint Stephen, for citing the passages that were ample evidence out of the mouths of the ancient prophets of God that a Savior would be murdered and the Savior was among them even now in the person of Jesus Christ, the son of God, who is also God Himself. St. Stephen was then stoned to death.

115. Whose tomb was Christ buried in?

Joseph of Aramathia

116. What is Genesis 3:19? On what day do we hear these words?

"For dust you are and from the dust you shall return"; on Ash Wednesday

117. Describe each day and it's meaning in Holy Week.

A.) Palm Sunday - The day Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a donkeywhile the people of the city laid palm leaves before him as he entered.

B.) Holy Thursday - The day of the Last Supper and the day when Jesus was betrayed by Judas and handed over to the Sanhedrin.

C.) Good Friday - The day when Jesus was Crucified, died and was buried.

118. What is the Translation of the Gospel?

A written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication as the first language.

119. What do the initials INRI above Christ's head stand for?

Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews, Iesrs Nazarenes Rex Irdaeicum (Latin)

120. Name the 7 Capital sins?

1.) Gluttony 5.) Anger
2.) Greed 6.) Pride
3.) Lust 7.) Sloth
4.) Envy

121. Who turned Christ into the Romans?

The High Priests

122. What is the difference between the Visitation and the Annunciation?

A.) The visitation was when Mary went to go visit her cousin Elizabeth.

B.) The Annunciation is the revelation by the Angel Gabriel that she would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit to be born the son of God.

123. What is the Transfiguration, where was it, and what does it mean?

Jesus was transfigured to show his power and glory to his disciples, at Mount Tabor. It means that the inner circle of his disciples could gain a greater understanding of who Jesus was. Christ underwent a dramatic change in appearance in order that the disciples could behold him in his glory.

124. Early Christians used the word mysteries to describe what?

Religious teachings that were carefully guarded from the knowledge of the profane.

125. What is the magisterium?

The teaching authority of the church.

126. What is the last communion a person receives called?


127. What does a priest take communion in to the sick?


128. What is the garment over a funeral coffin called?


129. Which Pope declared the Dogma of the Assumption in 1950?

Pope Pius XII dogmatically declared the Dogma of the Assumption on November 1, 1950.

130. What Roman Emperor legalized Christianity in 313 A.D.?


Want to learn more and better perfect your knowledge of the Catholic Faith? Look to for easy-to-use, affordable, yet proudly complete online self-study courses. The Adult Faith Formation Class will cover all of this and MUCH MORE.
Novena to the Holy Ghost (Pentecost Novena)

(For this year: start on Friday, May 18th - nine days before Pentecost)


The novena to the Holy Ghost is the oldest of all novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Ghost on the First Pentecost. It is still the only novena officially prescribed by the Church. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light, strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian. To encourage devotion to the Holy Ghost, the Church has enriched this novena with the following indulgences:

The faithful who devoutly assist at the public novena in honor of the Holy Ghost immediately preceding the feast of Pentecost may gain:

1. An indulgence of 10 years on any day of the novena

2. A Plenary indulgence, if they take part in at least five of the exercises; and moreover go to confession, and receive Holy Communion and pray for the Holy Father's intentions.

Those who make a private novena in honor of the Holy Ghost, either before Pentecost or at any other time in the year may gain:

1. An indulgence of 7 years on any day of this novena

2. A Plenary indulgence under the usual conditions; but if a public novena is held, this indulgence is available only to those who are lawfully hindered from being part in the same. [The above indulgences were granted prior to the 1968 Enchiridion of Indulgences]

First Day

Holy Spirit! Lord of Light!
From Thy clear celestial height.
Thy pure beaming radiance give!
The Holy Ghost

Only one thing is important - eternal salvation. Only one thing, therefore, is to be feared - sin. Sin is the result of ignorance, weakness, and indifference. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Light, of Strength, and of Love. With His sevenfold gifts He enlightens the mind, strengthens the will, and inflames the heart with love of God. To ensure our salvation we ought to invoke the Divine Spirit daily, for "The Spirit helpeth our infirmity. We know not what we should pray for as we ought. But the Spirit Himself asketh for us."


