Why Do We Genuflect?
We do this out of respect for the Lord Who is truly present before us. If a king or president was seated in front of us, we would respectfully acknowledge his presence; a bow is quite customary. The same is true yet in a much greater sense regarding the Lord, Who is the King of Kings, Who is really present in the Eucharist within the tabernacle. So, when we enter a Catholic church and before we sit down, we genuflect not toward the pew but toward the tabernacle. Genuflections should always be made while looking at the tabernacle and with a realization and internal acknowledgment that God Himself resides in that tabernacle. A laudable and pious devotion is to make the Sign of the Cross and a silent act of faith at the moment of genuflection. It could be as simple as “My God, I believe Thou art present” or “My Lord, I love Thee” or “Blessed be the Holy Trinity.”
What Is the Proper Way to Genuflect?
Single Genuflection: If the Lord is within the tabernacle it ought to have a covering of cloth and there will be a lit red candle in the sanctuary. If you see this, the Lord is indeed present and anytime you walk past the front of tabernacle, you ought to genuflect. This is also true if you walk from one side of the church to the other. So it’s not about entering the pew before Mass – it’s about crossing the sight of the Lord in the tabernacle. However, it is also proper to genuflect when we arrive and leave Our Lord’s presence, which is why we do make a genuflection when we enter the pew upon arriving and when we exit the pew to leave.
A single genuflection is always on the right knee and touching the right knee to the ground. Make sure you know that. It is always the right knee, which is done out of respect for God. Genuflections on the left knee are done only to human beings (e.g. human authorities) – the right knee is reserved for God alone.
There are also times during the Mass when the rubrics require a genuflection to be made. It is customary to genuflect when the Mystery of the Incarnation is mentioned during the Mass, for example during the Creed (et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto ex María Vírgine: et homo factus est) and during the Last Gospel (et verbum caro factum est). This act of reverence is also performed during the Te Deum prayer said during the Divine Office each morning and at some Gospel readings during the year.
Double Genuflection: This is done by bending down on both knees (kneeling) and profoundly bowing. When is this done? When the Lord’s true Body and Blood in the Eucharist is out of the tabernacle and exposed on the altar (usually in a monstrance). On such occasions, it is fitting to make a double genuflection. If you see people going to Eucharistic Adoration, or you see people leaving Mass early while the Holy Eucharist is still exposed upon the altar, make them aware that out of respect for God and out of obedience to the laws of the Church, a double genuflection is to be made.
When Do We Bow?
A bow of the head is made when the three Divine Persons are named together and at the names of Jesus, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of the Saint in whose honor Mass is being celebrated. This is the case outside of Mass as well. Even if the name of Jesus is said in a simple conversation, you bow your head slightly.
A bow of the body, that is to say a profound bow, is made to the altar; during the prayers Munda cor meum (Almighty God, cleanse my heart) and In spiritu humilitatis (Lord God, we ask you to receive); in the Roman Canon at the words Supplices te rogamus (Almighty God, we pray that your angel). The same kind of bow is made by the deacon when he asks for a blessing before the proclamation of the Gospel. In addition, the priest bows slightly as he speaks the words of consecration.
25 comment(s):
What continually surprises me is how often a total lack of reverence is shown. People come to Mass and just plop down in a pew. No genuflection or bow at all.
In my former parish only the more mature parishioners genuflected or bowed.
There have been times when families have sat behind me munching on potato crisps and guzzling down soft drinks!! *sigh*!
I gave them MY special *LOOK*! Could they not wait one hour..but then again in my former parish Mass has to be over in 40 minutes, lest it clash with the footy replay on TV...GRRRRR! lol
Ok lol my two cents worth.
Peace of christ to ALL
We have been asked to bow just before receiving Communion, as a sign of reverence. Is this just in our diocese or is everyone doing this?
My parish has asked for us to bow before Communion too. I personally, though, would like to see Communion rails come back.
And then there are the cell phones that ring at various time during Mass. A few Sundays ago the man in front of me in the Communion line actually left the line and went outside to answer a call. By the time he returned, Communion was over. Choosing to take a cell phone call instead of receiving Holy Communion seems incredible.
