Sunday, August 13, 2017
Sts. Hippolytus and Cassian

Simple (1954 Calendar): August 13

Hippolytus was a prominent priest of the church of Rome at the beginning of the third century and guardian of St. Laurence. Together with the Pope St. Pontian he was exiled to Sardinia, and his sufferings ended in martyrdom A.D. 235. In about the year 320, officials at Imola, Italy, arrested Cassian, a Christian schoolmaster. The governor ordered him to be tortured by his own pagan pupils. After making barbarous sport of Cassian in various ways, the pagan boys stabbed their former teacher to death with their stilettos.

The following is taken from Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876:

St. Hippolytus, an officer of the body-guard of the emperor Decius, had been born in the darkness of idolatry, but he had become a Christian, with all his household, in consequence of witnessing the many miracles which St. Lawrence performed while in the prison under his charge. He had also been present when the saint, lying on the red-hot gridiron, endured the most terrible tortures. At the sight of the heroism of St. Lawrence, he was filled with the desire to denounce himself a Christian, but he was prevented by St. Lawrence. But when this martyr had gloriously ended his combat, Hippolytus, with the assistance of a priest, named Justinus, buried the sacred remains with great devotion and veneration. The emperor on being informed of it, had Hippolytus seized and brought before him. He asked him if it was true that he had become a Christian? Hippolytus answered firmly: "Yes, I am a Christian, and moreover resolved to die such." The emperor, who had always highly esteemed him, endeavored, first by promises and then by menaces, to induce him to forsake Christ. As, however, all was unavailing, he caused him to be tortured.

He was accordingly stretched on the ground, whipped with scourges, and beaten with clubs so fearfully, that it was believed he could not survive. But God, by a visible miracle, prolonged his life. Keeping his eyes fixed upon Heaven, he frequently repeated: "I am a Christian, I suffer for Christ's sake." After having been tormented for a long time, he was cast into prison, and the prefect received the order to behead him. Before executing this order, however, he went to the house of Hippolytus to secure his property. Finding the entire household had become Christians, he took them beyond the gates of the city and had them beheaded. Concordia, an old and holy matron, who had been Hippolytus' nurse, was scourged until she expired, because she encouraged the others to remain firm in their faith. At last, Hippolytus was taken out of prison and fastened to the tails of two horses, and dragged by them until he was torn to pieces, and his heroic soul was in the presence of Him Whom he had so fearlessly confessed.

On the same day, though at another place, St. Cassian suffered a martyrdom of unprecedented cruelty. This saint, was bishop of Brescia, but had been banished from his See on account of his faith. He intended to go to Rome and offer the Pope his services for the salvation of souls in some other place. On his way, he changed his mind, and taking up his residence at Imola, a town in Italy, he resolved to teach children to read and write, hoping that occasion would not be wanting to do good. In this apparently humble position, he was no less zealous than he had been in the administration of his diocese. He taught the children with love and gentleness, and endeavored to inspire them with respect for the Christian faith, fear and horror of sin, and love of virtue and piety. He continued in this occupation with great zeal for some years, to the great benefit of young and old, when suddenly a terrible persecution of the Christians arose.

He was one of the first who were taken prisoners. The tyrant commanded him to sacrifice to the gods. The holy bishop and teacher refused, as might have been expected, and tried to convince the judge of his fearful blindness in worshipping dumb idols or making gods of godless men. The tyrant, furious at his arguments, ordered the executioners to strip him of his clothes and tie his hands behind his back, and leave him exposed to the mercy of the children whom he had taken such pains to teach. The children, who had been taught that Cassian was a magician and consequently must die a most painful death, took their sharp iron pencils with which, in those days, they wrote upon their wax tablets, and pierced him with them till the blood ran profusely from his veins. This torture lasted long and was extremely painful. The saint, however, never complained of the ingratitude of his pupils, nor gave a sign of impatience, but praised and thanked the Lord until his soul went to Heaven to receive the crown of martyrdom.