Almighty and eternal God, Who has vouchsafed to regenerate us by water and the Holy Ghost, and hast given us forgiveness of all sins, vouchsafe to send forth from heaven upon us Thy sevenfold Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Fortitude, the Spirit of Knowledge and Piety, and fill us with the Spirit of Holy Fear. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Act of Consecration to the Holy Ghost
On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses, I offer myself, soul and body, to Thee, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Thy purity, the unerring keenness of Thy justice, and the might of Thy love. Thou art the Strength and Light of my soul. In Thee I live and move and am. I desire never to grieve Thee by unfaithfulness to grace, and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against Thee. Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Thy light, and listen to Thy voice, and follow Thy gracious inspirations. I cling to Thee and give myself to Thee and ask Thee, by Thy compassion, to watch over me in my weakness. Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus, and looking at His five wounds, and trusting in His Precious Blood, and adoring His opened side and stricken Heart, I implore Thee, Adorable Spirit, Helper of my infirmity, so to keep me in Thy grace that I may never sin against Thee. Give me grace, O Holy Ghost, Spirit of the Father and the Son, to say to Thee always and everywhere, "Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth." Amen.

Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost
O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into heaven, didst promise to send the Holy Ghost to finish Thy work in the souls of Thy Apostles and Disciples, deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me that He may perfect in my soul the work of Thy grace and Thy love. Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom that I may despise the perishable things of this world and aspire only after the things that are eternal; the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind with the light of Thy divine truth; the Spirit of Counsel that I may ever choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining heaven; the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross with Thee and that I may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation; the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and know myself and grow perfect in the science of the Saints; the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable; the Spirit of Fear that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and may dread in any way to displease Him. Mark me, dear Lord, with the sign of Thy true disciples and animate me in all things with Thy Spirit. Amen.

Second Day

Come, Thou Father of the poor!
Come, with treasures which endure!
Come, Thou Light of all that live!

The Gift of Fear

The gift of Fear fills us with a sovereign respect for God, and makes us dread nothing so much as to offend Him by sin. It is a fear that arises, not from the thought of hell, but from sentiments of reverence and filial submission to our heavenly Father. It is the fear that is the beginning of
wisdom, detaching us from the worldly pleasures that could in any way separate us from God. "They that fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and in His sight will sanctify their souls."


Come, O blessed Spirit of Holy Fear, penetrate my inmost heart, that I may set Thee, my Lord and God, before my face forever, help me to shun all things that can offend Thee, and make me worthy to appear before the pure eyes of Thy Divine Majesty in heaven, where Thou livest and reignest in the unity of the ever Blessed Trinity, God, world without end. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Third Day

Thou, of all consolers best,
Visiting the troubled breast,
Dost refreshing peace bestow.

The Gift of Piety

The gift of Piety begets in our hearts a filial affection for God as our most loving Father. It inspires us to love and respect for His sake persons and things consecrated to Him, as well as those who are vested with His authority, His Blessed Mother and the Saints, the Church and its visible Head, our parents and superiors, our country and its rulers. He who is filled with the gift of Piety finds the practice of his religion, not a burdensome duty, but a delightful service. Where there is love, there is no labor.


Come, O Blessed Spirit of Piety, possess my heart. Enkindle therein such a love for God, that I may find satisfaction only in His service, and for His sake lovingly submit to all legitimate authority. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Fourth Day

Thou in toil art comfort sweet;
Pleasant coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.

The Gift of Fortitude

By the gift of Fortitude the soul is strengthened against natural fear, and supported to the end in the performance of duty. Fortitude imparts to the will an impulse and energy which move it to undertake without hesitancy the most arduous tasks, to face dangers, to trample under foot human respect, and to endure without complaint the slow martyrdom of even lifelong rribulation. "He that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved."


Come, O Blessed Spirit of Fortitude uphold my soul in time of troubles and adversity, sustain my efforts after holiness, strengthen my weakness, give me courage against all the assaults of my enemies, that I may never be overcome and separated from Thee, my God and greatest Good. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Fifth Day

Light immortal! Light Divine!
Visit Thou these hearts of Thine,
And our inmost being fill!

