Showing posts with label Eastern Orthodoxy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eastern Orthodoxy. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI Meets With Patriarch Bartholomew I

Today His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI met His Holiness Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. The Holy Father's visit was to help heal divisions following the break between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches in 1054 AD. However, unlike protestants, the Orthodox Church also has a valid priesthood and therefore, valid Sacraments. In reality, only Baptism and Marriage are truly authentic Sacraments in some protestant churches.

Follow up: See the declaration issued at the end of this meeting


REUTERS/Ecumenical Patriarchate (TURKEY)

REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach (TURKEY)

REUTERS/Ecumenical Patriarchate (TURKEY)
Friday, October 13, 2006
Ukrainian Catholic Seminarians and Priests Evangelizing Soldiers

This is a very positive story, and in our negative world, positive stories are, I believe, extremely important. Remember, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is part of the Universal Catholic Church.

From Catholic News Agency:
Konigstein, Oct. 13, 2006 (CNA) - Fr. Bohdan Prach, rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv, Ukraine, said his seminarians have had great success in their efforts to evangelize men and women serving in the armed forces of Ukraine.

Prach said the pastoral work of many of Holy Sprit Seminary’s 220 seminarians involves outreach and evangelization in the Ukranian Army. “There are already young priests serving military units in Lviv and Western Ukraine. As a result, the atmosphere in the army has considerably improved,” Fr. Prach said.”

“Also, there are many adult baptisms which come as a fruit of these catechetical efforts,” he added.

Military service is compulsory in Ukraine, thus a large number of Ukrainian young people can be reached through such spiritual support of the military.

The rector made his comments on a recent visit to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) headquarters in Königstein, Germany. Fr. Prach was visiting to thank the international aid organization for their support, which has helped with the construction and upkeep of his seminary’s physical plant as well as with the formation of its seminarians, he said.

“ACN and its benefactors are indeed our most outstanding friends,” Prach said.
Friday, March 3, 2006
Papal Title "Patriarch of the West" Dropped

In what appears to be an effort to bridge the differences between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, Pope Benedict XVI has dropped the papal title "Patriarch of the West."
Vatican, Mar. 01 ( - Pope Benedict XVI has dropped one of the traditional titles of the Roman Pontiff. Evidently hoping to eliminate one possible obstacle to ecumenical progress with the Orthodox world, the Holy Father has renounced the title "Patriarch of the West."

The Catholic News Service writes more...
I hope it is evident that the Pope is not just the Patriarch of the West but of the whole Universal Church - He is the Successor of the Chief of the Apostles, St. Peter, and is the leader of the flock of Jesus Christ.

The Pope's other titles remain the "Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of (Peter) the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of the Vatican City, and Servant of the Servants of God."

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