Thursday, May 17, 2012
Extensive Interview with Fr. Rostand

From the interview (in answer to a question about Archbishop Lefebvre), Fr. Rostand says:

"He has always expressed a desire to subordinate ourselves to the Pope, granting protection for the growth of Tradition, the existence of the Society, and guarantees that we will not be asked to minimize the fight, nor to compromise on the Faith. As he said in 1987: “If Rome really wants to give us true autonomy, like we have now but with our submission—we would like to be submitted to the Holy Father, and we have always wished for it...if Rome agrees to let us try this experiment of Tradition, there will no longer be any problem.” (Fideliter no. 60, Nov./Dec. 1987) "

Source: The Remnant
Ascension Thursday Sermon by St. Leo the Great (Sermon 74)

This Holy day of Obligation, 40th day of Easter, commemorates Christ's Ascension into Heaven from Mount Olivet 40 days after He rose from the dead (Mark 16:14-20). After the Gospel is sung, the Paschal Candle, lit from the New Fire of the Easter Vigil, is extinguished to symbolize the departure of Christ (if you use a Paschal candle at home, it should be put away today, too).

I. The Ascension completes our faith in Him, who was God as well as man  

The mystery of our salvation, dearly-beloved, which the Creator of the universe valued at the price of His blood, has now been carried out under conditions of humiliation from the day of His bodily birth to the end of His Passion. And although even in "the form of a slave" many signs of Divinity have beamed out, yet the events of all that period served particularly to show the reality of His assumed Manhood. But after the Passion, when the chains of death were broken, which had exposed its own strength by attacking Him, Who was ignorant of sin, weakness was turned into power, mortality into eternity, contumely into glory, which the Lord Jesus Christ showed by many clear proofs in the sight of many, until He carried even into heaven the triumphant victory which He had won over the dead. As therefore at the Easter commemoration, the Lord's Resurrection was the cause of our rejoicing; so the subject of our present gladness is His Ascension, as we commemorate and duly venerate that day on which the Nature of our humility in Christ was raised above all the host of heaven, over all the ranks of angels, beyond the height of all powers, to sit with God the Father. On which Providential order of events we are founded and built up, that God's Grace might become more wondrous, when, notwithstanding the removal from men's sight of what was rightly felt to command their awe, faith did not fail, hope did not waver, love did not grow cold. For it is the strength of great minds and the light of firmly-faithful souls, unhesitatingly to believe what is not seen with the bodily sight, and there to fix one's affections whither you cannot direct your gaze. And whence should this Godliness spring up in our hearts, or how should a man be justified by faith, if our salvation rested on those things only which lie beneath our eyes? Hence our Lord said to him who seemed to doubt of Christ's Resurrection, until he had tested by sight and touch the traces of His Passion in His very Flesh, "because you have seen Me, you have believed: blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed John 20:29 ."

II. The Ascension renders our faith more excellent and stronger  

In order, therefore, dearly-beloved, that we may be capable of this blessedness, when all things were fulfilled which concerned the Gospel preaching and the mysteries of the New Testament, our Lord Jesus Christ, on the fortieth day after the Resurrection in the presence of the disciples, was raised into heaven, and terminated His presence with us in the body, to abide on the Father's right hand until the times Divinely fore-ordained for multiplying the sons of the Church are accomplished, and He comes to judge the living and the dead in the same flesh in which He ascended. And so that which till then was visible of our Redeemer was changed into a sacramental presence , and that faith might be more excellent and stronger, sight gave way to doctrine, the authority of which was to be accepted by believing hearts enlightened with rays from above.

III. The marvellous effects of this faith on all  

This Faith, increased by the Lord's Ascension and established by the gift of the Holy Ghost, was not terrified by bonds, imprisonments, banishments, hunger, fire, attacks by wild beasts, refined torments of cruel persecutors. For this Faith throughout the world not only men, but even women, not only beardless boys, but even tender maids, fought to the shedding of their blood. This Faith cast out spirits, drove off sicknesses, raised the dead: and through it the blessed Apostles themselves also, who after being confirmed by so many miracles and instructed by so many discourses, had yet been panic-stricken by the horrors of the Lord's Passion and had not accepted the truth of His resurrection without hesitation, made such progress after the Lord's Ascension that everything which had previously filled them with fear was turned into joy. For they had lifted the whole contemplation of their mind to the Godhead of Him that sat at the Father's right hand, and were no longer hindered by the barrier of corporeal sight from directing their mind.' gaze to That Which had never quitted the Father's side in descending to earth, and had not forsaken the disciples in ascending to heaven.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Exclusive interview with Bishop Bernard Fellay

An exclusive interview with Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior general of the Society of St. Pius X, at the society's headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland. Bishop Fellay has been at the heart of a drama within the Catholic Church since he was ordained by the group's founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, in 1988, protesting the modernizing reforms of the Second Vatican Council.