O Almighty God, grant that our solemn celebration of the feast of your holy martyrs Hippolytus and Cassian may increase our devotion and bring us closer to our salvation. Through our Lord . . .
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Solemn High Mass for 10 New Carmelite Nuns in Philadelphia

Philadelphia’s Carmelite Monastery of St. Joseph and St. Anne, at 66th Avenue and Old York Road, celebrated the 115th anniversary of its foundation with a Solemn High Mass on the evening of Wednesday, July 26. 
The Carmel, which was established by nuns from the Boston Carmel and originally located at 18th and Poplar Streets then at 44th and Spruce Streets, has been at its current monastery since 1910, according to the Prioress, who in keeping with the Carmelite charism does not wish to be named. 
The nuns themselves were an unseen presence at the Mass because of their rules of strict enclosure. They only receive visitors from behind a screen. 
The Mass was celebrated in the monastery’s beautiful chapel which was designed by Maginnis and Walsh, the Boston architects that later designed the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. The celebrant was the monastery’s new chaplain, Father Scott W. Allen, F.S.S.P. (Fraternal Society of St. Peter). 
The Mass itself was in Latin in the Extraordinary Form using the 1962 Missal. It was unlike the typical Ordinary Form Masses that are usually celebrated in a vernacular language using modern translations of the Scripture readings. 
The Latin at the Extraordinary Form Mass was straight from the fourth century Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome, with a pamphlet that provided English translations taken from the Douay-Rheims Bible was compiled from 1582 to 1610. 
Wherever they come from, they are welcome to this quiet gem of prayer in Philadelphia where day after day, year after year this small band of religious women live out the hidden life, all for the greater honor and glory of God.
Read more at Catholic Philly
Monday, August 7, 2017
Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Cardinal Newman

Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
(Composed by Cardinal Newman)

Lord, have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ hear us.
Christ graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.

God the Son, redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.

Heart of Mary,
Pray for us.

Heart of Mary, according to the heart of God,
Pray for us.

Heart of Mary, united to the Heart of Jesus,
Pray for us.

Heart of Mary, organ of the Holy Ghost,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, sanctuary of the Divine Trinity,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, tabernacle of God Incarnate,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, immaculate from thy creation,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, full of grace,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, blessed among all hearts,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, Throne of glory,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, most humble,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, holocaust of Divine Love,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, fastened to the Cross with Jesus Crucified,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, comfort of the afflicted,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, refuge of sinners,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, hope of the agonizing,
Pray for us

Heart of Mary, seat of mercy,
Pray for us

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

Immaculate Mary, meek and humble of heart.
Make our hearts according to the Heart of Jesus.

Let us pray:

O most merciful God, who for the salvation of sinners and the refuge of the miserable, wast pleased that the Most Pure Heart of Mary should be most like in charity and pity to the Divine Heart of Thy Son, Jesus Christ: grant that we who commemorate this sweet and loving Heart may, by the merits and intercession of the same Blessed Virgin, merit to be found according to the Heart of Jesus. Through the same Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Note: The saintly John Henry Newman, in filial devotion to the Mother of God and of man, composed this litany in honor of the Immaculate (Pure) Heart soon after his reception into the Catholic Church (1845).

Taken from “Kyrie Eleison” by Benjamin Francis Musser.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Prayer Request for a Lapsed Catholic Near Death

Can you please pray for Larrine, a long time friend of my dad. She is 87 and being put in hospice. She was baptised Catholic but does not have any desire to believe or practice the Faith. I pray thru our Lady's intercession for a conversion in time before she dies.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Sts. Abdon and Sennen

Simple (1954 Calendar): July 30

The following is taken from The Liturgical Year by Abbot Gueranger:

