Friday, February 3, 2012
Susan Komen & Planned Parenthood

Updated: Bowing to liberal pressures, it appears that Susan G Komen will reverse its decision and amends its rules to continue funding the abortion business of Planned Parenthood even when PP is under Congressional investigation.  This story is extremely fluid and changing by the minute.  The latest update from Rev. Pat Mahoney:
"Ok people "stop the presses" on the Susan G. Komen controversy. I have been on the phone with pro-leaders all day and this story is really "fluid" as they say here in D.C. This is what I am hearing. The Komen Foundation has said they will only honor the existing contracts they have for this year while revising grant applications for next year. However, it is there intention NOT to fund Planned Parenthood after their existing contracts with them expire. This is a fascinating story in which I am asking of you to diligently be praying about. I will keep you updated. Blessings."

Original Post (January 31): January The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation has finally decided to stop its funding of Planned Parenthood, thus allowing for Catholics to support this organization in good conscience.  However, while we can fund Susan G. Komen for the Cure, we can not fund any of their affiliates. Below is what their Connecticut affiliate stated:
The decision regarding the funding of Planned Parenthood was made by Susan G. Komen for the Cure National Headquarters. Susan G. Komen for the Cure Connecticut enjoys a great partnership with Planned Parenthood, and is currently funding Planned Parenthood of Southern New England. We understand, and share, in the frustration around this situation. We hope that any investigation prohibiting Planned Parenthood from receiving Komen grants is promptly resolved.
Send a Letter/Email

Please take a few moments and send an email to thanking them for their decision.  A sample letter is below:
To whom it may concern:

I wish to express my deepest gratitude for Susan G. Komen for the Cure for de-funding Planned Parenthood.  As a Catholic unable in conscience to support an organization that in any way funds the largest abortion provider in the world, I have been unable to donate to your organization.  Now I can at last in good conscience donate to your work and participate in your Save Lids to Save Lives Campaign.  Please realize that if you resume any form of donations to Planned Parenthood, I will immediately end my support for your organization.


History & Symbolism of the Candlemas Liturgy


Egeria, whose writings date from c. AD 380, attests to a Feast of the Presentation in the church at Jerusaelm forty days after Christmas.  In 542, Emperor Justinian introduced the feast to the entire Eastern Roman empire in thanskgiving for the end to a horrible pestilence afflicting Constantinople.  Pope St. Gregory the Great (590 - 604) brought the Feast to Rome.  Later, Pope Sergius (687 - 701) introduced the procession to the Candlemas service. The procession on this day is one of the most picturesque features of the Western Liturgy. The blessing of candles came into common use throughout the Western World in the 11th Century.

Symbolism in the Liturgy

The blessing of the candles (one of three principle blessings of the liturgical year, the others being that of the blessing of Palms on Palm Sunday and the blessing of Ashes on Ash Wednesday), is given by a priest vested in a cope.  Standing at the epistle side of the altar, the priest chants 5 prayers before sprinkling the candles thrice with holy water.  The candles are then incensed.

The symbolism of the candles is described by Dom Prosper Guéranger, OSB, in his "Liturgical Year":
The mystery of today's ceremony has frequently been explained by liturgists, dating from the 7th century. According to Ivo of Chartres, the wax, which is formed from the juice of flowers by the bee, always considered as the emblem of virginity, signifies the virginal flesh of the Divine Infant, who diminished not, either by His conception or His birth, the spotless purity of His Blessed Mother. The same holy bishop would have us see, in the flame of our Candle, a symbol of Jesus who came to enlighten our darkness. St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, speaking on the same mystery, bids us consider three things in the blessed Candle: the wax, the wick, and the flame. The wax, he says, which is the production of the virginal bee, is the Flesh of our Lord; the wick, which is within, is His Soul; the flame, which burns on top, is His divinity.

