The first part of Lauds is in the Ordinary
Ant. Petrus et Joánnes * ascendébant in
templum ad horam oratiónis nonam.
Ant. Peter and John * went up together into
the temple at the ninth hour, being the hour of prayer.
Psalmus 92.
Dominus regnavit
Dóminus regnávit, decórem
indútus est: * indútus est Dóminus fortitúdinem, et præcínxit se.
2 Etenim
firmávit orbem terræ, * qui non commovébitur.
3 Paráta sedes tua ex tunc: * a sæculo tu es.
4 Elevavérunt flúmina, Dómine: * elevavérunt flúmina vocem suam.
5 Elevavérunt flúmina fluctus suos, * a vócibus aquárum multárum.
6 Mirábiles elatiónes maris: * mirábilis in altis Dóminus.
7 Testimónia tua credibília facta sunt nimis: * domum tuam decet
sanctitúdo, Dómine, in longitúdinem diérum.
Psalm 92.
Dominus regnavit
The Lord hath reigned, and hath put on glorious apparel; * the
Lord hath put on his apparel, and girded himself with strength.
2 For he hath stablished the round world, * that it cannot be moved.
3 Thy throne is prepared from of old : * thou
art from everlasting.
4 The floods have lift up, O Lord, * yea, the floods have lift up their voice.
5 The floods have lift up their waves, * with the noise of many
6 The waves of the sea are mighty, * glorious is the Lord, who dwelleth on high.
7 Thy testimonies are become exceeding credible: * holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, for ever and ever. |
Ant. Petrus et Joánnes ascendébant in
templum ad horam oratiónis nonam.
Ant. Peter and John went up together into
the temple at the ninth hour, being the hour of prayer.
Ant. Argéntum et aurum * non est mihi : quod
autem hábeo, hoc tibi do.
Ant. Silver and gold * have I none, but such
as I have, give I thee.
Psalmus 99. Jubilate
Jubiláte Deo, omnis terra: * servíte Dómino in lætítia.
2 Introíte in conspéctu ejus, * in exsultatióne.
3 Scitóte quóniam Dóminus ipse est Deus: * ipse fecit nos, et non
ipsi nos.
4 Pópulus ejus, et oves páscuæ ejus: *
introíte portas ejus in
confessióne, átria ejus in hymnis: confitémini illi.
5 Laudáte nomen ejus: quóniam suávis est Dóminus, in ætérnum
misericórdia ejus, * et usque in generatiónem et generatiónem véritas ejus.
Psalm 99. Jubilate
O be joyful in
the Lord, all ye lands: * serve the Lord with gladness,
2 And come before his presence * with a song..
3 Be ye sure that the Lord he is God; * it is he that hath made us,
and not we ourselves.
4 We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture : * O go
your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with
praise; be ye thankful unto him.
5 Give praises unto his Name: for the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting; * and his
truth endureth from generation to generation. |
Ant. Argéntum et aurum non est mihi : quod
autem hábeo, hoc tibi do.
Ant. Silver and gold have I none, but such
as I have, give I thee.
Ant. Dixit Angelus ad Petrum : * Circúmda tibi vestiméntum tuum, et séquere me.
Ant. The Angel said unto Peter : * Cast thy
garment about thee, and follow me.
Psalmus 62. Deus,
Deus meus
Deus, Deus meus, *
ad te de luce vígilo.
2 Sitívit in te ánima mea, * quam multiplíciter tibi caro mea.
3 In terra desérta, et ínvia, et inaquósa: * sic in sancto appárui
tibi, ut vidérem virtútem tuam, et glóriam tuam.
4 Quóniam mélior est misericórdia tua super vitas: * lábia mea
laudábunt te.
5 Sic benedícam te in vita mea: * et in nómine tuo levábo manus
6 Sicut ádipe et pinguédine repleátur ánima mea: * et lábiis
exsultatiónis laudábit os meum.
7 Si memor fui tui super stratum meum, in matutínis meditábor in te:
* quia fuísti adjútor meus.
