David Martin, whose pieces have appeared previously on A Catholic Life, is pleased to announce the release of his newest book Vatican II: A Historic Turning Point.
The story of what happened at Vatican II is essential in understanding the post-conciliar debacle, and has been told in great depth by the most qualified witnesses. This book simply rakes it in a little pile and highlights some of the key elements of the Council that set the Bark of Peter on a new and dangerous course.
The purpose of the book is to place Holy Church in a good light and to erase some of this deep-seeded prejudice against the Faith that was engendered by the post-conciliar reform. Benedict XVI expresses it nicely in his document of April 30, 2011: "What was sacred for prior generations remains sacred and great for us as well." (Universae Ecclesia)
1 comment(s):
David Martin's book on Vatican II is right down my alley. I have no doubt that V. II needs to be overthrown and is OVERTHROWABLE since it contains nothing binding on the whole Church ( A UNIQUE COUNCIL). Back in 2006 was written 30PAGEPAPER which centers on the Council TAKEOVER etc http://vaticaniidebate,com
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