Update (March 24, 2008):
Greetings and Peace to all of you! I pray that the Triduum was a blessed and holy experience for all of you. Thank you for your continued prayers. From March 14 - 24, 2008, I am on Easter Break, and I have been able to make some additional posts during that time. I hope that you continue to enjoy my blog. I will keep posting while at seminary when I am allowed to do so.
Please scroll down for more recent posts.
Update (December 23, 2007):
First semester has ended and I have successfully and safety arrived back home from seminary. I am not able to post on the Internet many of my details at seminary, but I have sent out around six emails during the first semester detailing many of my endeavors. Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers. And thank you to everyone that has donated so far to me through PayPal. Your donations are a great help! I do appreciate them highly!!
For the next few weeks I will be home and therefore able to post on my blog. This post will appear at the top of the blog at an advanced date. Please scroll down for new posts as they are written.
Original Post (August 24, 2007):
Finally, the day has arrived as I prepare to follow the Lord Jesus Christ on the holy path to the priesthood. I will start at my seminary on August 25, 2007. As mandated under holy obedience of my superiors, blogging and posting on Internet forums is prohibited for seminarians. Therefore, blogging will end on August 24, 2007. This will be my last post on "A Catholic Life" until, most likely, the summer of 2008. In the following months, this blog will remain online to be used as a reference. Many of the best posts to be used as reference are listed under "Catholic Categories" in the sidebar. I ask you, all of my readers, to please leave my blog listed in your sidebars and on your feeds' lists. Also, new comments will continue to be emailed to me, so please continue to comment on posts on this blog. This blog will not end; it shall only remain dormant as required under obedience.
Thankfully, I can still use email while in the seminary. If you have been a reader of this blog please email me and ask to be put on my Google Contact List. Many of you have already requested to be added to my contact list and you are on the list. With the list, I will be able to email a unlimited group of people with the click of a single button. I plan on using the group to email readers updates on my life and requests for prayers. I do not plan to use the group in order to send out news or articles that I would have written for my blog.
Therefore, if you are a person that I know has read my blog - either because you are a Catholic blogger or have written me before - let me know if you want to receive emails from me. I do not want people to sign up in order to obtain personal information. That is why I will add your name to the Google Contact's List only if I have heard from you before or you are a Catholic blogger.
Today marks a great change in my life. I am leaving my old life and beginning anew. This truly is a wonderful time, and your prayers will be greatly appreciated. Below are some topics that I would like to address before I temporarily leave this blog.
Paypal Donations
Many of my readers have been EXTREMELY kind and donated to me through Paypal. You can still continue to send me donations while I am at seminary. Although my tuition, room/board, and food expenses are covered, I still need money to buy college supplies such as clothing, books, calculators, etc as well as liturgical garments. As a seminarian, I am also forbidden to have a job while I am in school. Therefore, donations would be greatly appreciated. However, I must also state that such contributions would not be tax-deductible. To contribute, please click on the PayPal Donate Icon in the sidebar. Thank you in advance for your generosity as it is extremely appreciated.
Prayer Requests
To request prayers, please leave your intention and name under my post entitled Creating a Prayer List.
Promoting the Tridentine Mass
Over the past few years I have sought to promote and encourage the Tridentine Mass according to the Rite of 1962 on this blog. It is my hope that my work has helped bring souls closer to Christ Jesus through, what some have rightfully called, the Mass of Ages. The Tridentine Latin Mass truly is the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven. I ask my readers to continue to pray for more Tridentine Masses and to help the Traditional Movement in any possible way - whether by financial assistance, prayers, etc.
For an excellent tutorial on how to celebrate the Tridentine Mass according to the Rite of 1962, visit Sancta Missa. I highly encourage my readers to pass along this link to interested priests.
If you have any questions/concerns relating to the proper celebration of the Tridentine Latin Mass, please do not hestiate to email me. I do not presume to be an expert, but if I am not able to find the answer, I will definitely try to find someone who does.
If you have never heard of the Tridentine Latin Mass, please do some research. My main page with information on the Tridentine Latin Mass can be found in my sidebar's categories section under the title Tridentine Latin Mass.
I leave you with a few beautiful images to view over the next few months. These are images of the type of priest that I desire to become. I am not sure whether I will become a priest or if, after this period of discernment, I will feel called to the married life and end up raising a Traditional Catholic family. I will continue to update readers through email and, when allowed to do so, on this blog.
Concerning these photographs, I have posted most of these previously on my blog, so you can find the sources by looking through my archives. Many of them are from the excellent blog, Hallowedground. I find these beautiful images to be sources of joy when I think about the dignity of the Roman Catholic Priesthood. I hope that my readers will also find these images to be beautiful.