On bowing before receiving Communion...we have been asked to bow but I would guess only 50% of the people do so.
Louis, if people do not bow, do they at least make the sign of the cross beforehand? At my old parish, the people would do that as the form of reverence before receiving.
I was amazed today at the rehearsal for my daughter's Confirmation (which is Sunday) that the candidates did not bow or even realize they had to. Even the speakers didn't bow while approaching the altar.
I bow before and leaving my pew and if I walk in the front of the church in front of the altar. I have taught this to my children and think it's important to show respect and humble ourselves before God.
I was taught with communion to take the host in my hand, step aside, bow before the crucifix and cross myself after I place it in my mouth. My ds was taught exactly the same thing during his first communion last month.
Many Priests here instruct the faithful that genuflecting and bowing is 'old superstitions' that should be 'done away with in our progressive times' *sigh*!
This is why I am SO against Modernism, it's the death of a parish.....Always Genuflect and bow and Cross yourself at the appropriate times.
It's sad that these days in some countries the Priests and Nuns are the least reliable when instructing the Faithful.
Once again my two cents worth.
I was told by a priest that one never genuflects and crosses oneself at the same time - that you cross yourself with Holy Water upon entering and leaving a church and genuflect when entering or leaving your pew (or when passing in front of the tabernacle).
But I suppose that it would be better to do both then neither!
Anonymous, I've never heard that. Everyone in my parish makes the Sign of the Cross while genuflecting.
In our parish, we are to bow before receiving the Eucharist, but are not to genuflect beforehand or make the sign of the cross afterwards. Many don't do anything or more than a head bob.
Three of my children are altar servers, and want to know when they should bow or genuflect when preforming their duties. All 4 of my older children have been altar servers, all taught by different priests, deacons, or lay persons, and none of them taught the same.
I have been bowing before communion now since our parish first introduced it a couple years ago directly from a Catholic summit of sorts. I was visiting another parish for Easter Mass and was shocked that the priest, a visiting priest at that, made comment after communion that he was against the bowing (he was very stern about this). I'm unsure how to proceed in the future as I felt it offended him in some way. Is there a debate in the church concerning this bow that I am unaware of?
Greetings on the holiest day in the year, Easter!
There should be absolutely no problem with your bowing. It is required to show a sign of devotion before receiving Communion. I, myself, either receive kneeling and/or make a genuflection beforehand. But, some sign is required; don't stop this practice of yours.
I do however, if you do not do so already, encourage you to receive the Holy Eucharist only on the tongue:
Eucharistic Reverence
Rachel, I was an altar server as a kid, that's great that your kids do it!
The one things that I remember really well is that if you are walking up onto the altar (whether it is during the mass or not), you must genuflect before stepping on to it and once you leave the altar.
Hope that's a start!
Is it true that extra ecclesiam nulla salus? if it is true then what will happen to those who are not in the church?
Reynold, it is true. We, though, do not know what happens to them. We must hope in God's mercy, but we do not know any definitive answer.
See this Post for More Info
Bowing from the waist before Communion is a request from His Holiness and was to be made a practice by Pentecost. We are to bow at the first pew at the church before the priest says "the Body of Christ" so the procession goes smoothly. At the same time His Holiness asks we stand immediately after the Priest washes his hands so we are ready for the reply. With regards to the bowing, if one has been in the practice of genuflecting they are welcome to keep up this practice but the remainder MUST bow. This is NOT to be a nod of the head but a bow from the waist. That's what I was told anyway and since the person who told me is very devout I dare not do anything else but believe her and do. She also said something about "through my own fault, through my own grievous fault" coming back in at some stage. I just obey
It is better to honor the ancient customs (i.e. kneeling) as opposed to acquiescing to the demands of the current hierarchy.
After reading some of your comments, it's quite clear that many of you do not know the real purpose behind genuflection.
It's to show respect, not to do just for the sake of following tradition or to look like the perfect parishoner. If they don't feel the need to show respect in one way or another, that's their decision, not your right or place to judge those who don't genuflect before entering the pews.
Don't genuflect "because you have to" unless you really mean to show respect.
Prudence and patience are to be cultivated by all who have posted.