8 Et in velaménto alárum tuárum exsultábo, adhæsit ánima mea
post te: * me suscépit déxtera tua.
9 Ipsi vero in vanum quæsiérunt ánimam meam, introíbunt in
inferióra terræ: *
tradéntur in manus
gládii, partes vúlpium erunt.
10 Rex vero lætábitur in Deo, laudabúntur omnes qui jurant in eo: *
quia obstrúctum est os loquéntium iníqua.
Psalm 62. Deus,
Deus meus
O God, thou art my God; * to thee do I watch at break of
2 My soul hath thirsted for thee, * my flesh also in many
different ways.
3 In
a barren and dry land where no water is: * so in the sanctuary have I come
before thee, that I might
behold thy power and thy glory.
4 For thy mercy is better than the life itself : * my lips
shall praise thee.
5 Thus will I bless thee as long as I live : * and I will lift
up my hands in thy Name.
6 My soul shall be filled as with marrow and
fatness, * and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips.
7 If I have remembered thee in my bed, I will think upon
thee in the morning : * because thou hast been my helper.
8 And under the shadow of
thy wings will I rejoice, my soul hath hung upon thee; * thy right hand hath upholden me.
9 But they have sought my soul in vain, they shall go down
into the nether parts of the earth : * they shall be delivered into the
hands of the sword, they shall be a
portion for foxes.
10 But the king shall rejoice in God; all they also that swear by
him shall be commended; * for the mouth of them that speak wicked things shall be
stopped. |
Ant. Dixit Angelus ad Petrum : Circúmda tibi
vestiméntum tuum, et séquere me.
Ant. The Angel said unto Peter : Cast thy
garment about thee, and follow me.
Ant. Misit Dóminus * Angelum suum, et
liberávit me de manu Heródis, allelúja.
Ant. The Lord hath sent * his Angel , and
hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, alleluia.
Canticum trium Puerorum
Benedicite, omnia opera Dan. 3, 57-88 et 56
Benedícite, ómnia
ópera Dómini, Dómino: * laudáte et superexaltáte eum in sæcula.
Benedícite, Angeli Dómini, Dómino: * benedícite, cæli, Dómino.
Benedícite, aquæ omnes, quæ super cælos sunt, Dómino: *
benedícite, omnes virtútes Dómini, Dómino.
Benedícite, sol et luna, Dómino: * benedícite, stellæ cæli,
Benedícite, omnis imber et ros, Dómino: * benedícite, omnes
spíritus Dei, Dómino.
Benedícite, ignis et æstus, Dómino: * benedícite, frigus et æstus,
Benedícite, rores et pruína, Dómino: * benedícite, gelu et frigus,
Benedícite, glácies et nives, Dómino: * benedícite, noctes et dies,
Benedícite, lux et ténebræ, Dómino: * benedícite, fúlgura et nubes,
10 Benedícat terra
Dóminum: * laudet et superexáltet eum in sæcula.
11 Benedícite, montes
et colles, Dómino: * benedícite, univérsa germinántia in terra, Dómino.
12 Benedícite, fontes,
Dómino: * benedícite, mária et flúmina, Dómino.
Benedícite, cete, et ómnia, quæ movéntur in aquis, Dómino: * benedícite,
omnes vólucres cæli, Dómino.
Benedícite, omnes béstiæ et pécora, Dómino: * benedícite, fílii
hóminum, Dómino.
Benedícat Israël Dóminum: * laudet et superexáltet eum in sæcula.
Benedícite, sacerdótes Dómini, Dómino: * benedícite, servi Dómini,
Benedícite, spíritus, et ánimæ justórum, Dómino: * benedícite,
sancti et húmiles corde, Dómino.
Benedícite, Ananía, Azaría, Mísaël, Dómino: * laudáte et
superexaltáte eum in sæcula.
(Fit reverentia:)
Benedicámus Patrem et Fílium cum Sancto Spíritu: * laudémus et
superexaltémus eum in sæcula.
20 Benedíctus es, Dómine, in firmaménto cæli: * et laudábilis,
et gloriósus, et superexaltátus in sæcula.