Since 2009, he has been involved in private doctrinal talks with Rome in an effort to overcome the division between his traditionalist society and the Vatican. An announcement is expected by the end of May regarding the outcome of those talks.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Minor Rogation Days: May 14 - 16, 2012

This year the Minor Rogation, the days leading up to Ascension Thursday, are May 14-16 inclusive. Today is the first day of the Minor Rogation, a day which should be a day of fasting.

These were traditionally days of penance, fasting, and praying litanies. If you are in good health, please remember to observe these days. For more information on Rogation days, see the links in my post entitled Rogation Day: Fasting and Penance.

I greatly encourage people to observe these days and spend time praying the Litany of Saints not only for a bountiful harvest but also for mercy and repentance.

Commemoration of the MASS OF ROGATION (1962 Missal)

Mercifully grant us our requests, O Lord, that the consolation we receive in our grievous troubles may increase our love for You.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
First Apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima : Sunday, May 13th, 1917

Today is the anniversary of the Blessed Virgin Mary's first apparition to Fatima on May 13th.  See my post on Fatima for more information and photos.

Sr. Lucia narrated the following:
While playing with Jacinta and Francisco on the hill, near Cova de Iria, we were building a wall with stones around a blooming plant, all of a sudden we saw a light like lightning.

“It is flashing,” I said. “A storm can come. It is better to return home.”

“Oh, yes, alright,” my cousins responded. We started to come down from the hill taking the sheep down the path. In the middle of our way on the slope, near the evergreen oak which still exists today, we saw a flash of lightning and after we took some more steps over the slope, we saw a Lady dressed in white, more brilliant than the sun, scattering clear and intense light, more than a ray of sunlight through a glass of water.
We were so close that we were in the light She irradiated. Our Lady said: “Don’t be afraid. I will not harm you.” I asked her: “ Where are you from ?”  “I’m from Heaven.”

Source: Pierced Hearts
Image Source:  Take from the Facebook Page (Marian Events).  The one who designed the photo is Mr. John Ryan M. Debil from the Philippines.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Help the SSPX US District Stop the Spread of False Information

As I’m sure you’ve seen, there is a lot of news coming out in both national and Catholic media outlets about discussions between Rome and the Society. Too often these blog posts and news reports take the form of sensationalism, gossip, rumor-mongering, etc. and seem to have as an aim to put undue pressure on those charged with leading the Society.

I understand that many may come to different conclusions, but I don’t think anyone would argue that we can use different facts to come to those conclusions. For this reason, I’m encouraging you to join the Society’s email list. Regardless of what side of the fence people fall on, the current news and information on events between Rome and the Society is certainly historic. For that reason, the email list will deliver official Society information and commentary as it becomes available on any breaking news, new articles, events, etc.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
The Finding of the Holy Cross

Ant. O Tree loftier than all cedars! whereon hung the Life of the world, and Christ triumphed, and death conquered death for ever, alleluia.

Double of the 2nd Class (1955 Calendar): May 3

May 3rd is the often forgotten traditional Feast of the Finding of the True Cross by St. Helena. Today was in some places known as Roodmas. It is also called the "Invention of the Holy Cross." Today is also the Commemoration of Pope St. Alexander I and his companions in both the 1954 Calendar and in the 1962 Calendar.

The second nocturn of Matins today in the pre-1955 Breviary recounts how St. Helena used a sick person to discern which of several candidates was indeed the True Cross of our Lord. The sick were healed instantly upon touching the True Cross. Despite the liturgical changes of the 1950s and 1960s that saw this feast day dropped even in the 1962 Missal, the Latin rite Catholics in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem still observe this feast. While the feastday is not kept even in the 1962 Missal, priests who offer the 1962 Missal may (and arguably should) say a Votive Mass today for the Finding of the Holy Cross. Since in the 1962 Missal May 3rd is a feria, a Votive Mass may be offered today (unless today falls on a Sunday or another high ranking day in the sanctoral cycle like Ascension Thursday). 

