Saturday, April 7, 2007
Holy Saturday

Today is Holy Saturday. We sit and mourn today - waiting for the Resurrection. Today is a day of silence and mourning. I recommend listening to the Lamentations chanted. Today our Lord is in the Limbo of the Fathers, preaching to the souls of the Just who came before Him.

Some parishes will still have tombs set up in honor of our Lord. In some places, it is customary to visit these tombs and pray today as we await the greatest miracle of all - our Lord raising Himself.

Today is a traditional day of fasting up until noon (or whenever one attends the Vigil Mass, whichever is later).

The Book of Blessing notes in the introduction to the Blessing of the First Meal of Easter (nos. 1701-1723) that, “The custom of blessing food for Easter arose from the discipline of fasting throughout Lent and the special [Paschal] Easter fast during the Triduum.  Easter was the first day when meat, eggs, and other foods could again be eaten. According to custom, food may be blessed for consumption at the first meal of Easter, when fasting is ended and the Church is filled with joy in the Resurrection."
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Paschal Triduum: Let us Journey with Our Lord

At last, Holy Thursday is here. Today we will commemorate the Institution of the Eucharist, the Institution of the Sacred Priesthood upon the Disciples, and Jesus's agony and arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. I have found no account of the Passion more mystical and beneficial for my own spiritual life than the account in "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" according to the visions of Blessed Catherine Emmerich. I suggest all people read the account of Holy Thursday for today. It can be read online.

And so today we will celebrate and remember these events. Tomorrow we will spiritual journey with Our Lord. Tomorrow at 9 AM we will remember that His Passion begins. Jesus Christ was condemned to death. We will remember His Scourging at the Pillar of Flagellation, His Crowning with Thorns, and His Carrying the Cross. Tomorrow at 12 Noon, we will commemorate the instance when He was nailed to the Cross and lifted up from the Earth. And three hours later, at 3 PM, we will recall His death. Those three hours are the holiest hours in the year. Little to no talking should be done during that time.

For this reason, I will not be blogging anymore during the Sacred Paschal Triduum. Instead I will be journeying with my Lord. Tomorrow I will dress in all black, pull the shades and blinds closed, turn off televisions, computers, and telephones. Tomorrow I will journey with My Lord to His death. Good Friday is a day of abstinence and fasting. Please, at all moments, pray tomorrow.

Holy Saturday I will continue fasting until Noon like the Catholics of past generations did. Until the Vigil Mass, I will spiritually follow My Lord to His Tomb and sit outside and weep. It was our sins that condemned Him to death.

I encourage all of my readers to do the same - spiritually journey with Our Lord, pray the Divine Office each day, attend Mass each day of the Triduum, and pray, fast, and give alms.

Below is some information that I have previously posted on liturgical law for the Triduum. Following that are my articles on the Triduum from last year. And now I will leave the blogging world for a few days and follow My Lord who gave up His Life for each and everyone of us.

Liturgical Law and the Triduum:


Washing of Women's feet is completely forbidden by the Apostolic See. This is reserved to men, preferably twelve of number, thus it symbolizes the twelve apostles. (Source: Paschales Solemnitatis). From Jan. 16, 1988, No. 51 of the circular letter states: "The washing of the feet of chosen men which, according to tradition, is performed on this day, represents the service and charity of Christ, who came 'not to be served, but to serve.' This tradition should be maintained, and its proper significance explained."


A day of mandatory Fasting and Abstinence (Canon 1251).

Upon entering our pews, we are to genuflect to the Crucifix not the tabernacle because the Eucharist is not present today in the Tabernacle (Source: GIRM 274).

The priest, upon approaching the altar, is to prostrate himself before it (USCCB). Concerning the adoration of the Cross, "A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful, who in the solemn liturgical action of Good Friday devoutly assist at the adoration of the Cross and kiss it" (Source). The crucifix should be covered in a red or black material. Also, the baptismal founts are drained on this day until the evening of the Easter Vigil.

This is the only day of the liturgical year in which Mass is not, and is prohibited from being celebrated. A Liturgy of the Word with Communion is done by a priest with the special rite prepared in the Sacramentary. Holy Father Benedict XVI permits black to replace the red in the Liturgy of the Word, but red most be worn for the Rite of Holy Communion. A cope is appropriate for the Liturgy of the Word, and is permissible for the Communion Rite. This distinguishes Mass from Communion Services.


While not required by the current Code of Canon Law, Traditionalists will abstain and fast until the Vigil Mass.

