The Brothers Hermits of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel is a Roman Catholic Religious Order that is in full communion with the Holy See and is under the authority and support of His Excellency Bishop Heinz Wilhelm Steckling of the Diocese of Ciudad Del Este, Paraguay. The hermits live the strict observance according to the Primitive Carmelite Rule and exclusively celebrate the traditional liturgy according to the ancient Carmelite Rite. This Order, Fratres Eremitae Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo, was originally founded by the Discalced Carmelite Blessed Francisco Palau in 1860 as a revival of the primitive charism, spirit, life, and discipline of the ancient Carmelite Hermits: a return to a life which St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross sought. Having suffered from the secular persecutions in Spain and the Spanish Civil War in 1936 the community died. However, by grace and divine providence, the Order was revived in Brazil in 2000 and is growing in Paraguay, Brazil, and abroad.
The life of a Carmelite Hermit is a continuous act of love and worship of Almighty God, aimed at perfection of Christian Charity and the fruition of the grace of Christian Baptism. "This is the will of God, your sancitfication" (1 Thessalonians 4:3). God created us, and from Him we receive ourselves, in order that we might receive the Gift of Himself. God gives us Himself in Christ: it brings great glory to Him freely to receive His Gift to us. A soul united to God in the transforming union is a "Praise of Glory" (Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity; cf. Ephesians 1:6,12) and becomes a living spring of potent, saving grace for the Church and the world. Through this divine love and union, the Carmelite life also glorifies the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Flower of Carmel, as the hermit lives in communion with her who received the Lord in her heart and soul, as well as in her body and her immaculate womb. Like Mary, the Carmelite Hermits serve the Church through the love and adoration of God; furthermore, they efficaciously contribute to the transformation and salvation of the world through prayer and intercession night and day, penance, writings, and the apostolic works of the Brother Priests. Like St. Elias, the love of God, in a contemplative mode, and the love of neighbor, in a prophetic mode, determine the form of their lives. Faithfully lived with Mary, the Carmelite hermit lives, as a baptized Christian, in time and on earth—through Grace and Mystery in faith, hope, and charity—the life of the Blessed in eternal Glory in Heaven, through Jesus Christ our Heavenly Lord, the Creator of all and the Author of Grace: in the soul of His faithful Carmelite who is conformed to the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Christ's Kingdom comes among men...even now.
The Daily Weekday Schedule of Members of this Order:
00:00 Midnight – Rise, Invitatorium (in Choir),Matutinum (in Cell)
05:00 – Rise, One Hour of Meditation and Mental Prayer (in Cell or in Choir, according to individual with permission)
06:00 – Angelus, Laudes (in Choir)
06:30 – Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Conventual Mass in Church) followed by Thanksgiving and Prima (in Choir)
08:45 – Tertia (in Cell)
Outside of days and times of fasting there is a small, simple breakfast (Individual)
09:00 – Work (according to the vocation and ability of each Brother, including intellectual work and study, for those called to it, or priestly apostolic works for the Brother Priests)
12:00 – Angelus, Sexta (in Cell)
13:00 – End of work, Nona (in Cell)
14:00 – Meal, Rest (During desert days and days of retreat the meal is taken in the Cell)
15:00 – Bell for Prayer on the Passion of Our Lord
16:00 – Vesperae (in Choir) (17:00 during summer)
On Sundays and Solemnities there is community recreation
17:00 – One Hour of Meditation and Mental Prayer (in Cell)
18:00 – Angelus, Completorium (19:00 during summer)
During days and times of fasting there is a small Collation; outside of days and times of fastingand there is a small, simple dinner (Individual)
Personal Prayer (individual)
Retire for the night
1 comment(s):
How can I contact these Hermits?
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