The Gift of Knowledge

The gift of Knowledge enables the soul to evaluate created things at their true worth - in their relation to God. Knowledge unmasks the pretense of creatures, reveals their emptiness, and points out their only true purpose as instruments in the service of God. It shows us the loving care of God even in adversity, and directs us to glorify Him in every circumstance of life. Guided by its light, we put first things first, and prize the friendship of God beyond all else. "Knowledge is a fountain of life to him that possesseth it."


Come, O Blessed Spirit of Knowledge, and grant that I may perceive the will of the Father; show me the nothingness of earthly things, that I may realize their vanity and use them only for Thy glory and my own salvation, looking ever beyond them to Thee, and Thy eternal rewards. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Sixth Day

If Thou take Thy grace away,
Nothing pure in man will stay;
All his good is turned to ill.

The Gift of Understanding

Understanding, as a gift of the Holy Ghost, helps us to grasp the meaning of the truths of our holy religion. By faith we know them, but by Understanding we learn to appreciate and relish them. It enables us to penetrate the inner meaning of revealed truths and through them to be quickened to newness of life. Our faith ceases to be sterile and inactive, but inspires a mode of
life that bears eloquent testimony to the faith that is in us; we begin to "walk worthy of God in all things pleasing, and increasing in the knowledge of God."


Come, O Spirit of Understanding, and enlighten our minds, that we may know and believe all the mysteries of salvation; and may merit at last to see the eternal light of Thy Light; and in the light of glory to have a clear vision of Thee and the Father and the Son. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Seventh Day

Heal our wounds - our strength renew;
On our dryness pour Thy dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away!

The Gift of Counsel

The gift of Counsel endows the soul with supernatural prudence, enabling it to judge promptly and rightly what must be done, especially in difficult circumstances. Counsel applies the principles furnished by Knowledge and Understanding to the innumerable concrete cases that confront us in the course of our daily duty as parents, teachers, public servants, and Christian citizens. Counsel is supernatural common sense, a priceless treasure in the quest of salvation. "Above all things, pray to the Most High, that He may direct thy way in truth."


Come, O Spirit of Counsel, help and guide me in all my ways, that I may always do Thy holy will. Incline my heart to that which is good; turn it away from all that is evil, and direct me by the straight path of Thy commandments to that goal of eternal life for which I long. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Eighth Day

Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray!

The Gift of Wisdom

Embodying all the other gifts, as charity embraces all the other virtues, Wisdom is the most perfect of the gifts. Of Wisdom it is written "all good things come to me with her, and innumerable riches through her hands." It is the gift of Wisdom that strengthens our faith, fortifies hope, perfects charity, and promotes the practice of virtue in the highest degree. Wisdom enlightens the mind to discern and relish things divine, in the appreciation of which earthly joys lose their savor, whilst the Cross of Christ yields a divine sweetness according to the words of the Savior: "Take up thy cross and follow me, for my yoke is sweet and my burden light."


Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, and reveal to my soul the mysteries of heavenly things, their exceeding greatness, power and beauty. Teach me to love them above and beyond all the passing joys and satisfactions of earth. Help me to attain them and possess them for ever. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Ninth Day

Thou, on those who evermore
Thee confess and Thee adore
In Thy sevenfold gifts, descend:
Give them comfort when they die;
Give the life with Thee on high;
Give them joys which never end. Amen.

The Fruits of the Holy Ghost

The gifts of the Holy Ghost perfect the supernatural virtues by enabling us to practice them with greater docility to divine inspiration. As we grow in the knowledge and love of God under the direction of the Holy Ghost, our service becomes more sincere and generous, the practice of virtue becomes more perfect. Such acts of virtue leave the heart filled with joy and consolation and are known as Fruits of the Holy Ghost. These Fruits in turn render the practice of virtue more attractive and become a powerful incentive for still greater efforts in the service of God, to serve Whom is to reign.


