Thursday, August 8, 2024
Running Towards a World Without Cancer: Support My NYC Marathon Journey

I'm happy to announce that I will be running the NYC Marathon this November for a great charity! Please help me raise the funds for cancer victims and their families. I'm participating in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon as a member of Team Imerman Angels, and I'm excited to make a difference in the lives of those impacted by cancer.

This will be my 4th major marathon as I draw closer to my life goal of completing all 6!

Imerman Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide comfort and understanding for all cancer fighters, survivors, previvors, and caregivers through a personalized one-on-one connection with someone who has been there. Imerman Angels envisions a world where cancer is not a solitary experience.

Through its unique matching process, Imerman Angels partners individuals seeking cancer support with a "Mentor Angel" who provides psychosocial support and support to anyone facing cancer.

If you have enjoyed this blog, please help me raise the funds for Imerman Angels so I can run for their charity. My plan is to offer up the entire marathon for cancer victims. With God's help I hope to get to the finish line for them. With your help, I can get to the starting line.

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