Thou art three in one Lord, God of gods (cf Ps 135:2), Thou art Good, all good, Highest Good, Lord God living and true. (cf. 1 Thes 1:9). Thou art Love, Charity; Thou art Wisdom, Thou art humility, Thou art patience (Ps 70:5), Thou art Beauty, Thou art gentleness; Thou art security, Thou art quiet, Thou art joy; Thou art our Hope and Joy, Thou art justice, Thou art temperance, Thou art all our riches unto sufficiency.
Thou art Beauty, Thou art gentleness, Thou art Protector (Ps 30:5), Thou art our guard and defender, Thou art fortitude (cf. Ps 42:2), Thou art refreshment. Thou art our Hope, Thou art our Charity, Thou art our Sweetness, Thou art our eternal Life: Great and admirable Lord, God Omnipotent, merciful Savior.
Image Source: Mass on the Assumption, Transalpine Redemptorists, Used with Permission
2 comment(s):
So beautiful, and the praises help us to notice that our prayer should focus us on God!
I have always loved prayers of praise. Praise seems to always come after prayers of intercession. But, praise has to come first because before we even loved God, He died for us. His love and kindness surpass our imagination.
Let Him be praised forever!
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