Come, O Divine Spirit, fill my heart with Thy heavenly fruits, Thy charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, faith, mildness, and temperance, that I may never weary on the service of God, but by continued faithful submission to Thy inspiration may merit to be united eternally with Thee in the love of the Father and the Son. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father (seven times)
Act of Consecration
Prayer for the Seven Gifts
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Roman Catholicism & Persecution in Hawaii

Before today, I never knew that Roman Catholics were persecuted extensively in Hawaii. Read more on the topic!

Image: Bishop Stephen Alencastre who was the fifth Vicar Apostolic of the Hawaiian Islands.
Fr. Euteneuer Invites Gang of 18 To Leave Church

FRONT ROYAL, VA — The Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, president of Human Life International, (HLI) today said “Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (CT-3) and seventeen other members of Congress who describe themselves as Catholic not only are ignorant of their faith but also need a civics lesson.”

Father Euteneuer was responding to their rebuke of Pope Benedict XVI in a press release from DeLauro’s office which stated that the Pope’s recent comments that Catholic politicians risk excommunication and should not receive Communion by saying, “Such notions offend the very nature of the American experiment and do a great disservice to the centuries of good work the church has done.”

Father Euteneuer said, “It is an embarrassment that a Catholic, much less a member of Congress should make such an absurd statement. Even if this statement were true, the Holy Father answers to a Higher Power than Rep. DeLauro and the Gang of 18.”

“The truth is,” Father Euteneuer said, “nothing threatens the American experiment more than the legal but unjust killing of human beings by abortion which stands in stark contrast to the very first right enumerated by our Declaration of Independence: The Right to Life. The humanity of the unborn child is no longer even debated. It is a scientific fact. Abortion is murder, and murder is against the law. Like Dred Scott before it, which violated certain citizens’ Right to Liberty, Roe v. Wade is bad, dishonest law and will eventually fall.”

“Excommunication is a pastoral and medicinal penalty, not a political one. The Pope is well within his free expression of religion guaranteed by the US Constitution—and his pastoral duty—to warn any Catholic when their eternal salvation is jeopardized by their actions” Father Euteneuer said. “This is what the Catholic Church teaches and what Catholics believe. If the Gang of 18 believes otherwise, honesty and integrity requires they find another church that tells them what they want to hear. If they have that much of a problem being Catholic, no one is forcing them to stay. We certainly don’t need their hypocrisy.”
The statement was signed by Catholic Representatives Rosa L. DeLauro (CT-3), Joe Baca (CA-43), Tim Bishop (NY-1), Joe Courtney (CT-2), Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Maurice Hinchey, (NY-22), Patrick Kennedy (RI-1), James Langevin (RI-2), John Larson (CT-1), Carolyn McCarthy (NY-4), Betty McCollum (MN-4), Jim Moran (VA-8), Bill Pascrell (NJ-8), Tim Ryan (OH-17), Linda Sanchez (CA-39), José Serrano (NY -16), Hilda Solis (CA-32), and Mike Thompson (CA-1).
Canadians: Pro-life Petition

If you are Canadian, please sign this petition. I also ask for everyone to please spread the news of this petition. Here's the email that I received.

I have created a petition to ask the Catholic Bishops of Ontario to remind politicians and voters of their duties toward unborn children, and to ask that Catholic public officials who speak against the faith be sanctioned.

Please email this to any Canadian who might be susceptible of signing it. I am trying to get the first few signatories to be Catholics from Ontario, but I am taking signatures from all Canadians. I strongly prefer that the signatories be Canadians only, but I won't delete non-Canadians if they happen to show up.

There's also a French version.

Please spread the word!

I think we need 10 000 signatures to be credible. I want to get some signatures first before publicizing it on my blog and other places. I've had a situation where the petition had just started and my opponents laughed at the small number of signatures, so it's better to wait until there are a good number of signatures before publicizing it on the net.
The Solenmity of the Ascension of the Lord

Today is Ascension Thursday, forty days after Easter when we celebrate Our Lord's Ascension. Today is a Solemnity and a Holy Day of Obligation in some parts of the world. See my post from last year for more information on the Ascension.

Image Source: Ascension by Garofalo
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Rogation Day Procession

Antiphon Ps. 43,26.- Arise, Lord, help us and redeem us for Thy honour's sake. Ps. O God, the tale has come to our ears: have not our fathers told it? V. Glory.

