Father Eusebio Ferrao was a parish priest in Macasana, India. When he did not show up for Mass on March 18th, several parishioners went to his home to check on him. He was found in his room on the ground with a pillow on his head and a towel in his mouth. He was smothered and strangled to death. There were also 27 stab wounds in his back and chest.
This 61 yr-old priest died of asphyxiation according to forensic reports, and how painful it must have been. Again, we have another example of a man forced to die for serving Christ. Fr. Ferrao's funeral was March 21st, last Tuesday; 8,000 people attended the Mass.
Please say a prayer for his soul.
Update: I just learned through Zenit that Fr. Ferrao's killers were found. There were two men, Amit Shukla and Manish Dubey, that killed the priest. Amit Shukla had visited the priest several times looking for a job, and Fr. Ferrao was trying to help him find employment.
This particular evening, Fr. Ferrao invited them over for dinner and let them sleep in an adjoining room because they had no way home. When Fr. Ferrao went to check on them, the two men jumped on the priest and murdered him. They quickly locked the room and boarded a train and were later caught.
How could a man murder the very priest who was helping him. How horrible and tragic. Again, please pray for the soul of his priest.
- In paradisum deducant te Angeli:
- in tuo adventu suscipiant te Martyres,
- et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.
- Chorus Angelorum te suscipiat,
- et cum Lazaro quondam paupere aeternam habeas requiem.
- In paradisum deducant te Angeli:
1 comment(s):
Hi. I just found you through through Owen who I found through hope. I intend to sit here and read a lot of your blog because I think the Lord led me to it for a reason...
But as a side note I want to tell you that just the other day I also wrote about some atrocities that occured in India and other places where Christians are martyred. If you'd like to see it, it's on my 2 Cor. 12:9 blog dated 3/24 (I think).
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