Taken from the website:
“The College of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More was refounded three years ago as a traditional Catholic College starting almost from zero. In the first year there were five students, in the second year twenty, now in the third year over forty. This College is unique in the world, as it is the only College that is fully accredited to issue the B.A. degree in Liberal Arts and is at the same time fully traditional Catholic, with the Traditional Latin Mass on campus daily, Confession, the rosary, vespers, terce and compline. It accepts traditional Catholic professors and students. Its aim is to help rebuild the Catholic Church, so that young men and women will become the salt of the earth in our society and will pass on the Faith of all time to future generations. The College of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More occupies a unique place in the struggle of traditional Catholics to retain and pass on their Faith, because young men and women who have emerged from traditional Catholic high schools or who have been homeschooled ABSOLUTELY NEED the formation provided by this College before they confront the neo-pagan world we live in. It is too much to expect that those who complete high school education as teenagers will remain unscathed in all cases if exposed to the intellectual and moral dangers of largely anti-Christian higher education.You may donate to the organization and learn more by clicking here.
As with all initiatives, funds are needed to get started. The magnificent campus building, formerly the convent of Our Lady of Victory, was built in 1909 and is in need of renovation. Until the number of students has reached the economically viable figure of at least 120, operating costs must be subsidised and we need help now. Finally, our students in many cases come from large families of traditional Catholics that need scholarships to enable them to send their children, many of them homeschooled, to our College.
The new founders and professors of our College have shown themselves to be highly courageous in undertaking the initiative of founding a truly Catholic College of this kind. We are calling on you to support this College, which is a beacon on the hill and offers great hope for a Catholic future. This is an initiative that is truly deserving of support.”
4 comment(s):
Please, watch this great vidiage from the school
Thanks for joining us at Sunday Snippets. That college certainly looks different from most. http://rannthisthat.blogspot.com/2013/10/sunday-snippets-catholic-carnival_19.html
Michael Voris visits Fisher More College, Nov. 2013!
Watch his short video on the school:
Catholic College Controversy
John Vennari also visited Fisher More College in Nov 2013. See his brief review and photos on his website, with more to come soon. Please consider donating to help this school succeed.
Another peek at Fisher More College from a Nov. 2013 visit:
A Visit to the College of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More
"We operate on the motto that the parents' 18 years of sacrifice and commitment raising their children Catholic at home should not be undone in 3 months of college." - Dr. Michael King, President, Fisher More College
By John Vennari - November 8, 2013
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