Readings should not be cut out. While the rubrics opt. for this, it is suggested that all be read. The Easter Vigil is the most important vigil in the Church and the readings "portray the whole history of human salvation, from the time of Adam to Jesus Christ." (PBXXI)
Past Posts on the Triduum:
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Stational Church: Wednesday in Holy Week

Inside St. Mary Major (c) A Catholic Life Blog, 2016

Today is Spy Wednesday. Today's Stational Church is at the Basilica of St. Mary Major.  For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
Could we have a more powerful leader to Jesus Christ on this, the last day of preparation, than Mary, our Most Holy Mother? Into thy hands, dearest Mother, we place the humble efforts we have made since Ash Wednesday. Mother of Our Savior, carry them, together with thy own most worthy and most pleasing merits, to the throne of divine mercy. Petition the eternal Father that through the infinite merits of His Son and through thy powerful intercession, He would "look down on this His family for which our Lord Jesus Christ hesitated not to be delivered up into the hands of wicked man, and to undergo the torment of the Cross."

If a few hours separate us from the arrival of the Paschal Mysteries. "Behold, the Savior comes. Behold His reward is with Him and His work before Him."

Only all men the Savior died — for Mary and for Judas, and for all who stand between these two. The winepress of the Cross has made one "Queen of all the Saints," and the other—God only knows! Lord, turn not away thy face from Thy servant. Mary, my Mother, pray for me that the Divine Blood of Thy Son be to me a laver of redemption and of life.
Spy Wednesday

Since tomorrow is Holy Thursday, today is Spy Wednesday, the day Judas continued conspiring against Our Lord. For more information, see my post from last year.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
The Chrism Mass

Last night I was honored to dress in cassock, surplice, and Roman Collar as I journeyed to my Cathedral to celebrate the Chrism Mass. Dozens and dozens of priests were there from all corners of my diocese. I was honored to sit with other seminarians and take part in the Chrism Mass. In the Mass, my bishop blessed the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and he consecrated the oil of chrism. All parishes in the diocese will use the newly blessed oil in the coming year.

Information on Chrism Masses can be found at these websites:

Stational Church: Tuesday in Holy Week

Today's Stational Church is at the Church of St. Prisca. Dom Gueranger writes, "In Rome, the Station for today is in the church of St. Prisma, which is said to have been the house of Alula and his wife Prisma, to whom St. Paul sends his salutations in his Epistle to the Romans. In the third century, Pope St. Eustachian had translated thither, on account of the sameness of the name, the body of St. Prisca, a virgin and martyr of Rome."

For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
The last Lenten Station is that of Saint Prisca on the Aventine Hill. It is only a short way from the church of Saint Sabina, from which the procession left forty days ago to visit the tombs of the Martyrs. It is significant that the point of departure and the final arrival of the Lenten stations are on the Aventine Hill, for it was considered particularly sacred by the early Christians. It was in fact here that St. Peter and St. Paul lived for some time in the house of Saints Aquila and Priscilla, which was located on the spot where the church now stands.

St. Prisca, the faithful co-worker of St. Paul in the apostolate of "Christ Crucified," leads us into the Sacred Triduum. We recommend to her our prayers and intentions. May this woman of faith, who was privileged to hear from the Doctor of the Gentiles of the power and triumph of the Cross, watch over us and assist us" that we may celebrate the mysteries of Our Lord's Passion in such a manner as to deserve to obtain God's pardon."

Let us pray: (Pause in silent prayer, reflecting on your Lenten observances.). Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Stational Church: Monday in Holy Week

Today's Stational Church is at the Church of St. Praxedes. Dom Gueranger writes, "The Station, at Rome, is in the church of Saint Praxedes. It is in this church that Pope Paschal I, in the ninth century, placed two thousand three hundred bodies of holy martyrs, which he had ordered to be taken out of the catacombs. The pillar to which our Saviour was tied during His scourging is also here."

For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
The spirit of this second day of the holiest of all weeks may be summed up in four words: Jesus, a supper, a penitent and an impenitent.

Jesus — Holy Savior, You are the center of our thoughts and love. Accept our thanks for all that You have done for our salvation.

The Last Supper—A supper for Jesus! In a few days, Jesus will make a supper for us, a "sacred banquet in which Christ is eaten," "symbol of that One Body of which He is the Head and to which He willed that we should be united as members by the closest bonds of faith, hope and charity, so that we should all speak the same thing and that there should be no divisions among us," as the Council of Trent so beautifully said.

A Penitent — Mary, "took a pound of ointment of costly nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair."