"The decrees of eternal Wisdom ordained that the West should be honoured before the East with the glory of martyrdom. Yet when the hour had come, Jesus was to have, beyond the Tigris, millions of witnesses by no means inferior to their forerunners, astonishing heaven and earth by new forms of heroism. Impatient of the delay, two noble Persians won their palm on this day by the command of Rome. By shedding their blood they paid tribute for their native land to the eternal City; and now they protect our Latin Churches, and receive the prayers and praise of the West. France receive a goodly portion of their sacred relics; and the city of Arles-sur-Tech, in Roussillon, can show to an incredulous generation the sarcophagus, from which flows a mysterious liquor, a symbol of the continual benefits bestowed on us by these holy martyrs."
During the of Decius, two Persians, Abdon and Sennen, were accused of burying on their own estate the bodies of the Christians which had been exposed. By order of the Emperor they were apprehended and commanded to sacrifice to the gods. As they refused to obey, and moreover with the greatest constancy proclaimed Jesus Christ to be God they were placed in close confinement, and when later Decius returned to Rome they were led in chains in his triumphal march. They were dragged to the Roman idols, but to show their hatred of the demons, they spat upon them. Upon this they were exposed to the fury of lions and bears, but the beasts did not dare to touch them; at length they were put to death by the sword. Their bodies were dragged by the feet before the statue of the sun, but they were secretly carried away and buried by Quirinus the deacon in his own house."

Hearken to our earnest prayers, O blessed martyrs! May the faith at length triumph in that land of Persia whence so many flowers of martyrdom have been culled for heaven. Before the time appointed for the struggle to begin in your native land, ye went to meet death elsewhere, and thus ye gained a new fatherland whereon to bestow your love. Bless us, the fellow-citizens of your choice, and bring us all to the eternal fatherland of all the children of God.
Be Religious or Be Damned - Sermon by St. John Vianney

St. John Vianney does not mince words as he warns his people in the following sermon. We too should heed his admonitions. "There is always the person who says to me, "What harm can there be in enjoying oneself for a while? I do no wrong to anyone; I do not want to be religious or to become a religious! If I do not go to dances, I will be living in the world like someone dead!" My good friend, you are wrong. Either you will be religious or you will be damned."

The sermon is available this week only on the Servants of the Holy Family Website.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
St. Ignatius Retreat House: A Week For Reflection

Four years ago I went on an Ignatian retreat at the Society of St. Pius X’s retreat house in Phoenix, Arizona.  The retreat was a very spiritually energizing time and one that left a mark on me.  As a Third Order Dominican, a retreat of at least 3 days is highly recommended in our Rule of Life – and for all Catholics, not just Dominicans, there is a plenary indulgence available to those who go on retreat for at least 3 days.

Yet over the past four years from work to my graduate coursework, I could not find time to go on a retreat.  This year I made it a personal resolution to go on retreat and I’m happy to share my experiences from my recent Ignatian retreat at St. Ignatius Retreat House in Ridgefield, CT.  This retreat is structured just as the one at Our Lady of Sorrows in Phoenix as it follows the Ignatian spiritual exercises and is led by SSPX priests.

My retreat began on July 10th (just a two weeks ago) and lasted through the subsequent Saturday at midday.  It was admittedly, a very difficult time.  As we are all accustomed to busy-ness and noise, I welcomed the opportunity to disconnect and pray.  Yet, for the same reason, it was by the end of the 2nd day, a very difficult endeavor.  It really helped me improve my patience, perseverance in trial, and helped me better restructure my life to the Lord’s will.

The retreat generally runs daily from 6 AM until 8:30 PM.  Retreatants rise at 6 AM and assemble for Prime at 6:30.  Meditation follows and then Mass at 7:15.  Breakfast is at 8 AM and then conferences until lunch time at 12:30 PM.  Then a series of afternoon conferences until Rosary at 6 PM.  Dinner is served at 6:30 PM and then one final conference at 7:30 PM.