Today is the 3rd and final day of the Minor Rogation. These are days of prayer and fasting for repentance as well as for a good harvest. Today is also the Vigil of the Ascension since it is the final of the three Minor Rogation days.
Canadian Physicians for Life Call for CMA Lobbying to Ensure Conscience Protection for Doctors

From LifeSiteNews:
Canadian pro-life doctors are asking for support in defending their right to refuse to perform or refer for abortions, after an action last week by US-based abortion activists seeking to force all Canadian doctors to participate in abortion.

The National Abortion Federation, which represents US abortionists as well as Canadian physicians, sent a letter to the Canadian Medical Association last week demanding that the CMA’s conscientious objector policy be altered to prevent physicians from refusing to carry out abortions or refer patients to abortion providers. The CMA’s current policy protects the religious and moral convictions of doctors by allowing them to opt out of providing any abortion-related service.


If you, as a member of the Canadian pro-life public, are concerned about the pressure that is currently being put on pro-life doctors to participate directly or indirectly in an abortion, please consider writing to Dr. Blackmer and to the president of CMA, Dr. Colin McMillan, the president-elect, Dr. Brian Day, and the editor-in-chief of the CMAJ, Dr. Paul Hebert, THANKING them for upholding and clarifying the CMA's abortion policy, while politely asking that the protections for doctors with respect to freedom of conscience be strengthened.”
Amantissimi Redemptoris

"Nothing is greater or holier than the unbloody sacrifice of the Mass, in which the body and blood of Christ are offered to God for the salvation of all. Holy Mother the Church has always been careful and diligent in order that the Mass be celebrated by priests with clean and pure hearts. It should be celebrated with the proper splendor of sacred ceremonies and rites so that the greatness of this mystery will shine forth all the more even from external appearances. This will also arouse the faithful to the contemplation of divine things hidden in such an admirable and venerable sacrifice. And with like solicitude and devotion, the same most holy Mother has never ceased to urge, exhort, and influence her faithful sons to frequently attend this divine sacrifice with due piety, veneration and devotion. She teaches that they must at all cost be present at it on all holy days of obligation, with their minds and eyes religiously intent on that from which the divine mercy and an abundance of all good things might be acquired." (Bl. Pius IX AMANTISSIMI REDEMPTORIS).

Image Source: FSSP
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI's words on Native Americans to CELAM

In recent days following Pope Benedict XVI's appearance in Aparecida, Brazil the Fifth General Conference of Latin-American Bishops, there has been criticism for the Holy Father's statements. Particularly, the Holy Father has been criticised for his words on the evangelization of Native Peoples:

...what did the acceptance of the Christian faith mean for the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean? For them, it meant knowing and welcoming Christ, the unknown God whom their ancestors were seeking, without realizing it, in their rich religious traditions. Christ is the Saviour for whom they were silently longing. It also meant that they received, in the waters of Baptism, the divine life that made them children of God by adoption; moreover, they received the Holy Spirit who came to make their cultures fruitful, purifying them and developing the numerous seeds that the incarnate Word had planted in them, thereby guiding them along the paths of the Gospel. In effect, the proclamation of Jesus and of his Gospel did not at any point involve an alienation of the pre-Columbian cultures, nor was it the imposition of a foreign culture. Authentic cultures are not closed in upon themselves, nor are they set in stone at a particular point in history, but they are open, or better still, they are seeking an encounter with other cultures, hoping to reach universality through encounter and dialogue with other ways of life and with elements that can lead to a new synthesis, in which the diversity of expressions is always respected as well as the diversity of their particular cultural embodiment.
He has been sharply criticized for his statements from the heresy-plagued Indigenous Missionary Council. Father Paulo Suess told the Reuters news service that the Pope’s statement “was wrong and indefensible.” See Rorate Caeli for additional details.

As the blogger at Hallowedground stated with the above image, "Somebody should have told this Priest."

Photo Source: Father John J. Brown, first full-blooded Blackfoot Indian to become a priest of the Roman Catholic church, 1948

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