In Jesus and Mary,
Seminarian Matthew



58 comment(s):
God bless you on your journey.
God bless you, Matthew. I will keep you daily in my prayers.
God Bless, Matt. Drop a post when you get a chance, and tell us how things are going.
My very best wishes and prayers for you.
Be careful, in the seminary, with too much talk about the older form of Mass. Times are changing, slowly but surely, but it is far to soon to be a real partisan of the older form in a seminary. A very good approach is to adopt two of what back in my day we called The Six Rules of Seminary Survival. #4 Smile a lot #5 Say very little.
Drop an e-mail to me, if you care to, to let WDTPRSers how you are. You can't post on blogs, but I can post on mine! I protect anonymity.
It might be a good idea to keep a daily journal for the whole time of your formation.
We'll keep you in our prayers, Mathew. May God bless you and protect you.
May the Lord bless you and may Mary's prayers be with you always. Amen+
God bless you Matthew in the way that is His will for you...either as the kind of Priest we need or the kind of Dad we need for future saints!
Will so miss "visiting" daily but we will in prayer...
I'll have the boys especially remember you in prayer during the 1962 missal Mass.
I will sorely miss your posts, Matthew but I know you're on an all important journey.
May God bless you with understanding and clear discernment as you begin your studies to be ordained a priest.
Thanks of all of your work on this blog, and for your willingness to take on the greater work of a possible vocation to the Priesthood.
I will keep you in my prayers.
God bless you Matthew. You will be sorely missed. You will be in my daily prayers.
What a blessing it has been to see you on this journey.
God bless you.
Goodbye for now.
You will be a fine priest someday.
Matthew, you go carrying the hopes and prayers of many with you. May you grow in the light of the Lord, and become his Priest.
Matthew, you will be in my prayers. Looking forward to hearing from you by email. I think it is wise to listen to Fr. Zuhlsdorf's advice. I'm not saying you should accept heretic teachings, but test the waters a bit before you get into an argument. Hoping that seminary will be good and Orthodox.
God bless you on your journey, Matthew. I found your blog at exactly the right moment in my life, when I made the decision to begin the RCIA process. I have spent hours exploring your posts, your links and the pages of those who comment on your posts. I find your words inspiring and comforting during my own journey. I shall miss your daily contribution to my life, and will eagerly await your return.
At this time I would like to thank everyone that has commented so far. Your support means so very much to me!
Cindy, it is wonderful, a great joy, to hear that you will be starting RCIA. I pray that you find a holy, traditional priest and learn much about the Catholic Religion. If you need any help such as questions answered, please do not hesitate to email me. My email address is listed in the sidebar.
I highly suggest you look through my posts on "Catholic Categories" in the sidebar, and I have many suggestions of great books for people converting here:
You will be in my prayers Matthew. Having been through a theological degree myself, I know you will need them!
Matthew: I'm adding you to my regular prayer list.
Please add my e-mail address..
Keep close to Our Blessed Lady and she wil never allow you to stray from God's will for you. Seek her advice and help in all things. Never has she let anyone down. Turn to her especially when you are lonely or dejected or things seem dark. Some of the best advice for a Catholic life comes from Saint Bernard: Respice Stellam! Invoca Mariam! Look at the Star! Call Mary!
Fr. Scott Bailey, C.Ss.R.
Best of luck, Matthew. Thank you again for the book and I will keep you in my prayers. I would love to be on your email list and hear updates about your journey. My email is kseed03@gmail.com.
It begins!
God bless you - and you, and all future priests, are in my family's prayers and the prayers of so many Catholics around the world. You will do great! :)
What a special time this is for you! I am so happy for you! However, I will miss you, but will keep you in my prayers. Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing and if you need prayer for a specific intention.
God bless you on your journey and keep you always in His loving care.
I believe I am already on your list, but if not please add me.
In Jesus and Mary,
I shall miss your presence on the blogosphere dear friend. Rest assured of my prayers for your time in the seminary. Please keep in touch by email, should you have time at petershelper@cs.com. May Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary be your sure refuge and protection.
What beautiful pictures!
Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that it appears Pro-life search is no longer working. I saw the link on your sidebar and clicked it, and it took me to a band fan site. I am a former user of Pro-life search, but switched back to Google when it wouldn't work for me anymore.