An impenitent-traitor — An apostle of Christ is changed into a traitor because he loved not Christ, but thirty pieces of silver. "It were better, if this man had not been born."

We entrust ourselves today to St. Praxedes, the virgin who loved Jesus with her beautiful soul, who so often in her home prepared the table for the celebration of the Eucharistic Supper, and who anointed the "feet of Christ," that is, the "lowest members" of the Mystical Body, the poor, by gladly giving to them all she possessed.

Let us pray: Help us, holy virgin, to spend this second day of Holy Week in thy spirit. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
The Royal Banners Forward Go

The Hymn (The royal banners forward go):

The royal banners forward go,
The cross shines forth in mystic glow;
Where he in flesh, our flesh who made,
Our sentence bore, our ransom paid.

There whilst he hung, his sacred side
By soldier's spear was opened wide,
To cleanse us in the precious flood
Of water mingled with his blood.

Fulfilled is now what David told
In true prophetic song of old,
How God the heathen's King should be;
For God is reigning from the tree.

O tree of glory, tree most fair,
Ordained those holy limbs to bear,
How bright in purple robe it stood,
The purple of a Savior's blood!

Upon its arms, like balance true,
He weighed the price for sinners due,
The price which none but he could pay,
And spoiled the spoiler of his prey.

To thee, eternal Three in One,
Let homage meet by all be done:
As by the cross thou dost restore,
So rule and guide us evermore.


Photo Source: Te Deum
Pope Benedict XVI Celebrates Palm Sunday

Pope Benedict XVI presided at Mass to commemorate Palm Sunday today. Below is his homily, as translated by Zenit. Bold statements are my own emphasis.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In the Palm Sunday procession we join ourselves to the crowd of disciples who, in festive joy, accompany the Lord in his entrance into Jerusalem. Like them we praise the Lord in a loud voice for all the great deeds we have seen. Yes, we too have seen and continue to see the great deeds of Christ: how he brings men and women to renounce the comforts of life and put themselves completely at the service of the suffering; how he gives courage to men and women to oppose violence and lies, to make a place in the world for truth; how he, in secret, leads men and women to do good for others, to bring about reconciliation where there was hate, to create peace where enmity reigned.

This procession is above all a joyous testimony that we give to Christ, in whom the face of God is made visible to us and thanks to whom the heart of God is open to all of us. In the Gospel of Luke, the account of the beginning of the procession on the outskirts of Jerusalem is composed in part on the model of the rite of coronation with which, according to the First Book of Kings, Solomon was made heir to David's kingship (cf. 1 Kings 1:33-35).

Thus the procession of palms is also a procession of Christ the King: We profess the kingship of Jesus Christ, we recognize Jesus as son of David, the true Solomon -- the King of peace and justice. Recognizing him as King means accepting him as the one who shows us the way, the one to whom we entrust ourselves and whom we follow. It means accepting his word every day as the valid criterion for our life. It means seeing in him the authority to whom we submit ourselves. We submit ourselves to him because his authority is the authority of truth.

The procession of palms is -- as it was then for the disciples -- above all an expression of joy, because we can know Jesus, because he allows us to be his friends, and because he has given us the key of life. This joy, that is at the beginning, is also, however, the expression of our "yes" to Jesus and of our availability to go with him wherever he takes us. The exhortation at the beginning of today's liturgy therefore rightly interprets the procession also as a symbolic representation of that which we call "the following of Christ": "Let us ask for the grace to follow him," we said. The expression "the following of Christ" is a description of the whole Christian existence. In what does it consist? What does "the following of Christ" mean concretely?

At the beginning, with the first disciples, the meaning was very simple and immediate: It meant that these persons had decided to leave their profession, their affairs, their whole life, to go with Jesus. It meant a new profession: that of disciple. The basic content of this profession was to go with the master, to entrust oneself entirely to his guidance. Thus the following was an external thing and at the same time something very internal.

The external aspect was walking behind Jesus in his travels through Palestine; the internal aspect was the new existential orientation, which no longer had its points of reference in matters, in the career that determined one's life previously, in one's personal will; instead one surrendered oneself totally to the will of an Other. Being at his service had by now become the reason for living. The renunciation that this demanded from what one once possessed, the detachment from self, we can see in a very clear way in certain scenes of the Gospel.

But with that, it is also evident what the following means and what its true essence is for us: It has to do with an interior change of life. It demands that I no longer be closed in considering my self-realization as the principal purpose of my life. It demands that I give myself freely to an Other -- for truth, for love, for God who, in Jesus Christ, precedes me and points out the way.

