It's Thursday again and that means this evening will be spent in RCIA. At the beginning of the year, when people poke their heads through the door and ask, "Is this RCIA?", you have no idea what compelled them to come. Then gradually through the year, their stories come out. Some during class and others outside of class. Most come not out of any earth-shattering theological conviction, but out of a nascent desire to follow Christ. Others come in spite of tremendous opposition, and occasionally, that opposition might even be dangerous. Please consider praying for the RCIA program at your church, for those that coordinate it and, though they may be unknown to you, for each person in the process. On Monday, a gentleman approached me after morning Mass and said that he had been praying for our parish's RCIA everyday. It meant a great deal to me.
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4 comment(s):
Thank you, MB. It always surprises me who comes into the door every week. It's humbling really to be involved in helping them come to Christ and the Church.
God bless.
I'm currently in RCIA after a life very far away from Christ and his Church. Your prayers are very appreciated.
I will especially pray for you, Jennifer. I too went through RCIA.
Thank you for the special prayer. I am so glad to be part of RCIA and can not wait for this Easter when I will officially be a part of the Catholic Church!
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