Hic non dícitur Glória Patri,
neque Amen.
The Song of the Three Holy
Benedicite, omnia opera
Dan. 3, 57-88 and 56
all ye Works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord : * praise him, and magnify him
for ever.
2 O ye Angels of the Lord, bless ye the Lord : * O ye
Heavens, bless ye the Lord.
3 O ye Waters that be above the Firmament, bless ye the Lord: *
O all ye Powers of the Lord, bless ye the Lord.
4 O ye Sun and Moon, bless ye the Lord: * O ye Stars of Heaven,
bless ye the Lord.
5 O ye Showers and Dew, bless ye the Lord: * O ye winds of God,
bless ye the Lord.
6 O ye Fire and Heat, bless ye the Lord: * O ye Winter and
Summer, bless ye the Lord.
7 O ye Dews and Frosts, bless ye the Lord: * O ye Frost and Cold, bless ye the Lord.
8 O ye Ice and Snow, bless ye the Lord: * O ye Nights and Days,
bless ye the Lord.
9 O ye Light and Darkness, bless ye the Lord: * O ye Lightnings
and Clouds, bless ye the Lord.
10 O let the Earth bless the Lord; * yea, let it praise him,
and magnify him for ever.
11 O ye Mountains and Hills, bless ye the Lord: * O all ye
Green Things upon the earth, bless ye the Lord.
12 O ye Wells, bless ye the Lord: * O ye Seas and Floods, bless
ye the Lord.
13 O ye Whales, and all that move in the waters, bless ye the
Lord: * O all ye Fowls of the Air, bless ye the Lord.
14 O all ye Beasts and Cattle, bless ye the Lord: * O ye
Children of Men, bless ye the Lord.
15 O let Israël bless the Lord; * praise him, and magnify him
for ever.
16 O ye Priests of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: * O ye Servants
of the Lord, bless ye the Lord.
17 O ye Spirits and Souls of the Righteous, bless ye the Lord:
* O ye holy and humble Men of heart, bless ye the Lord.
18 O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye the Lord: praise
him and magnify him for ever:
(During the following verse, all bow:)
19 Let us bless the Father and the Son, with the Holy
Ghost; * let us praise him and magnify him for ever.
20 Blessed art thou, O Lord, in the firmament of heaven; * and
to be praised and exalted above all for ever.
Here is not said Amen or
Glory be. |
Ant. Misit Dóminus Angelum suum, et
liberávit me de manu Heródis, allelúja.
Ant. The Lord hath sent his Angel , and hath
delivered me out of the hand of Herod, alleluia.
Ant. Tu es Petrus, * et super hanc petram
ædificábo Ecclésiam meam.
Ant. Thou art Peter, * and upon this rock I
will build my Church.
Psalmus 148. Laudate
Laudáte Dóminum de cælis: *
laudáte eum in excélsis.
2 Laudáte eum, omnes Angeli ejus: * laudáte eum, omnes virtútes ejus.
3 Laudáte eum, sol et luna: * laudáte eum, omnes stellæ et lumen.
4 Laudáte eum, cæli cælórum: * et aquæ omnes, quæ super cælos
sunt, laudent nomen Dómini.
5 Quia ipse dixit, et facta sunt: * ipse mandávit, et creáta sunt.
6 Státuit ea in ætérnum, et in sæculum sæculi: * præcéptum
pósuit, et non præteríbit.
7 Laudáte Dóminum de terra, * dracónes, et omnes abyssi.
8 Ignis, grando, nix, glácies, spíritus procellárum: * quæ fáciunt
verbum ejus:
9 Montes, et omnes colles: * ligna fructífera, et omnes cedri.
10 Béstiæ, et univérsa pécora: * serpéntes, et vólucres pennátæ:
11 Reges terræ, et omnes pópuli: * príncipes, et omnes júdices
12 Júvenes, et vírgines : senes cum junióribus laudent nomen Dómini:
* quia exaltátum est nomen ejus solíus.