Next, the celebrant distributes the candles to the clergy and the laity whilst the choir sings the Nunc dimittis.  As the faithful take the blessed candle from the hand of the priest while kneeling at the Communion rail, they first kiss the candle (since it is a sacramental) and then the hand of the priest (which represents the hand of Christ).  During the mass, the candles are lighted and held during the reading of the Gospel and then again from the Canon of the Mass to the Communion of the Priest.

There follows the distribution of candles with a profession and the chanting of anthems.  The Cross goes first, followed by the clergy and the celebrant.  The faithful walk behind the celebrant carrying their newly blessed and lit candles.  The Church bells ring out in joy.

Recall the first of the five prayers of Blessings for the Candles:
O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, who hast created all things out of nothing, and by Thy command hast caused this liquid to become perfect wax by the labor of bees: and who, on this day didst fulfill the petition of the righteous man Simeon: we humbly entreat Thee, that by the invocation of Thy most holy Name and through the intercession of Blessed Mary ever Virgin whose feast is today devoutly observed, and by the prayers of all Thy Saints, Thou wouldst vouchsafe to bless + and sactify + these candles for the service of men and for the health of their bodies and souls, whether on land or on sea: and that Thou wouldst hear from Thy holy heaven, and from the throne of Thy Majesty the voices of this Thy people, who desire to carry them in their hands with honor, and to praise Thee with hymns; and wouldst be propitious to all that call upon Thee, whom Thou hast redeemed with the precious Blood of Thy Son; Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

A procession reminds us that our whole life on earth is a homeward pilgrimage to Heaven.  The Candlemas procession represents the entry of Christ the Light of the World, into the Temple of Jerusalem.  It reminds us that the baptized faithful must walk as children of Light.  As St. Paul declares: "For you were darkness before, but now light in the Lord.  Walk then as children of the light."  And our Lord said, "Yet a little while, the light is among you.  Walk whilst you have the light, that darkness overtake you not.  Whilst you have the light, believe in the light, that you may be children of the light" (John 12:35-36).

Thus, the Candlemas procession also symbolizes our entrance into the eternal light of Heaven - the Church bells and chants during the procession make us think of the heavenly experience which will be our reward for the blood, sweat, and tears of the earthly journey (cf. Apocalypse 22:3-5).
Thursday, February 2, 2012
St Jude Votive Candles Wanted

Update: To the reader that has sent me the candles, thank you!  They arrived in the mail today - just in time for them to be blessed for Candlemas!  I will remember you in my prayers as I enter my retreat next week

As many of you are aware, I pray the Divine Office each day at my home Altar.  Well, my current votive candles of the Sacred Hearts are nearing the end of their useable life.  A quick search of revealed some cheap but nice votive candles for St. Jude.

If anyone is willing to purchase two of these from my Wishlist for me, I'll gladly offer my prayers (Rosary and the Divine Office) for one day for your intentions.

My Wish List
Video: Traditional Blessing of Throats on the Feast of St. Blaise

on the Feast of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr

P: Our help is in the name of the Lord.
All: Who made heaven and earth.
P: The Lord be with you.
All: May He also be with you.

Let us pray.

God, almighty and all-mild, by your Word alone you created the manifold things in the world, and willed that that same Word by whom all things were made take flesh in order to redeem mankind; you are great and immeasurable, awesome and praiseworthy, a worker of marvels. Hence in professing his faith in you the glorious martyr and bishop, Blaise, did not fear any manner of torment but gladly accepted the palm of martyrdom. In virtue of which you bestowed on him, among other gifts, the power to heal all ailments of the throat. And now we implore your majesty that, overlooking our guilt and considering only his merits and intercession, it may please you to bless + and sanctify + and impart your grace to these candles. Let all men of faith whose necks are touched with them be healed of every malady of the throat, and being restored in health and good spirits let them return thanks to you in your holy Church, and praise your glorious name which is blessed forever; through Christ our Lord.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Confirmations by Bishop Fellay in San Jose, CA

On Saturday, January 21, His Grace Bishop Fellay administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to a large group of confirmand.   Let us pray for these men and women who are now true soldier for our Lord Jesus Christ.  May they serve Him worthily and attend to the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Q. 670. What is Confirmation?

