When therefore they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter: Simon son of John, lovest thou me more than these? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He saith to him again: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He said to him the third time: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved, because he had said to him the third time: Lovest thou me? And he said to him: Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I love thee. He said to him: Feed my sheep. John 21:15-17
One thing that I find quite troubling is the lack of activism amongst those of us who serve our Lord Jesus Christ. On this most holy day in the year when we recall our Master's triumph, we should recall our responsibility to serve Him daily in our actions. Just browsing through several blogs and forums, I see a lot of outstanding posts and then several well needed posts that show us the errors in our culture and in the Novus Ordo Church. While it always pains me to see such abuses and lack of respect for our Master, we have to realize that it is our responsibility to go forth and serve Him. We shall be judged according to our actions and how often have we forgotten the sin of omission?
Our Lord Jesus Christ does not ask us to be successful. He has already won. The victory is done; the triumph is won; our salvation is purchased. Yet Our Lord asks us to spread His teachings to the furthermost corners of the world so that all souls can be saved. No one can be saved except by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And for that reason, we must attempt to serve our Lord at all times.
For example, I just saw a post on a Catholic online forum that mentioned that the city of Philadelphia is distributing condoms to 11 - 19 year olds. This is just one instance among many. While we may lament this sin, why do few of us fail in taking away? Why do not not message our friends in the state of Pennsylvania asking them to call their officials and write them. It does not matter if their efforts will be successful - our Master asks only that we serve Him in all ways. How do we serve our Master when we fail to instruct the ignorant, call sinners to repentance, and perform the other spiritual works of mercy?
Do not be discouraged. I think there needs to be a renewed sense of activism. Our Lord Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. He will judge each of us and all of our faults will be made known. All of our faults condemned our Savior to the death of the Cross. Sin not.
I ask all of you to please join me in a renewed sense of purpose. ITE MISSA EST. Go forth and write to ordinaries and the Vatican regarding abuses, go forth and instruct the ignorant in the faith, go forth and seek to stop sin. All the while let us do these actions in resignation of the will of God and offer these in union with His Sacrifice. Let us imitate the saints in our zeal to win souls and save them. "I say to you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance" (Luke 15:7)
Do not be discouraged. I think there needs to be a renewed sense of activism. Our Lord Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. He will judge each of us and all of our faults will be made known. All of our faults condemned our Savior to the death of the Cross. Sin not.
I ask all of you to please join me in a renewed sense of purpose. ITE MISSA EST. Go forth and write to ordinaries and the Vatican regarding abuses, go forth and instruct the ignorant in the faith, go forth and seek to stop sin. All the while let us do these actions in resignation of the will of God and offer these in union with His Sacrifice. Let us imitate the saints in our zeal to win souls and save them. "I say to you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance" (Luke 15:7)
2 comment(s):
Thanks for sharing:)
I totally agree, these days we tend to forget what it means to be a true Catholic. We need to remind ourselves especially our kids. It's hard enough to live in this time, most especially when we don't carry the needed values.
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