I am a teenage girl who strongly believes that Sacred Tradition is so important in the Catholic Church. We need liturgical reform. My little brother (age 10) serves the Mass (of Vatican II) every morning, wearing the traditional cassock and surplus. Among many differences from the normal server, he rings the bells at the Consecration and uses a server paten for Communion, he also genuflects when crossing the tabernacle (it is in the center, as it should be) and bows to the priest. There is a whole group of boys we know who also serve this way. It is beautiful. I have been to the Latin Mass several times and it is very beautiful. But, I believe that going back to the Latin Mass everywhere is not necessarily the thing to do. The Vatican II Mass when prayed reverently, with only altar boys* and Latin and Traditional singing is, put plainly, heavenly! Another thing that has sadly been neglected in today’s churches is modesty. I believe that priests should be teaching this from the pulpit. The Vatican dress code should be posted on the doors of churches. Our pastor put an article in the bulletin with the Vatican dress code. The people need to be instructed! My sister has started a modesty movement to promote a culture of life through modesty ( www.rosamysticamodesty.org ). This is such an important virtue for today!
I am praying for you! May our sweet Mother Mary and Her Beloved Son Jesus, hold you close to Their Hearts!
*I believe that girls should not serve on the altar, it is not our place. Our “job” is to be sacristans, washing the linens, cleaning and decorating the church, etc. which is what my sisters and I do at our parish.
God bless you, Matthew, on your journey. I will keep you in prayer. Those images are beautiful. I love how the blog will continue in perpetuity while you are away, preparing yourself to serve. God bless.
You are in my prayers. Come back with Louis sometime to the Grotto on break.
God Bless, Matthew. I'll keep you in my prayers.
God speed Matthew! God speed!
God Bless you. We will keep you in our prayers and many thanks for operating such a fine weblog.It has wonderful information that will lead many more young and old to holiness and a deeper love of Christ and his Holy Church.
I've posted a brief reply to your comment:
I'll be keeping you in my prayers. God bless!
Best wishes, Matthew. I don't know what we're going to do without you to facilitate finding our saint for the year! ;)
Congratulations and God bless you.
May God bless you...I will keep you in my prayers.
You are in our prayers and will be remmbered on the 'Adopt a Seminarian/Religious' widget on my blog's sidebar.
You are setting aside your blog in preparation for the day you become another 'alter christus' for the world. God bless you.
I concur with Fr.Z. If priesthood were just about saying the Latin Mass, you'd have tons and tons of seminarians. The reality is, however, you will be devoting an entire 24/7 to your ministry. But I know you can do it. You'll be in my prayers daily. Pray for us too, OK?
Hi! I realized this comment may be a little late, but hey, at least you can still read it if not to write anything about it :)
I've been reading your blog since before you decided to answer the call and discerned to enter the priesthood, and now that you're going, i'll say: vaya con Dios!
My prayers will be with you, and may you serve God in the way He wills!
Thinking of you today and prayers ascend for your continued journey.
Resources for the Traditional Latin Mass
8/23/2007 - 21:20 PST
Catholic PRWire
CHICAGO, IL - AUGUST 23, 2007 - Thanks to Pope Benedict XVI and his Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum," the Traditonal Latin Mass is returning to the Latin Church!
Priests around the world once again need to have the 1962 Missale Romanum, the Rituale Romanum, as well as a number of other liturgical items. And so, the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius have now opened a webstore (http://cantius.org/webstore) to help priests find those resources they need to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass.
The CANTIUS WEBSTORE (http://cantius.org/webstore) now is offering:
Roman Missal - Travel Size Altar Missal
ass Altar Cards
Used for Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
1962 juxta typica (typical edition) of the Missale Romanum
The Roman Ritual
Rituale Romanum in three volumes
The Rubrics of the 1962 Missale Romanum
Translated by Fr. Dennis Duvelius
Liber Usualis
Gregorian Chant for every Mass of the year.
The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described
Adrian Fortescue and J.B. O'Connell, Edited by Dom Alcuin Reid, O.S.B.
Ceremonial of Solemn High Mass
The Ceremonial of Solemn High Mass is a unique aid and quick reference guide for learning to celebrate the Tridentine Solemn High Mass of the 1962 Missale Romanum. Click here for more details...
More helpful items are to be added in the coming weeks...
Contact: Canons Regular of St John Cantius
http://cantius.org/webstore/ IL, US
Rev. Scott A. Haynes, SJC - Website Director, 312-243 7373
Keywords: SanctaMissa.org, Missale Romanum 1962, Rubrics, Traditional Latin Mass
Category: Liturgy
The Canons Regular of St John Cantius in Chicago (www.cantius.org) celebrated the Nativity of the B.V.M with a Tridentine Latin High Mass. After Mass the traditional Blessing of Seeds was given from the Rituale Romanum 1962. The Canons also celebrated today the 100th anniversary of "Pascendi," the encyclical of Pius X condemning Modernism, the heresy of all heresies. They lead the faithful in renewing their devotion to Our Lady and to the Church by professing the "Oath against Modernism" of Pope St Pius X.