The conferences follow the Ignatian Spiritual exercises which I have written on in the past.  For those who do not have a copy of “Christian Warfare,” the book is a must-have.  Not only does it contain the text of the Spiritual Exercises but it contains numerous prayers, the Mass prayers, devotions, Confession resources, and much more.  It is truly a book for those who wish to engage in the fight against the powers of darkness.

Some of my main takeaways from the retreat include:
  • Needing to better align my life to the Lord’s will
  • Making time each day and evening for meditation
  • Making time for 10 – 15 minutes of spiritual reading daily
  • A true acknowledgement that the devil is real and we are in a battle. He constantly fights us and tempts us.  Let us recall this to mind every single day and in all temptations.  He is real and he is really seeking to destroy us at every moment in the day.  Be vigilant and fight!
  • Heaven is hard – very hard.  Hell is real, and many souls go there forever
  • Confession requires true sorrow.  Don’t turn the Sacrament into a revolving door every month or week.  It is a real battle and it’s hard but we must fight temptations.
These were some of my insights from the meditations that followed each conference.  I am very grateful for the opportunity to have gone and prayed for everyone that reached out to me and requested special prayers.  I ask for your prayers that despite great difficulties, I better conform my life to the Lord’s will and fight the good fight.

For those who wish to learn more about going on retreat, please click here for the SSPX retreat site.  The site lists the many benefits of the retreats.  Find this time to spiritually recharge – your soul’s salvation may depend on it.

Photos From My Trip:

Tuesday, July 25, 2017
The Twelve: Lives and Legends of The Apostles

In honor of today's Feast of St. James the Greater, I am happy to announce Frances Spilman's latest book on the Apostles.  I was very honored to have served as the editor for this work.

What were the Apostles of Jesus really like? is pleased to announce that its latest online course and paperback will examine the Gospels, the Fathers of the Church, Apocryphal writings, encyclicals and other sources to search out the Apostles’ personalities and history.

Along the way we will look at the prayers, poetry, music and architecture the Apostles inspired and see how these twelve men are still teaching us today almost 2,000 years after their deaths. We will see how the faith spread throughout the Roman Empire and even beyond its borders and how each Apostle met his death. You will be surprised at the many different paths of the Apostles as they witnessed for Christ.

If you can not name all 12 Apostles and a description of what each of them did after the Ascension, this course is for you!

To learn more on the online course: Please Click here

To preview the paperback book option: Please Click here

Frances Spilman lives in a small town in northern New Jersey.  She went to Catholic schools from Grammar to Graduate school and taught CCD for several years.  She has played the organ in Catholic Churches for almost 45 years and has recently started to work with both 40 Days for Life and LifeRunners.  Frances is the author of both “A Step Towards Heaven: An Introduction to Religion” (2015) and “The Councils of the Catholic Church: Nicea to Now” (2015).  Both of her previous books are available on or directly through as an online course. 
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Book Review: Return to Order
Last year I began to read an electronic copy of "Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society--Where We've Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go" by John Horvat II

Mr. Horvath's book was full of truly insightful wisdom detailing the root causes of society's fall from its former glory.  Many may point to the sexual revolution, the World Wars, or the industrial revolution as the cause.  All of these however are merely symptoms and consequences of a much larger disorder.  In "Return to Order," the true culprit is identified as "frentic intemperance."

Mr. Horvath points to the consequences of these actions when he describes secularism: "Secular society is the logical consequence of a predominantly materialistic society...personal belief in God is allowed and even encouraged as long as it is confined to the personal unofficial realm. A secular society in general is one which is officially purged of all references to a reality beyond that of our naturalistic and materialistic world."

He continues by quoting Plino Correa de Oliveira who calls secularism a "curious form of atheism," and then continues expounding on the topic in a rather insightful manner.

But Mr. Horvath's book does more than provide these good and clear-cut explanations, it also and powerfully addresses the errors in the modern economy.  He writes, "Our great error is that we have turned economic activity into an end in itself.  We have separated economics from the influence of those human sciences and norms that should orient all human actions.  Economics, which should be a faithful servant to help man reach his end in life, thus becomes a domineering master."