What we are talking about here is the fundamental decision to no longer consider utility and gain, career and success as the ultimate goal of life, but to recognize truth and love instead as the authentic criteria. We are talking about the choice between living for myself and giving myself -- for what is greater. And let us understand that truth and love are not abstract values; in Jesus Christ they have become a person. Following him, I enter into the service of truth and love. Losing myself, I find myself.
Let us return to the liturgy and to the procession of palms. The liturgy provides Psalm 24 for the song; this was also used in Israel as a processional song for the ascent of the temple mount. The psalm interprets the interior ascent of which the external ascent is an image, and explains to us once again what it means to ascend with Christ.

"Who may go up the mountain of the Lord?" the psalm asks, and it indicates two essential conditions. Those who ascend and really want to get to the top, to arrive at the true height, must be persons who ask themselves about God. They must be persons who look about themselves in search of God, in search of his face. My dear young friends, how important this is today: not allowing yourselves to be carried here and there by life; not being satisfied with what everyone thinks, says and does. Be attentive to God, seek God. We must not let the question about God dissolve in our souls. The desire for what is greater. The desire to know him -- his face …

The other very concrete condition for the ascent is this: "He who has innocent hands and a pure heart" can stand in the holy place. Innocent hands -- hands that are not used for acts of violence. They are hands that are not dirtied by corruption, by bribes. A pure heart -- when is the heart pure? That heart is pure that does not pretend and does not sully itself with lies and hypocrisy. A heart that remains transparent like water rises up, for it does not know duplicity. That heart is pure that does not weary itself with the drunkenness of pleasure; a heart whose love is true and not only a passion of the moment. Innocent hands and a pure heart: If we walk with Jesus, we will ascend and find purification that carry us truly to that height for which man is destined: friendship with God himself.

Psalm 24 that speaks of the ascent ends with an entrance liturgy before the temple gate: "Lift up your heads, O gates; rise up, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may enter." In the old liturgy of Palm Sunday, the priest, once he arrived at the church doors, knocked loudly with the staff of the cross at the closed doors, which were then opened. It was a beautiful image of Jesus himself who, with the wood of the cross, with the power of his love which he gives, knocked from the side of the world on God's door; from the side of a world that was unable to find access to God.
With the cross, Jesus opens wide the door of God, the door between God and men. Now it is open. But also from the other side the Lord knocks with his cross: He knocks at the door of the world, at the doors of our hearts, which so often and in such great numbers are closed to God. And he speaks to us more or less in this way: If the proofs that God gives of himself in creation do not succeed in opening you to him; if the word of Scripture and the message of the Church leave you indifferent -- then look at me, your Lord and your God.

It is this call that in this hour we let penetrate our hearts. May the Lord help us to open the door of our heart, the heart of the world, so that he, the living God, might, in his Son, arrive in our time and touch our lives. Amen.

Image Source: AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino
Stational Church: Palm Sunday

St. John Lateran (c) A Catholic Life Blog, 2016

Today's Stational Church is at the Basilica of St. John Lateran. Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week.

For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
Today, begins the greatest and holiest week of the year, a week opening with triumph and closing with triumph; a week commencing with the Hosanna, continuing with the Cross and terminating in the Alleluia.

This week is a picture of our Christian life, which began with the "Hosanna to our King" on that day when, at the font, Christ our Redeemer took possession of the city of our soul. At that blessed spot He made us His disciples and gave us the Cross. "If thou will be My disciple, take Thy cross upon thyself and follow Me." He, the divine Cross-bearer, shows us the way, strengthens us while on the way, and leads us to final victory, the eternal Easter with its never-ending Alleluia!

One of the main purposes of this week is to renew the first life—i.e., the Christ-life we received in Holy Baptism—and to prepare us for the second life—the everlasting triumph with Christ, our glorious Head.

In the hustle and bustle of material things we are so apt to forget "the things that are above." Little conscious we are of the sacred mark printed indelibly upon our soul, the character of Baptism and Confirmation, the sign, which neither time nor eternity can efface, and by which we became partakers in the priesthood of the immortal Christ.

The Church needs "Palm-Sunday men and women," who with "the angels in heaven and with the children of Israel, will sing their Hosanna to the conqueror of death.

Let us pray: Grant, O Lord, that what thy people this day bodily do in Thy honor, they may perfect spiritually with complete submission, by gaining a victory over the enemy and ardently loving the work of Thy mercy. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. "Hosanna to the Son of David."

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