These are beautiful photos of I Vespers of St. Joseph the Workman from April 31, 2009, from Edinburgh. The
St. Andrews & Edinburgh Schola sings monthly old rite Vespers in the Cathedral. Benediction also took place, and the celebrant was Fr John Emerson of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP).
"Wisdom rendered to the just the wages of their labors and conducted them for a covert by day and for the light of stars by night. Alleluia, alleluia. (Psalm) Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. Glory be to the Father. Wisdom rendered..." (Introit)

"O God, Creator of all things, Who didst lay on the human race the law of labor: graciously grant that by following the example of Saint Joseph and under his patronage, we may carry out the work Thou dost command, and obtain the reward Thou dost promise. Through our Lord" (Collect).
Image Source: Re-produced with permission of Eoghain Murphy, via Facebook Photos
4 comment(s):
Many thanks for this post. My thanks also to Eoghain for the photography.
The Schola is going from strength to strength and we look forward to a celebration for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, hopefully with a full compliment of seven coped clerics.
Kind regards,
Mark Hamid
Principal, The Edinburgh Schola
And I'll see if we can get rid of the "duck" for future liturgies!
Mr. Mark Hamid:
Please feel free to send me any photos or information that you have as time progresses. It would be my pleasure to continue to post images/upcoming events for the Edinburgh Schola.
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