And, it's apparently obvious this is what people are doing. Look around - people are tolerating sin. Some people are leaving the truth of the Church for false religions. What's even sadder is seeing too many people falling victim into believing the greatest lie - the lie of atheism. It just hurts me so much that people are starting to forget Our Lord, who died for us on the Cross. He must be first! His sacred Hands, Feet, and Head were disfigured in the greatest expression of human life - God died for us. And still people refuse to accept the truth that we must live for Jesus. Not only did He create us and save us, but the entire world to come revolves around worshipping Christ. Christ must be the foundation of every society! Jesus Christ must reign above all of us, and every single one of our actions in the course of the day must bring glory to His name. The number of people around me that actually show their love for Christ each day can be counted on my right hand. Perhaps it's just my perspective and most keep their emotions inside. But, I know that there are many good people, and I know that by the grace of God, many of the ones in the slavery of sin can be brought into grace by our works and prayers. We need to pray for an end to abortion, violence, terrorism, and the condoning of any type of sin.
But, more than just praying, we must actually act! Earlier this week I heard someone talking about the Immaculate Conception refering to Christ. I had to tell her that the Immaculate Conception doesn't refer to Christ; it refers to Mary. But, what I do know, is that I will continue speaking and writing about Christ and His Church to dispel sin and lies for years to come. I hope many of you will also continue because we are making a difference! Many of my fellow Catholic bloggers are touching the lives of those in sin, and I thank you all for serving God as you do.
I received a very hopeful email yesterday from a former-Lutheran that said my writings helped bring her to the Sacrament of Confession. I couldn't help but to thank God for using me to bring this person to the truth. God is love - I just wish more people would realize this.
Image Source: Unknown, Believed to be in the Public Domain
3 comment(s):
AMEN, Moneybags. We do need to live prayerful lives, every minute of everyday. Offering each thing that we do to Christ, offering each trial that we endure for the redemption of the world, living the gospel the best that we can and receiving the sacraments as often as possible will help to bring others to Christ. In the end, I believe that we will all face our Lord and we must rely on His mercy for ourselves as well as the other souls in our world. As St. Francis said, "Preach the Gospel at all times, if necessary, use words."
Very true Moneybags, very true. On the case of evolution, what do we as Catholics believe?
You are bringing people to God I just know it. Good work and God will bless you for it.
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