St. Michael Church in Munich, Germany (c) A Catholic Life Blog, 2017.
Let's focus on the Top 20 Actions Holy Mother Church needs to make. Let us pray and work for these to occur.
1. The Restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass - the Mass of All Times - in all Latin Rite parishes and the abolition of the 1969 Rite of Mass.
2. The immediate end of Communion in the hand
3. The elimination of lay extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion (often erroneous called "Eucharistic ministers")
4. The restoration of altar rails and Holy Communion received kneeling
5. An immediate reduction in annulments which have become a "get out of marriage free" card.
6. Require all Fridays to be meatless rather than offer the option to substitute a penance for Fridays outside of Lent since no one even knows or observes this
7. Restore all of Lent as 40 days of fast and abstinence
8. Immediately cease false ecumenism and resume true missionary work, since we hold that outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation. Ecumenism downplays Christ.
9. Prohibit cremation for Catholics
10. Eradicate the false concepts of human freedoms which have worked their way in the Church
11. Publicly condemn the masons as the Popes had previously done for centuries
12. Suppress the Neocatechumenal Way
13. Restore proper understanding of liberty of conscience as a grave evil
14. Clarify that non-Catholics who divorce and re-marry are in the state of sin and may not receive Holy Communion since they are not in God's grace
15. Condemn Medjugorje, since the alleged apparitions teach novelties in direct contradiction to the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Faith
16. Remove the so-called Luminous Mysteries since it is not possible to add to the Rosary as revealed by Our Lady
17. Encourage more frequent Confession and preach on the necessity of being in grace for salvation
18. Restore the Church to the glory she had before the revolution that occurred at Vatican II.
19. Instill in the Faithful the necessity to resist the insatiable desire for earthly goods and riches
20. Undo the separation of Church and State
As a final suggestion, please re-read Traditionalism Vs. Modernism by Fr. Peter Carota. Let us pray and actively work to achieving all of these. Lord have mercy!
1 comment(s):
Abolish EVERY new Sacramental Form created from June 1968 (New Rite of Holy Orders) to 1973.(Extreme Unction became Anointing of the Sick)
Demand all in the Diaconate, Priesthood,and Episcopasy receive conditional Holy Orders (Subdiaconate through Episcopasy) from valid Bishops ordained & Consecrated in Traditional rites Pre-July 1968 or from valid Bishops outside the Conciliar Church.
Reinstate the 7 orders of Priesthood & demand all Catholics receive a supplemental baptism and conditional confirmation in Traditional rite from valid Trad-rite Bishops.
Since 1969 the World has fallen into a living hell.
Its no coincidence the Traditional Rite of Sacraments were abolished around the same time.
God bless.
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