A. Confirmation is a Sacrament through which we receive the Holy Ghost to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Q. 671. When was Confirmation instituted?

A. The exact time at which Confirmation was instituted is not known. But as this Sacrament was administered by the Apostles and numbered with the other Sacraments instituted by Our Lord, it is certain that He instituted this Sacrament also and instructed His Apostles in its use, at some time before His ascension into heaven.

Q. 672. Why is Confirmation so called?

A. Confirmation is so called from its chief effect, which is to strengthen or render us more firm in whatever belongs to our faith and religious duties.

Q. 673. Why are we called soldiers of Jesus Christ?

A. We are called soldiers of Jesus Christ to indicate how we must resist the attacks of our spiritual enemies and secure our victory over them by following and obeying Our Lord.

Q. 674. May one add a new name to his own at Confirmation?

A. One may and should add a new name to his own at Confirmation, especially when the name of a saint has not been given in Baptism.

Q. 675. Who administers Confirmation?

A. The bishop is the ordinary minister of Confirmation.

Q. 676. Why do we say the bishop is the "ordinary minister" of Confirmation?

A. We say the bishop is the ordinary minister of Confirmation because in some foreign missions, where bishops have not yet been appointed, the Holy Father permits one of the priests to administer Confirmation with the Holy Oil blessed by the bishop.

Q. 677. How does the bishop give Confirmation?

A. The bishop extends his hands over those who are to be confirmed, prays that they may receive the Holy Ghost, and anoints the forehead of each with holy chrism in the form of a cross.

Q. 678. In Confirmation, what does the extending of the bishop's hands over us signify?

A. In Confirmation, the extending of the bishop's hands over us signifies the descent of the Holy Ghost upon us and the special protection of God through the grace of Confirmation.

Q. 679. What is holy chrism?

A. Holy chrism is a mixture of olive-oil and balm, consecrated by the bishop.

Q. 680. What do the oil and balm in Holy Chrism signify?

A. In Holy Chrism, the oil signifies strength, and the balm signifies the freedom from corruption and the sweetness which virtue must give to our lives.

Q. 681. How many holy oils are used in the Church?

A. Three holy oils are used in the Church, namely, the oil of the sick, the oil of catechumens, and holy chrism.

Q. 682. What constitutes the difference between these oils?

A. The form of prayer or blessing alone constitutes the difference between these oils; for they are all olive oil, but in the Holy Chrism, balm is mixed with the oil.

Q. 683. When and by whom are the holy oils blessed?

A. The holy oils are blessed at the Mass on Holy Thursday by the bishop, who alone has the right to bless them. After the blessing they are distributed to the priests of the diocese, who must then burn what remains of the old oils and use the newly blessed oils for the coming year.

Q. 684. For what are the holy oils used?

A. The holy oils are used as follows: The oil of the sick is used for Extreme Unction and for some blessings; the oil of catechumens is used for Baptism and Holy Orders. Holy Chrism is used at Baptism and for the blessing of some sacred things, such as altars, chalices, church-bells, etc., which are usually blessed by a bishop.

Q. 685. What does the bishop say in anointing the person he confirms?

A. In anointing the person he confirms the bishop says: "I sign thee with the sign of the cross, and I confirm thee with the chrism of salvation, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

Q. 686. What is meant by anointing the forehead with chrism in the form of a cross?

A. By anointing the forehead with chrism in the form of a cross is meant that the Christian who is confirmed must openly profess and practice his faith, never be ashamed of it; and rather die than deny it.

Q. 687. When must we openly profess and practice our religion?

A. We must openly profess and practice our religion as often as we cannot do otherwise without violating some law of God or of His Church.

Q. 688. Why have we good reason never to be ashamed of the Catholic faith?

A. We have good reason never to be ashamed of the Catholic Faith because it is the Old Faith established by Christ and taught by His Apostles; it is the Faith for which countless Holy Martyrs suffered and died; it is the Faith that has brought true civilization, with all its benefits, into the world, and it is the only Faith that can truly reform and preserve public and private morals.

