I would like to pass along this message from Jovan concerning Little Office of Christ the King (also available in PDF).
Matthew,Greetings in Christ and our Lady! The 'Little Office of Christ the King' which I compiled is based on various devotional 'Little Offices' from before the Second Vatican Council. There were, to my knowledge, such 'Offices' for the Immaculate Conception, St Joseph and the Holy Angels, with possibly others as well. They were designed as devotions to be said after the corresponding Hour of the Divine Office.If you are not yet bound, under pain of sin, to recite the Divine Office, there would be no problem in substituting, but I would highly recommend either saying the Divine Office or the full Little Office of our Lady and then saying the appropriate hoiur(s) of the Little Office of Christ the King afterwards.Also, I should point out that, while everything in the Office is taken directly from sources approved by the Church, namely the Roman Breviary, the whole compilation has never been submitted for approval by any competent ecclesiastical authority.Hope this is helpful.In Christ the King,Jovan