What is the best society?  In "Return to Order," it is described as being organic, possessing upright spontaneity, and fostering and built on a virtuous order.  In Chapter 26, Mr. Horvath outlines the ordering principles of autonomy, authority, vital flux, and subsidiarity as vital principles which must return to our society if we are to reverse the calamities of the past decades and centuries.

I recommend the book for those looking to better understand the root cause of today's societal woes and a very easy and inspiring read on how we might restore order to our world.
Friday, July 21, 2017
St. Praxedes

Simple (1954 Calendar): July 21
Commemoration (1962 Calendar): July 21

Praxedes was a Roman virgin and sister of the virgin Pudentiana. When the Emperor Marcus Antoninus persecuted the Christians, she devoted both her time and her wealth to consoling them, and doing them every charitable service in her power. Some she concealed in her house: others she encouraged to firmness of faith. She buried the dead, and saw that those who were imprisoned wanted for nothing. But at length being unable to bear the grief caused by such a wholesale butchery of the Christians, she prayed God, that if it were expedient for her to die he would take her away from so much evil. Her prayer was heard, and on the 12th of the Calends of August, she was called to heaven, to receive the reward of her charity. Her body was buried by the priest Pastor in the tomb where lay her father and her sister Pudentiana, in the cemetery of Priscilla, on the Salarian Way.

The following is taken from The Liturgical Year by Abbot Gueranger:

On this day Pudentiana’s angelic sister at length obtained from her Spouse release from bondage, and from the burden of exile that weighed so heavily on this last scion of a holy and illustrious stock. New races, unknown to her fathers when they laid the world at the feet of Rome, now governed the Eternal City. Nero and Domitian had been actuated by a tyrannical spirit; but the philosophical Cæsars showed how absolutely they misconceived the estinies of the great city. The salvation of Rome lay in the hands of a different dynasty: a century back, Praxedes’ grandfather, more legitimate inheritor of the traditions of the Capitol than all the Emperors present or to come, hailed in his guest, Simon Bar-Jona, the ruler of the future. Host of the Prince of the Apostles was a title handed down by Pudens to his posterity: for in the time of Pius I, as in that of St. Peter, his house was still the shelter of the Vicar of Christ. Left the sole heiress of such traditions, Praxedes, after the death of her beloeved sister, converted her palaces into Churches, which resounded day and night with divine praises, and where pagans hastened in crowds to be baptized. The policy of Antoninus respected the dwelling of a descendant of the Cornelii; but his adopted son, Marcus Aurelius, would make no such exception. An assault was made upon the title of Praxedes, and many Christians were taken and put to the sword. The virgin, overpowered with grief at seeing all slain around her, and herself untouched, turned to God and besought him that she might die. Her body was laid with those of her relatives in the cemetery of her grandmother, Priscilla.


Mother Church is ever grateful to thee, O Praxedes! Thou hast long been in the enjoyment of thy divine spouse, and still thou continuest the traditions of thy noble family, for the benefit of the Saints on earth. When, in the eighth and ninth centuries, the martyrs, exposed to the profanations of the Lombards, were raised from their tombs and brought within the walls of the eternal City, Paschal I sought hospitality for them, where Peter had found it in the first century. What a day was that 20th of July 817, when, leaving the Catacombs, 2300 of these heroes of Christ came to seek in the title of Praxedes the repose which the barbarians had disturbed! What a tribute Rome offered thee, O Virgin, on that day! Can we do better than unite our homage with that of this glorious band, coming on the day of thy blessed feast, thus to acknowledge thy benefits? Descendant of Pudens and Priscilla, give us thy love of Peter, thy devotedness to the Church, thy zeal for the Saints of God, whether militant still on earth or already reigning in glory.

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