Friday, July 23, 2010
Benedict XVI Now 7th Oldest Pope in History

An interesting article from Zenit:

On Monday, Benedict XVI became the seventh oldest pope in history, considering only those popes who reigned since the year 1400 when records became more reliable.

Blogger and author Anura Guruge reported this milestone at his site Popes and the Papacy.

There, he includes a chart showing the 83-year-old Benedict in the No. 7 slot, having overtaken Gregory XIII, Paul IV and Benedict XIV, who all died at age 83, but closer to their 83rd birthdays then Benedict XVI now is. On Monday, the Holy Father was 30,410 days old.

Pope John Paul II, who died just over a month before his 85th birthday, is in the No. 6 spot, having lived 31,000 days.

The record for the oldest pope in history, Guruge reports, is held by Pope Leo XIII, who died at age 93, reigning from 1878 to 1903.

The chart also includes the records for the longest papal reign, and an interesting datum: the percentage of their lives they spent as pope.

Pope Pius IX, who reigned from 1846 to 1878, that is, 31 years, spent 36.5% of his life as pope. He died at age 85, putting him in the No. 4 slot for history's oldest pope.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Upcoming ICKSP Mass

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Reflection on the Precious Blood by Fr. Fidelis Rice

July is designated especially as the Month of the Precious Blood of Jesus, a special time to honor the Blood of Jesus. Please see my post entitled Devotions to the Precious Blood of Jesus for more information.

The following is taken from Thinking of God by Father Fidelis Rice, C.P.:
"The executioners take their stand beside the whipping post...They raise their muscular arms...there is a ripple of sinews...then, like ugly snakes about to strike...the whips hiss through the air...there is a dull, sickening thud...ugly welts rise on the quivering flesh of the God-Man...Again and again they strike, and furrow adjoins furrow in His flesh until His body is criss-crossed with ghastly ridges and bleeding wounds...But still there is the almost rhythmic rise and fall of the lashes.

"Hardly had they commenced before the Precious Blood began to flow...down upon the stone pavement it trickled, forming crimson rivulets and pools. The Angels must have prostrated in adoration before that redeeming Blood...They were watching a world being paid for...and every drop of that Blood was the price of a thousand worlds. But still the agony went on!

"How long this torture lasted, we do not know, but it must have been almost beyond description, since the Evangelists do not trust themselves to write it...They simply say: 'Pilate scourged Him.'

"But finally it was over...The ropes were cut, and slowly Christ slumped to the ground...That stone pavement which was wet with His own Blood"
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Reflection on the Precious Blood by Fr. Frederick Faber

July is designated especially as the Month of the Precious Blood of Jesus, a special time to honor the Blood of Jesus. Please see my post entitled Devotions to the Precious Blood of Jesus for more information.

The Precious Blood by Fr. Frederick Faber:

"The Precious Blood was assumed directly to our Blessed Lord's Divine Person from His Immaculate Mother...Mary's blood was the material out of which the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity, the artificer of Sacred Humanity, fashioned the Blood of Jesus. Here we see how needful to the joy and gladness of our devotion is the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception.  Who could bear to think that the matter of the Precious Blood had ever been itself corrupted with the taint of sin, that it had once been part of the devil's kingdom, that what was to supply the free price of our redemption was once enslaved to God's darkest, foulest enemy?  Is it not indeed an endless daily jubilee to us, that the church has laid upon us as an article of our faith that sweet truth which the instincts of our devotion had so long made a real part of our belief?

"Moreover, there is some portion of the Precious Blood which once was Mary's own blood, and which remains still in our Blessed Lord, incredibly exalted by its union with His Divine Person, yet still the same.  This portion of Himself, it is piously believed, has not been allowed to undergo the usual changes of human substance.  At this moment in heaven He retains something which once was His Mother's..."
Friday, July 9, 2010
Institute of Christ the King 2010 Ordinations

Please visit the following link and use the navigation links at the top of the screen to see many beautiful images of the recent Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Traditional Ordinations said by His Emminence Raymond Cardinal Burke.  Below are two examples of these beautiful images.  And, now is a fitting time to one again extol you to pray for vocations to the Church; especially, pray for holy and traditional vocations.
Monday, July 5, 2010
2010 Econe Ordination Photos