13 Conféssio ejus super cælum et terram: * et exaltávit cornu
pópuli sui.
14 Hymnus ómnibus sanctis ejus: * fíliis Israël, pópulo appropinquánti
Psalm 148. Laudate
O praise ye the Lord from the heavens: * praise ye him in
the height.
2 Praise him, all ye Angels of his: * praise him, all his host.
3 Praise ye him, O sun and moon: * praise him, all ye stars and light.
4 Praise him, all ye heavens of heavens, * and ye waters
that are above the heavens, praise the Name of the Lord.
5 For he spake the word, and
they were made; * he commanded, and they were created.
6 He hath established them for ever, yea, unto ages of
ages : * he hath set forth a
law, and it shall not pass away.
7 Praise the Lord from the earth, * ye dragons and all deeps;
8 Fire and hail, snow and ice, wind and storm, * fulfilling his
9 Mountains and all hills; * fruitful trees and all cedars;
10 Beasts and all cattle; * creeping things and flying fowls;
11 Kings of the earth, and all people; * princes, and all judges of
the world;
12 Young men and maidens, old men and children, praise the Name of
the Lord: * for his Name only is exalted.
13 His praise is above heaven and earth : * and he shall exalt the horn of his people.
14 A hymn unto all his saints : * even unto the children of
Israel, a people that draw nigh unto him. |
Ant. Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram
ædificábo Ecclésiam meam.
Ant. Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I
will build my Church.
Act. 12. 1-3.
Misit Heródes rex manus ut afflígeret quosdam de Ecclésia. Occídit autem
Jacóbum fratrem Joánnis gládio. Videns autem quia placéret Judæis, appósuit ut apprehénderet et Petrum.
R. Deo grátias.
Little Chapter Acts 12. 1-3.
Herod the King stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the
Church. And he killed James, the brother of John, with the sword.
And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter
R. Thanks be to God.
HymnusBeate Pastor, Petre, clemens
Voces precántum, criminúmque víncula
Verbo resólve, cui potéstas trádita
Aperíre terris cælum, apértum cláudere. |
The Hymn
To Peter, shepherd good, was first by thee assigned
By apostolic word to loosen or to bind;
And him thou didst empower, by thy divine decree,
The heavenly gate to shut or open wide and free. |
Egrégie Doctor, Paule, mores ínstrue,
Et nostra tecum péctora in cælum trahe ;
Veláta dum merídiem cernat fides,
Et solis instar sola regnet cáritas. |
By holy lore may Paul,
thy Church's Doctor, teach
Our earth-bound souls to strive the heavenly goal to reach:
Till that which perfect is shall shine with fuller glow,
And that be done away which here in part we know. |
Sit Trinitáti sempitérna glória,
Honor, potéstas atque jubilátio,
In unitáte, quæ gubérnat ómnia,
Per univérsa sæculórum sæcula. Amen. |
Now to the Trinity
eternal glory sing;
All honour, virtue, might, and hymns of gladness bring;
He rules the universe in wondrous Unity,
And shall, through all the days of vast eternity. Amen. |
V. Annuntiavérunt ópera Dei.
R. Et facta ejus intellexérunt.
They shall say, This hath God done.
R. For they shall perceive that it
is his work.
Ad Bened. Ant: Quodcúmque *
ligáveris super terram, erit ligátum et in cælis ; et quodcúmque sólveris super terram, erit
solútum et in cælis : dicit Dóminus Simóni Petro.
Ant. on Bened: Thus said the Lord unto Simon Peter : *
Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and
whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.
Deus, qui hodiérnam diem Apostolórum tuórum Petri et Pauli martyrio
consecrásti : da Ecclésiæ tuæ, eórum in ómnibus sequi præcéptum; per quos
religiónis sumpsit exórdium. Per Dóminum.
Let us pray.
O God, who didst hallow his day by the martyrdom of thine holy Apostles
Peter and Paul, grant unto thy Church, whose foundations thou wast pleased
to lay by their hands, the grace always in all things to remain faithful to
their teaching. Through.