May God be with you!
I hope you have a wonderful first year in seminary. You will be in my prayers as you prepare for the priesthood.
Great Catholic Website!
May God continue to bless you and keep you close to him throughout your years in the seminary. I'll be praying for you!
i have to disagree with Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, this is destructive advise. God bless you, and be yourself. To be yourself with others and with God is to be open to where God is leading you.
say as much as you have to, and show your emotions, As Christ did.
Good Luck Matthew. I hope that all is going well for you. You are in my prayers.
I wish you luck in your journey.
Always remember to use your brain, and think about how the things you're taught.
Reasonableness will take you a long way.
Just stopping by to let you know I havent forgot about you. May God protect you and bless you in all that you do. You are in my prayers. Matt =)
Matthew, thanks for the post on my blog about being a Catholic and doing volunteer work in Latin America.
I wanted to respond to your comment about why I have chosen to support Barack Obama. You stated that a Catholic can't vote for someone who supports abortion.
On the looks of things, you and I would fall on opposite ends of the spectrum of being Catholic. One reason I love and support my faith is because of the variations amongst it's followers- like you and I.
I found a quote by a Catholic hero of mine, regarding the very issue of voting and abortion, and I thought it would be relevant to share with you...
Cardinal Joseph Bernadine of Chicago, an opponent of abortion, cautioned Catholics against turning abortion into a single voting issue: "Our moral, political and economic responsibilities do not stop at the moment of birth. "Those who defend the right to life of the weakest among us must be equally visible in support of the quality of life of the powerless among us: the old and the young, the hungry and the homeless, the undocumented immigrant and the unemployed worker. ... Consistency means we can't have it both ways."
And so, in the spirit of that urging by Cardinal Bernadine, I support Barack Obama with the belief that the value and dignity of human life DOES NOT END at conception, and I believe when I look at the issues holistically, Barack Obama is the best man for the job.
And so, in regards to health care, the issues in war torn areas like the Middle East, the Congo, and Sudan, as well as a host of other issues like gun control, taxes, social security, the environment, civil rights and immigration, Barack Obama is the man that is most in line with my ideals, with my morality.
I hope that helps you understand why I support the man. I assume we will disagree still, but for me, I just can't vote or not vote for a candidate on one single issue...
"It's not about taking the right stand on issues. It's about choosing to stand in the right place. With those on the margins, those whose dignity has been denied. To choose to stand with the poor and the powerless and the voiceless. To choose to stand with the easily despised and the readily left out. To choose to stand with those whose burdens are more than they can bear. To stand with the demonized so that the demonizing will stop. And so you stand against forgetting as you leave this place, that we belong to each other." Father Greg Boyle, S.J.
Best wishes and humble prayers in 2008 as well.
But with regard to your post:
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Monastery: Episode 4
I would reconsider some of your positions this year. Because what you called "Preposterous!", the Holy Father affirms, and you are living out.
"God has called each of us into being and gives us a personal task. God needs each of us and awaits our response." -- Benedict XVI, Vienna Konzerthaus, September 9, 2007.
The Church needs more men of God like you. May you always be in the light of Christ. I agree with Fr. Scott Bailey's advice to you! Be careful there are many who come to deceive the precious . Drop in and make some comments on the Cathnews discussion board sometime!We need some more traditional Catholics on board, and sometimes it's fun....
I don't know if you still check your comments, but I was cruising the internet about lighting candles, and I came upon this. I have noticed a trend of young priests and seminarians wanting to go back to the days prior to Vatican Council II in their thoughts and attitudes. I am just very curious as to why? Feel things have gotten too diluted? I just respectfully wonder. I know I would probably no longer be Catholic if things hadn't changed some...especially the idea that no one else can go to heaven if they are not Catholic. (Things changed when I was in around the 4th or 5th grade, so I remember the Latin mass and the Baltemore Catechism etc). It use to rile me when my fundamentalist aquaintances used to pity me, sure I was going straight to hell because I was a pagan Catholic. Jesus wouldn't likely agree with either attitude, their dogmatic attitude or ours.
Barb, the honest truth is that the Church still teaches that non-Catholics are not saved (all are saved through the Church).
Happy Holy Week, Matthew. Hope all is well as you continue on your journey and you receive many blessings this Easter season.
I thought that I must have missed something and been way behind the times, but I see that you have just today posted about your decision to leave the seminary. You have made a very hard decision and I will keep you in my prayers. I must admit, it will be nice to have you blogging again!
I enjoyed your blog very much.
God Keep you,
Deacon Pat
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