Above, I share some of the images from the recent June 29, 2010, Priestly Ordination that took place in Econe, Switzerland for the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.  Nine new priests were ordained by His Excellency Bishop Tissier de Mallerais.  Visit the website of La Porte Latine for more photos.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
5th Anniversary of A Catholic Life

The month of June joyfully marks the 5th year anniversary of this blog.  Today I opened the archives in the sidebar of this blog and opened what was my very first post entitled First Post.  Since that time much has changed in my life and I realize that my life is ever changing.  On July 1, 2010, in just a few days, I buy a well-recognized Catholic company and intend to take it to another level of success.  I formed this blog on June 19, 2005, for the purposes of winning souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. And to this day - 5 years later - my purpose remains unchanged.

I have at this time resumed a project that I began last year; namely, to write a short pdf book on "How to Successfully Create a Catholic Blog."  Reflecting on my blog, I realize that it has in five years received over 1.2 million page views with approximately 700,000 unique visitors.  I wish to pass along the knowledge that I have gained to help the Catholic Blogosphere.

In the scope of this project, I realize that I would like to share testimonials with my readers about the effectiveness of blogging.  And, surely there is no better time to share such thoughts than now - my 5 year blog anniversary!  So, if I have - in any way - helped your spiritual life please do share your comments below.  They can be completely anonymous if you so choose.  I will be choosing some of these comments to include in my book as examples of the effectiveness of blogs in serving as a witness to Our Lord and the One True Church.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
In Minneapolis-St. Paul This Summer

Throughout this summer I will be living and working in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.  Generally I work 6 AM - 2 PM Monday - Friday at a large national corporation as a financial data anaylst.  In the evenings and weekends I regularly meet with local business leaders and individuals.  During that time I operate a new media marketing/technology company that I have helped form and I also work for

I would additionally like the opportunity to interview local individuals for A Catholic Life and/or be interviewed by interested individuals/organizations. If any other readers of my blog are also in the St. Paul-Minneapolis area this summer, please send me an email so that we can attempt to meet, preferably over lunch or dinner.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Music-Based Evangelization Opportunities For Young, Catholic Musicians

Attention Homeschooling Parents and Students

Music-Based Evangelization Opportunities
For Young, Catholic Musicians

Proclaiming the faith through beautiful music

Do you like to sing or can you play an instrument well?

Do you enjoy sharing your Catholic faith with others?

Can you be a good role model for today’s young people?

As faithful Catholics, we are all called to take up the challenge of Pope John Paul II’s call for a “New Evangelization”. Saint Cecilia Classical Productions was founded in response to that call. We are a music-based, Catholic, evangelization apostolate whose principle focus is the advancement of the Culture of Life by the promotion of authentic Catholic family values to today’s young people. As an orthodox, lay organization, we profess complete fidelity to the Magisterium.

We are searching for traditional Catholic young women who wish to use their musical talents and knowledge of the faith to make a difference in the lives of young people. We are looking for young ladies with above average music ability in the areas of classical voice, string or wind instruments. While not a requirement, acting, music theater, choir or public speaking experience would be an additional plus. Some knowledge of Latin would also be helpful.

We are especially interested in individuals who were homeschooled or were raised in the Tridentine Mass tradition. High school seniors, college age women or recent graduates, especially those with degrees in music, are encouraged to apply. This is a great opportunity to learn more about one’s own faith, while evangelizing our young people, and bringing them the pro-life message. At the same time, you will also be working with other young Catholic musicians who share the same traditional values.

Saint Cecilia Classical Productions is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) public charity. We were organized exclusively for religious, educational and charitable purposes.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
March of Silveri

The blog The New Liturgical Movement had a truly inspiring piece on the March of Silveri.  This inspiring musical piece used to be played at the elevation in the old solemn Papal Mass.  I re-post from that blog these two videos.  The video illustrates at 2:55 the March of Silveri during the Mass of Coronation of John XXIII.  

The second video [now removed was] of the Evening Prayer Vigil held by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for the conclusion of the Year of the Priest.  You will notice at 63:15 that the March of Silveri can be heard on the arrival of the Blessed Sacrament to St. Peter's Square.  For me, it reminds me of the joy felt by the Israelites upon the return of the Ark of the Covenant to them.  This could very well be the first time in decades that the March of Silveri was played in the context of a Papal Liturgy.


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