The following is taken from the Brighton Oratory:
The Cross on which Our Blessed Lord suffered for us was, following Jewish usage, buried on Mount Calvary after the Crucifixion. The precise spot was revealed in a vision to the Empress Helena, mother of Constantine, the first Christian Emperor. This date commemorates the recovery of the True Cross in the reign of the Emperor Heraclius and its delivery by him about the year 629 into the hands of the Patriarch Zacharias of Jerusalem, from which city it had been carried away some years previously by the Persians with the object of transporting it to their own country. God has been pleased to give so much power to the Cross that at its sign alone the demons fly; by it the priest blesses the faithful, the devout receive abundant graces. The early Christians had so much devotion to it that, according to the ancient Fathers, they never began any action without first making the sign of the cross upon themselves. In the Middle Ages no public deed, inscription, law etc., was begun to be written without first tracing upon it the sign of the cross. This sign was accepted as the signature of the uneducated; it often preceded that of ecclesiastics, and in many country districts even the dough and the bread were marked with a cross before they were baked. 
In the Epistle the triumph of the Redeemer of the world, Our Lord Jesus Christ, must be preceded by "His humiliation unto death, even the death of the Cross." In the Gospel Christ reveals His mission in His discourse with Nicodemus: "The Son of Man must be lifted up" on the Cross for the salvation of mankind. 
The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14th commemorates the day after the consecration of the church (September 13th 335) built by Macarius and Helena when the good bishop was prevailed upon to elevate the True Cross publicly for the faithful to venerate. It also commemorates the recovery of the True Cross from the Persians by Heraclius in the seventh century.


O God, Who didst cause that the Cross of our salvation should in most honorable wise be found again, and Who didst manifest thereby the marvelous efficacy of thy sufferings, mercifully grant that by the Ransom which Thou didst pay upon that tree of life we may finally attain unto life eternal. Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. R. Amen

Source: 1945 Roman Catholic Daily Missal 

Holy Cross Weather Blessing

Ant. O Cross! brighter than all stars, honoured throughout the world, beloved by men, holiest of holy things, that alone wast worthy to bear the ransom of the world! O sweet Wood! O sweet nails! that bore so sweet a weight! save the people assembled here this day to sing thy praise! Alleluia, alleluia.

From May 3rd, the Feast of the Finding of the Cross, until September 14th, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a special blessing beseeching God’s protection against violent and damaging storms may be given with a relic of the True Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

In light of this, I wanted to share this beautiful prayer from the Rituale Romanum.  Share with your priests and encourage them to say this blessing during this time of year from May 3rd through September 14th on Fridays.

In Latin:

V. A fúlgure, grádine et tempestáte.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine Jesu Christe.

V. Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam.
R. Et salutáre tuum da nobis.

V. Dómine exáudi oratiónem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

Orémus.  Quaesumus, omnípotens Deus, ut, intercessióne Sanctae Dei Genetrícis Maríae, sanctórum Angelórum, Patriarchárum, Prophetárum, Apostolórum, Mártyrum, Confessórum, Vírginum, Viduárum, et ómnium Sanctórum tuórum, contínuum nobis praestes subsídium, tranquíllam auram permíttas, atque contra fúlgura et tempestátes désuper nobis indígnis tuam salútem effúndas de caelis, et géneri húmano semper aemulas, déxtera poténtiae tuae, aéreas cónteras potestátes.  Per eúndem Christum Dóminum nostrum.
R. Amen.

V. Sit nomen Dómini benedíctum.
R. Ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum.

V. Adjutórium nostrum in nómine Dómini.
R. Qui fecit caelum et terram.

V. Benedíctio Dei omnipoténtis, Patris + et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti, descéndat super vos, locum istum et fructus terrae et máneat semper.
R. Amen.

In English:

V. From lightning strikes, hail, and violent storms.
R. Deliver us, O Lord Jesus Christ.

V. Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.
R. And grant us Thy salvation.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.  We beseech Thee, O Almighty God, through the intercession of Holy Mary, the Mother of God, of the holy angels, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins, widows, and of all Thy saints, that Thou show us Thy continuing protection, permit tranquil winds, and also pour out to us, Thy unworthy servants, Thy safety from heaven above against lightning strikes and violent storms, and that Thou remain always protective of the human race and crush down the aerial powers by the right hand of Thy power.  Through the same Christ our Lord.
R. Amen

V. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
R. Now and forever.

V. Our help is in the Name of the Lord.
R. Who made heaven and earth.

V. May the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, + the Son, and the Holy Ghost, descend upon you, this place, and the fruits of the earth and remain forever.
R. Amen.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
First Communions at St. Vincent's SSPX Chapel

On Sunday, May 8, 2012, at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Kansas City, Missouri, 22 children received our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time. Also receiving her First Communion was a 94-year old lady (an adult convert), the great-grandmother of two of the children.

Please keep these 23 souls in your prayers - that they will always remain in God's grace.  O Lady, Mediatrix of all Graces, ora pro nobis!

