Kenya, 1937
In my own situation, I frequent a few different chapels/shrines/parishes regularly for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At each Mass, all of which are Traditional Latin Masses, I am pleased to find a few non-white Catholics in attendance. These people are extremely intelligent – one of which is very fluent in Latin and an integral part of the schola. It is rewarding to see the one True Faith bringing in people from all societies, social classes, races, and nationalities. Our Faith is one. It is universal – after all, that is what it means to be a Catholic!
As Traditional Catholics, some of us are to be commended for what we do to share the Faith with others – whether digitally (e.g. on our Facebook walls) or in personal discussions with others. But why do so many of us not reach out to the racial or ethnic minorities in our communities? Are not these people also called to the one saving Faith that is the Catholic Church, outside of which no one can be saved? Do we do enough to help their salvation?
It’s unfortunate that there are few Traditional Latin Masses in the Spanish-speaking world, relatively to the number in the English speaking world. And why is it that when we think of African American Catholic communities we think of “praise and worship” singing and heretical worship rather than people who also need true, valid Sacraments?
It’s a fact that the same Traditional Latin Mass codified by His Holiness Pope St. Pius V was the Mass that converted the inhabitants of the New World when the explorers of Juan Ponce de Leon and Christopher Columbus landed on these shores. The christianization of the New World consisted of naming many places after the Faith. Did you realize El Salvador means “The Savior” or that much of Southern California christianized by the Franciscans is named after the saints? Santa Monica – Saint Monica. San Diego - Saint Diego de Alcalá. And there are many other examples. The point is that these primitive people all became Catholics – Catholics attached solely to the Latin Mass and the Latin Sacraments. It’s a fallacy to even suggest that these peoples need the Novus Ordo to serve as a bridge between their prior ways and the Solemnity of the Latin Mass. History is our proof and it is not necessary.
Let's also consider the work of the SSPX in Africa or the ICKSP in Africa today and the many conversions they bring about. All peoples are called to the beauty of Tradition.
There is a tendency – a subtle one within us – to assume that the extraordinary beauty, awe, history, and ritual of the Traditional Latin Mass is only meant for Europeans and those of European heritage. We need to completely eradicate this notion out of our minds. Let’s consider the following:
1. Invite non-Catholic minorities to Mass with you. It’s a holy act and one that we should all be doing more often. There are many protestant minorities in our society. There are too many ex-Catholics in the Hispanic community who are seeking spirituality in the un-holiness of Pentecostalism and the like. Are we inviting them back to Mass? Are we bringing them with us to the Solemn High Masses so they can experience the great awe and mystery of the Faith that they may have never truly known? Do we explain to them why we pray to the Holy Mother of God?
2. Invite Catholic minorities to Mass. With this group, unlike the aforementioned one, they can and should receive the Sacraments. Help them follow along in the Missal. Help explain to them the rituals (e.g. the Signs of the Cross, the many genuflections, the symbolism, etc). Help them feel the awe and mystery. Invite them to go to Confession. Introduce them to the priest afterwards. Invite them to the monthly social hours or some devotions (e.g. Sunday Vespers, Benediction, Rosary, etc). These people, just like their Caucasian counterparts in non-Traditional Catholic Churches, yearn for what is True, Good, and Beautiful. This is especially worthwhile to do by bringing to Mass those with inadequate transportation or health issues who may be completely unable to attend any Mass at all on a given Sunday.
3. Advertise in parishes with high minority concentrations. Put some handouts in the various literature racks of these parishes with information on the Latin Mass and the local times – or even just some beautiful holy cards of St. Pius X or Pope Pius XII or a holy card on why pray the Rosary. It’s no secret that many parishes with a large minority makeup suffer from poor catechesis, downright scandalous liturgies, and infrequent Confession times. These people could really benefit from our missionary work.
4. Invite the homeless and the poor to Mass. Consider giving them a few dollars when you see them and, at the same time, handing them a holy card or a Rosary. Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that cometh forth from the mouth of God.
So please, join me in helping to evangelize to all members of our society – regardless of their race or nationality. Let’s help spread the Traditional Mass to everyone.
2 comment(s):
Thank you for this article, this "missionary outlook" is really necessary for Traditionalists. We too often focus only on the liturgy and doctrine without the clear intention of spreading it. I would love to see a Traditional order dedicating itself to the evangelization of the Blacks in the US, just as the Josephites of old.
BTW, I love the picture. It's also in one of my old German missionary magazines. What a great day for the priest receiving his own mother into Holy Church!
Thank you for your comment. I am in agreement with you. God bless
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