This is a very positive story, and in our negative world, positive stories are, I believe, extremely important. Remember, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is part of the Universal Catholic Church.
From Catholic News Agency:
Konigstein, Oct. 13, 2006 (CNA) - Fr. Bohdan Prach, rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv, Ukraine, said his seminarians have had great success in their efforts to evangelize men and women serving in the armed forces of Ukraine.
Prach said the pastoral work of many of Holy Sprit Seminary’s 220 seminarians involves outreach and evangelization in the Ukranian Army. “There are already young priests serving military units in Lviv and Western Ukraine. As a result, the atmosphere in the army has considerably improved,” Fr. Prach said.”
“Also, there are many adult baptisms which come as a fruit of these catechetical efforts,” he added.
Military service is compulsory in Ukraine, thus a large number of Ukrainian young people can be reached through such spiritual support of the military.
The rector made his comments on a recent visit to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) headquarters in Königstein, Germany. Fr. Prach was visiting to thank the international aid organization for their support, which has helped with the construction and upkeep of his seminary’s physical plant as well as with the formation of its seminarians, he said.
“ACN and its benefactors are indeed our most outstanding friends,” Prach said.
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