Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Title for motu proprio: Summorum Pontificum


A papal document widening use of the 1962 Roman Missal will be released on July 7, the Roman news agency I Media says, confirming reports that circulated late in June.

The motu proprio will be entitled Summorum Pontificum, I Media adds. The title of the Pope's document had not previously been mentioned in the media, despite numerous reports of its existence and intense speculation over its contents.

The German-language agency reported on June 27 that the document by Pope Benedict XVI will be released on Saturday, July 7. The story appeared after a special Vatican meeting in which a small group of prelates were briefed about the contents of the motu proprio. The Vatican press office later confirmed that the meeting had taken place, but did not confirm the publication date for the document.

The motu proprio is reportedly a 3-page document. It will be released in conjunction with a 4-page explanatory letter in which the Pope sets out his reason for encouraging the use of the pre-conciliar liturgy as an "extraordinary" form of the Latin rite.
Month of the Precious Blood of Jesus

July is designated especially as the Month of the Precious Blood of Jesus, a special time to honor the Blood of Jesus. Please see my post entitled Devotions to the Precious Blood of Jesus for more information.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Catholic Carnival 126

St. Thomas the Apostle

Today according to the 1969 Calendar of Saints is the feastday of St. Thomas the Apostle. I highly encourage others to read my previous post on St. Thomas. In particular, I would like to share this story:

While in India, St. Thomas witnessed a group of people desperately trying to remove a post from the earth. With ease, St. Thomas removed it and thrust it back into the ground saying that water shall never again pass the point. Atop the post now stands Santhome Cathedral. And, quite miraculously, when the Tsunami of 2004 hit and destroyed much of the buildings in Chennai, the water stopped at the steps of the Cathedral. The miracle of St. Thomas is still alive.
Daily Prayer Schedule

Greetings and peace!

Since I am not yet in the seminary and am able to utilize much of my free time for prayer, I have devised a daily schedule. I follow these prayer times daily unless I happen to be working at the time of the prayer. However, for the most part, I am able to pray most of my prayer schedule daily.
  • 7:30 AM Lauds in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel
  • 8:00 AM Rosary in the church during Eucharistic Adoration
  • 8:30 AM Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
  • 9:00 AM Terce in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel
  • 12 Noon Sext
  • 3:00 PM None
  • Sunset Vespers
  • 9:00 PM Compline

I really like this current schedule because I am able to pray all of the daytime offices: Terce, Sext, and None. If I arrive at the Adoration Chapel early I spend extra time in prayer for the end of abortion and for the poor souls in purgatory. Below is a copy of a prayer that I really enjoyed praying today. I ask everyone reading this blog to pray it.

Prayer to Jesus Christ:

O Jesus, it is not the heavenly reward you have promised which impels me to love you; neither is it the threat of hell that keep me from offending you. It is you, O Lord, it is the sight of you affixed to the Cross and suffering insults; it is the sight of your broken body, as well as your pains and your death. There is nothing you can give me to make me love you. For even if there were no heaven and no hell I would still love you as I do. Amen.

Monday, July 2, 2007
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

For those who follow the pre-Vatican II Calendar of the Saints, today is the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the 1955 Calendar, today is a Double of the II Class. The Faithful who use the 1962 Calendar also celebrate the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary today.
Examination of St. Paul's Tomb Begins

Since Pope Benedict XVI recently declared that the Year of St. Paul would take place from June 2008 - June 2009, I would like to share this exciting news story from Catholic World News:

Pope Benedict XVI has approved an examination of the tomb of St. Paul, located in the Roman basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls, the news service reports.

The German-language news service reports that the Pope has given the green light for a plan to examine the interior of the tomb located beneath the altar of the ancient basilica, using an endoscopic probe.

Last December an archeologist announced the discovery of a large marble sarcophagus in excavations under the altar of the basilica, marked with a marble slab that read: "St. Paul, apostle." Although the basilica was built on the site of St. Paul's martyrdom and burial, the exact location of his tomb had been lost to history after a fire early in the 19th century. Cardinal Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, the archpriest of the basilica, conceded that while the sarcophagus is marked as that of St. Paul, there is no certainty about the contents of the tomb. Having removed debris and plaster that surrounded the site, archeologists now plan a careful examination of the interior.

A similiar news story is available from WorldNetDaily.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Be Pro-Life on Facebook

Finale: SUCCESS!

Original Post:

From an email:

Please send this email out to all your friends. You can vote to abolish abortion in Canada on Facebook's Great Canadian Wish List at the link below. You'll need to establish a free account on Facebook, if you don't already have one. Please get the word out as the "pro-choice" wish is gaining ground on us. The final winner will be announced on Canada Day : July 1st. Just log in below and add your support to the Abolish Abortion group.

I received the following email from Pewsitter. This seems like a very worthwhile project. Just select a diocese at the top of the webpage by clicking on "Diocesan news". I strongly hope that some of my readers will suggest news and help

The Email: is a unique Catholic news web site that was launched earlier this year. We are based in the U.S. and the preponderance of news on the site is from the U.S, we do feature Catholic related news from around the world.

The news on the site comes from two sources. The main source is from the conventional secular and Catholic press. We scour the news every day and put on Pewsitter those stories about the Catholic Church, faith, religion and the important moral and spiritual struggles of the day.

The second news source is the Catholic lay faithful. The concept behind the site is to enlist an army of "pewsitters" to be the eyes and ears for Pewsitter - hence the name. By submitting newsworthy items to Pewsitter, the laity can help shape and influence the Church and be a powerful force for positive change.

Pewsitter's initial focus will be on the national and international news on its home page. Its mid term objective is it to feature the Catholic news of the day within each of the 189 Catholic dioceses throughout the U.S

We would very much appreciate your assistance in getting the word out about Pewsitter. Here are several ways in which you can help us:

Place a link to our site, from your site, in a prominent place

Send an email to any opt-in email lists that you might have, encouraging other
faithful Catholics to go to the site and to begin to use it.

Volunteer to assist us with this endeavor

Keep us in your prayers.

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