Consider the level of catechesis available at your parish now, and in the last 30 years or so. Is it any wonder that there are so few signs of disrespect? It doesn't help when you give your 'special look' to these poor sheep who have been led astray - the wonderful thing is that they are hanging in there with so little formation! I myself attended a LifeTeen parish in high school, where I would routinely *stand* around the altar in the sanctuary during the Consecration, then (at age 15) be a Eucharistic minister while the pastor sat in his chair in the middle of the Church behind the altar where the Blessed Sacrament should be. I only DIDN'T eat chips in church because my mom knew that was wrong, by the grace of God.
But, I'm checking this blog, which means I've learned something, right? It took a lot of understanding, and attending at a new parish where things were done more properly, to catechize me. And, that youth group actually did a great job introducing me to the Faith; it just didn't understand liturgy.
Please don't just vent on this and other blogs, and do nothing else about it. Read the Vatican II documents and figure out how to read what they say in the best of light, try to help educate your parish in a non-judgmental way (offer to bring in a third-party speaker, join your youth group's adult leader team, pray!, no more bad looks), and exercise some patience.
Thanks to those of you who do this already, and just also happen to vent here. Your example is worth so much! When I started staying behind (gasp!)to pray after Mass during those same high school years, four or five other students started joining me, and now the pastor requests that people stay until the end of Mass, and several people pray afterwards. We are cultural beings, and things change slowly, and by example.
God bless you!
With many young children beginning their preparations now for the First Holy Communion, these concepts need to be taught to the teachers, so they can be passed onto the children.
i was watching a lovely tv show & wanted to look for the meaning of a word. i found this site & have found a wonderfully clear explanation ... then discovered many unanswered questions ,via those who have donated their thoughts to contribute to this discussion and rightly so have queried as to why a sacred act should be modernised or abandoned ...
I disagree with Jorge, that we shouldn't genuflect if we don't feel it. That would be similar to a parent telling a child that they didn't have to say please and thank you if they didn't really feel thankful (but on a much bigger scale). Just because a child doesn't know enough to be thankful shouldn't excuse him/her from doing what they should. I, personally, don't know why one would even be there if they didn't have a certain reverence to God. But if you are one of those people Jorge is talking about, do it any way. Show reverence until you feel it. If people do it for the Queen of England, whether they want to or not, shouldn't we most definitely show reverence to our God?
There is a lot of disrespect in the Church. No bowing or genuflecting when entering the sanctuary, or approaching the Tabernacle. Nor at they wiping the fingers that meted out the Hosts to get the dust of the Lord off their fingers. One priest told me, after I confronted him with not bowing, "I bowed once that's enough."
The Extra Ordinary minsters are also guilty of disrespect who do not bow or genuflect after leaving their chalice at the Tabernacle.
Lastly, the Mass is a reenactment of the Lord's sacrifice on the cross. When the priest says "Happy are they who are called to the supper of the Lamb,' the sacrifice has been turned into a meal, and that is blasphemy.
Doing away with genuflecting and bowing is not only egregious, but the highest form of disrespect and irreverence. It's called 'modernism,' and another form of abuse in the church, along allowing women on the altar, touching the chalice and host, not wearing a hat or veil in church, and last but not least, having altar girls. Outrageous. It complements societies lack of etiquette, all of which society has thumbed their noses at. It complements today's ideology, 'I will do what I want, when I want, and no one tells me what to do. America has allowed this to happen. It Christ was sitting there in front of you, which HE actually is, would you act the same way? Probably, because you do this in every day's actions in life towards each other. The English Mass, albeit legitimate, is another major abuse of the Church, with excuses that you're bored with and do not understand the Latin Mass, which should act as its own highest impetus to research and learn what goes, especially with today's technology. The English is printed in books alongside the Latin. All the actions of the Priest and what it means is there on Youtube, along with books that will just floor and fascinate, but you remains silent and lazy and do not care. You go to church either because you are forced to, must, or out of habit, acting with 'rote' actions. Priests have become lazy in their traditions and in implementations, resisting when appropriate, along with saying mass because he 'has to,' with no personal emotion behind it. Sad!
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