Source: SSPX
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
How to Altar Serve a Traditional Latin Mass: Comprehensive Resource List

As an altar server myself, I have long wanted to put together a Comprehensive List of Resources for young men wishing to serve the Tridentine Latin Mass.  And here is my attempt at such a list.  Please leave additional suggestions in the comment box.

This list, importantly, includes cards, DVDs, and books.  Thus, it is meant to provide a comprehensive list of resources for all learners.

1. How to Serve Low Mass and Benediction by Rev. William A. O'Brien

Personally, this is the resource I used to learn to serve.  It is inexpensive and easy to use.  In fact, I kept it with me to study when I had downtime.  Highly recommended.

Assist at the Sacred Mysteries with precision. Pictures of the sacristy, sanctuary, sacred vessels, and vestments. Teaches the necessary Latin (with pronunciation guide) and the movements and responses for serving Low Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal, Requiem Mass, Mass in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed, Low Mass with 2 servers, and Benediction.

2. Letters to an Altar Boy by Fr. David E. Rosage

This is a book of letters for all altar boys who, from the smallest one up, are the most important people in their parishes. God's Minutemen is what the author affectionately calls them, for he knows that they are always ready for duty as altar boys, no matter what the personal cost. The author writes this book with the hope that in these letters all acolytes may find encouragement to continue being loyal and faithful in their service of our Lord. Father Rosage shows them that while serving Mass is the greatest honor and the biggest job in the parish, it does demand sacrifice. He knows that being on call for duty isn't always easy, and he aims at convincing the boys who have to get up on cold winter mornings to serve early Mass of the great privilege that is theirs.

Written in an easy flowing style intelligible to even the very young boys, the book is full of helpful pointers about the correct manner of serving, the necessity of being on time, and many other details on which a boy may slip. It offers inspiration and high motivation for living up to the ideals that a Mass server is committed to follow. An extremely practical book, it leaves not one phase of the altar boy's life untouched. . .120 pp. Softcover. Color photographs.

3. How To Serve - In Simple, Solemn and Pontifical Functions by Dom Matthew Britt 

Every altar server of the Traditional Latin Mass needs a well-worn copy of HOW TO SERVE by Dom Matthew Britt. This classic handbook by a master teacher presents a wealth of practical instruction on what to do in the sanctuary and how to do it well. Dom Britt was probably the greatest authority on serving Mass, and this book, though originally published in 1934, is still the best book of its kind.

This edition has been re-typeset in a beautiful user-friendly format featuring new photos taken at St. John Cantius parish in Chicago. In 18 chapters the author walks the server step by step through Low Mass with one or two servers, Nuptial Low Mass, High Mass (Missa Cantata), Solemn High Mass, Requiem High Mass, Pontifical High Mass, Benediction and Vespers of varying levels of solemnity. He tells how many servers should be in the sanctuary, which servers (acolytes, thurifer, book-bearer, etc.), what those servers should do and when they should do it.

Dom Britt cover vesture, postures, positions, genuflections, bows, steps, bells, candles, cruets, books, the thurible, the censer and more, also explaining the details of assisting the various ministers of the altar priests, deacons, bishop. Photos illustrate specific actions, and diagrams show the sanctuary positions of acolytes, thurifer, master of ceremonies, etc. Also included are the Latin responses at Mass. Plus, the author shares the sources of his immense knowledge in extremely interesting footnotes.

HOW TO SERVE will become an indispensable resource for priests and for all Latin Mass servers as they carry out the sacred functions of the sanctuary.

4. Romanitas Press Altar Server Card

In the past, I have mentioned Romanitas Press, and I wish to again mention their products.  The company offers a highly practical SERVERS' MASS RESPONSE CARD which is explained below 

AN EASY-TO-USE training guide for teaching the proper liturgical pronunciation of the Latin responses made by the altar server at Mass.

The card's exterior partitions contain the Latin responses with their corresponding English phonetic renderings per the more romano (like the Romans) liturgical pronunciation as endorsed by Popes St. Pius X, Benedict XV, and Pius XI.

Also included are expanded rubrical instructions for the liturgical gestures and reverences made in connection with the responses, and the responses made when serving for a bishop. The layout of the exterior partitions was carefully arranged to allow card’s use at the altar if necessary.

The card’s inside partitions contain helpful explanations and basic rules about making the responses, more romano pronunciation, a list of common pronunciation mistakes made by English-speakers, and even several informative and authoritative footnotes.
Red and black text was printed on heavy matte paper stock (to keep the card stiff when being held), then coated with a matte varnish to increase the anti-glare property and protect the card from moisture and frequent use.

Measures folded at 11 14/16" x 4¼" (folds out completely to 17” wide).
Monday, May 7, 2012
Bishop Wiliamson Visits South Korea (May 4, 2012)


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