In his letter, the SSPX's Superior General briefly outlines the state of affairs in the Church, some issues being faced with Pope Francis, as well as the apostolic work that the Society of St. Pius X faithfully continues.
Most importantly, Bishop Fellay has announced a fourth Rosary Crusade with the goal of offering 5 million rosaries to Our Lady for the intentions of:
- To implore from the Immaculate Heart of Mary a special protection for the traditional apostolate;
- For the return to Tradition within the Church;
- For the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the consecration of Russia.
2014 Rosary Crusade
January 1 until June 8, 2014Means:
1) Prayer and penance as asked for at Fatima;
2) Sanctification through the duty of state;
3) Spirit of sacrifice in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
1 comment(s):
Omnia Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!
Viva la Vírgen de Guadalupe!
Viva Cristo Rey!
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