The below images were from a Tridentine Latin Mass sponsored by the Thomas More Society of Boston College, celebrated in St Mary's Chapel by Fr Agustin Anda, assisted by Fr. Gary Gurtler, S.J.. Chant choir Schola Amicorum, from the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
This Mass took place on the Feast of St Michael the Archangel in September 2009. The acolytes are Philip Micele and Michael Williams.

Image Sources: These photos are from the Greater Boston Tridentine from Flickr, used with permission
1 comment(s):
I worked at a Catholic church in San Antonio years ago. Original high altar items and lovely old vestments were piled up in a room off the sacristy, half thrown into closets. The relic-bearing altar stone was kept in a cupboard with rags and bottles of brass polish. How did a centuries old sense of the sacred fall from grace in so short a period of time? After the usual "Hi! How are ya?" morning Mass one day, a visiting priest from Mexico said Mass at a side altar. He did so ad orientem, and -surprisingly to me - used Latin. All was said in a hushed voice and related reverence was palpable. Many people flocked to that side of the church instead of leaving. They were obviously starved for something - a sense of reverence and mystery which, after all, should be hallmarks of what is and always will be, a MYSTERY RELIGION.
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