Q. 689. Why does the bishop give the person he confirms a slight blow on the cheek?

A. The bishop gives the person he confirms a slight blow on the cheek, to put him in mind that he must be ready to suffer everything, even death, for the sake of Christ.

Q. 690. Is it right to test ourselves through our imagination of what we would be willing to suffer for the sake of Christ?

A. It is not right to test ourselves through our imagination of what we would be willing to suffer for the sake of Christ, for such tests may lead us into sin. When a real test comes we are assured God will give to us, as He did to the Holy Martyrs, sufficient grace to endure it.

Q. 691. To receive Confirmation worthily is it necessary to be in the state of grace?

A. To receive Confirmation worthily it is necessary to be in the state of grace.

Q. 692. What special preparation should be made to receive Confirmation?

A. Persons of an age to learn should know the chief mysteries of faith and the duties of a Christian, and be instructed in the nature and effects of this Sacrament.

Q. 693. Why should we know the chief mysteries of faith and the duties of a Christian before receiving Confirmation?

A. We should know the Chief Mysteries of Faith and the duties of a Christian before receiving Confirmation because as one cannot be a good soldier without knowing the rules of the army to which he belongs and understanding the commands of his leader, so one cannot be a good Christian without knowing the laws of the Church and understanding the commands of Christ.

Q. 694. Is it a sin to neglect Confirmation?

A. It is a sin to neglect Confirmation, especially in these evil days when faith and morals are exposed to so many and such violent temptations.

Q. 695. What do we mean by "these evil days"?

A. By "these evil days" we mean the present age or century in which we are living, surrounded on all sides by unbelief, false doctrines, bad books, bad example and temptation in every form.

Q. 696. Is Confirmation necessary for salvation?

A. Confirmation is not so necessary for salvation that we could not be saved without it, for it is not given to infants even in danger of death; nevertheless, there is a divine command obliging all to receive it, if possible. Persons who have not been confirmed in youth should make every effort to be confirmed later in life.

Q. 697. Are sponsors necessary in Confirmation?

A. Sponsors are necessary in Confirmation, and they must be of the same good character as those required at Baptism, for they take upon themselves the same duties and responsibilities. They also contract a spiritual relationship, which, however, unlike that in Baptism, is not an impediment to marriage.

Q. 698. Which are the effects of Confirmation?

A. The effects of Confirmation are an increase of sanctifying grace, the strengthening of our faith, and the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Bishop Fellay receives Orthodox prelate into Full Communion

In an interesting development reported by various sources and being circulated on the Traditional Catholic web network, His Excellency Bishop Fellay of the Society of St. Pius X has received a former Orthodox Prelate into full communion with the Catholic Church. 

Most important to note, this action has received the recognition of Cardinal Levada and his Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.  Such an action drastically calls into question their alleged stance that the Society of St. Pius X is itself not in full communion with the Church. 

How can someone outside of the Church receive someone into the Church?  He can't. 

Of course the Society and its supporters have long fought the hated vile thrown at them by modernists in Rome and around the world.  This development is another reason to question the accuracy of those same modernists from Rome. 

Recall these were the same one said that the Traditional Latin Mass was forbidden - that is until His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI declared in Summorum Pontificum that it was "never abrogated."  These were the men to have said that the Society of St. Pius X was in schism.  Then they changed their minds and said that only the priests were in schism.  These were the men who said that those who receive the Sacraments offered by the Society are in schism.  His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, in response to the Hawaii Six, declared otherwise saying that reception of the Sacraments by any Society priest or bishop is not schismatic.  These were also the same men to say that the Society priests and bishops was in schism to then change their stance to not say they are instead "not in full communion."

And with this development, it's apparent that the Society is not in "not full communion."  So what slander will be brought against the lawfully founded and canonically recognized Society of St. Pius X and its Econe seminary next?  Only the demons know.
Dreams and Miracles of St. John Bosco

Today is a feastday (III class) of the holy St. John Bosco (1815 - 1888). St. John Bosco was a man of God, who besides his many miracles and ordinary life of holiness, received visions of Mary and numerous prophetic dreams. One of these is a famous dream of a Pope dying with another pope rising up to steer the Church to safety. This famous dream is called the Two Pillars.

St. John Bosco worked countless miracles. He had the gift of multiplication of the loaves, and St. John even raised a boy from the dead to give him the chance of a good confession. The boy confessed his sins and died, but this time he went straight to Heaven.

St. John Bosco was ordained a priest in 1841, and he worked tirelessly with young boys in his neighbor. His goal to make saints out of them, and at least one of his boys became a saint, St. Dominic Savio. St. John founded the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales, and was the chaplain there. He opened up workshops there for tailoring and shoe-making to help the boys not only grow spiritually but have enough money to live.

St. John lived daily for Jesus Christ. He would rise early, hear Confessions, and write letters to those in need for hours into the night. He wrote over 130 works defending the faith, and for that he was hated by the enemies of the Church of God. There were numerous plots to kill him though none succeeded.

In 1854, St. John Bosco formally banded together under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales. With Pope Pius IX's encouragement, St. John Bosco founded the Salesians in 1859.

I highly recommend the book The Forty Dreams of Saint John Bosco


O God, Who didst raise up saint John Thy Confessor to be father and teacher of youth, and by him, with the help of the Virgin Mary, dist promote new families in Thy Church: grant, we beseech Thee, that inflamed by the same fire of love, we may win souls and serve Thee alone. Through our Lord.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Ceremonial Notes for Candlemas

Image Source:

For those of us praying the Divine Office and attending frequent Mass, we recognize the importance of the Feast of Candlemas.  The spiritual focus of the season of Epiphanytide through Candlemas is essentially a continuation of Christmas and contemplation of the Divine Childhood. After Candlemas (February 2nd), the celebration of events of His young life gives way to a focus on His adult life.

The Feast of Candlemas, exactly 40 days after Christmas, commemorates Mary's obedience to the Mosaic law by submitting herself to the Temple for the ritual purification, as commanded in Leviticus.

The Feast of the Purification, is called Candlemas for the traditional blessing and distribution of candles on that day.  It is customary to bring candles from home to be blessed -- at least 51% beeswax candles that one uses for devotional purposes (candles for the family altar, Advent candles, etc.) -- so they can be lit after dusk on All Saints' Day (1 November), during the Sacrament of Unction, and during storms and times of trouble.  Nowadays, though, for those few parishes continuing this ancient observance, the parish will provide the candles.

Mass on Candlemas is typically preceded by a procession with the lighted candles and the singing of anthems. The lighted candles are held during the reading of the Gospel and from the beginning of the Canon of the Mass to Communion.

Romanitas Press has put together these Ceremonial Guides for the Feast of Candlemas in PDFs. See here.
Traditional Mass Propers: 4th Sunday after the Epiphany (Dominica IV post Epiphaniam)

The choir heard is from St Mary's Norwalk, CT. The mass was immediately before the talk by Mr Martin Mosebach on the subject of the Old Missal and Vatican II. This Mass was said on the 4th Sunday after the Epiphany at Our Saviour, Park Ave, NYC on 1//30/11

Vestments: Green

Psalm 96: 7, 8
ADORE GOD, all you His angels: Sion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Juda rejoiced. Ps. 96, 1. The Lord hath reigned; let the earth rejoice: let many islands be glad. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

COLLECT - O GOD, WHO knowest that we are beset by perils so great as to be unendurable be cause of our human frailty, grant us health of mind and body, so that by Thine assistance we may conquer the things with which we are afflicted because of our sins. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

Romans 13: 8-10
BRETHREN, owe no man any thing, but to love one another; for he that loveth his neighbour hath fulfilled the law. For thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet, and if there be any other commandment, it is comprised in this word, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The love of our neighbour worketh no evil. Love, therefore, is the fulfilling of the law.

Psalm 101: 16, 17
THE GENTILES shall fear Thy name, O Lord, and all the kings of the earth Thy glory. V. For the Lord hath built up Sion, and He shall be seen in His majesty.

LESSER ALLELUIA - ALLELUIA, alleluia. V. Ps. 96, 1. The Lord hath reigned, let the earth rejoice: let many islands be glad. Alleluia.

Matthew 8: 23-27

AT THAT time, when Jesus entered into the ship, His disciples followed Him. And behold a great tempest arose in the sea, so that the ship was covered with waves, but He was asleep. And they came to Him and awaked Him, saying, Lord, save us, we perish. And Jesus saith to them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then rising up, He commanded the winds and the sea, and there came a great calm. But the men wondered, saying, What manner of man is this, for the winds and the sea obey Him?
Commentary by Dom Guéranger, O.S.B.

Let us adore the power of our Emmanuel, who is come to calm the tempest which threatened the human race with death. In the midst of their danger, the successive generations of men had cried out: Lord! save us; we perish. When the fulness of time had come, he awoke from his rest; he had but to command, and the power of our enemies was destroyed. The malice of the devils, the darkness of idolatry, the corruption of paganism--all yielded. Nation after nation was converted to Jesus. They had said, when in their misery and blindness: "Who is this Jesus, whom no power can resist?" and then they embraced his Law. This power of Jesus to break down every obstacle, and that, too, at the very time when men were disquieted at his apparent slumbering, has often shown itself in the past ages of the Church. How many times has he not chosen for saving the world that period which seemed the least likely for rescue! The same happens in the life of each one among us. Oftentimes we are tossed to and fro by violent temptations; it would seem as though the billows must sink us; and yet our will is firmly anchored to God! And what is all this, if not Jesus sleeping in the storm-tossed boat, protecting us by this his sleeping? And if our cry for help at length awaken him, it is only to proclaim his own and our victory; for he has already conquered, and we have conquered in him.

Psalm 117: 16, 17
THE RIGHT hand of the Lord hath wrought strength, the right hand of the Lord hath exalted me: I shall not die, but live, and shall declare the works of the Lord.

SECRET - GRANT WE beseech Thee, almighty God, that this sacrifice offered to Thee, may purge us of all evil and fortify our weak nature. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

PREFACE (Preface of the Most Holy Trinity) - It it truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God; Who, together with Thine only-begotten Son, and the Holy Ghost, art one God, one Lord: not in the oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one substance. For what we believe by Thy revelation of Thy glory, the same do we believe of Thy Son, the same of the Holy Ghost, without difference or separation. So that in confessing the true and everlasting Godhead, distinction in persons, unity in essence, and equality in majesty may be adored. Which the Angels and Archangels, the Cherubim also and Seraphim do praise: who cease not daily to cry out, with one voice saying:

LUKE 4:22
THEY ALL wondered at these things, which proceeded from the mouth of God.

POST COMMUNION - MAY THY gifts, O God, free us from the allurements of earthly things, and ever restore us with heavenly nourishment. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.
Friday, January 27, 2012
SSPX 2012 Confirmation Schedule Released

The Society of St. Pius X website has just announced the upcoming 2012 Confirmation Schedule for the USA

Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais will be administering the sacrament of confirmation at the following SSPX chapels:

March 10: Greenwood, IN
March 11: Chicago, IL [I will likely be in attendance]

Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta will be administering the sacrament of confirmation at the following SSPX chapels:

March 18: El Paso, TX
March 20: St. Louis, MO
March 22: St. Paul, MN [A Chapel close to my heart as I went there for over 2 years]
March 25: Post Falls, ID
March 31: Glendale, CA
April 1: Arcadia, CA
April 2: Colton, CA

And let us not cease in praying that these people will worthily receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.  

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