Pope St. Linus was the second pope of the Holy Catholic Church from c. 68 - c. 79 AD. St. Irenaeus says, "After the Holy Apostles founded and set the Church in order (in Rome) they gave over the exercise of the episcopal office to Linus. The same Linus is mentioned by St. Paul in his Epistle to Timothy [II Tim 4:21]. His successor was Anacletus."
Not much is known as certain concerning his life. He was reportedly converted to the faith in Rome after hearing St. Peter preach the Gospel. He renounced his noble origins and to serve Christ more perfectly. St. Peter employed Linus in preaching and administering the Sacraments. St. Linus is remembered for his zeal, learning and prudence. In one instance, St. Linus preached against idol worshiping to a group of idolaters, and following this, part of the temple crumbled causing an idol to fall to the group and break into thousands of pieces. The idolaters drove him away from the city. Per the reading at Matins in the Divine Office, he also decreed that no woman should enter a church with her head uncovered.
Following the martyrdom of St. Peter, St. Linus wrote of the martyrdom of both Sts. Peter and Paul. St. Linus then succeeded St. Peter as the Vicar of Christ, the Pope. He reportedly created fifteen bishops and eighteen priests. He also drove many demons out of possessed persons by his faith and sanctity.
His feastday is September 23rd, and many sources, although not St. Iranaeus, say he was a martyr. The Liber Pontificalis which contains most of our knowledge on the early popes, states that he died a martyr on September 23rd in Rome and was buried on the Vatican Hill. In the 7th century, an inscription was found near the confessional of St Peter that contains the name "Linus".
Look forgivingly on Thy flock, Eternal Shepherd, and keep it in Thy constant protection, by the intercession of blessed Linus, Thy Martyr and Sovereign Pontiff, whom Thou didst constitute Shepherd of the whole Church. Through our Lord.
Prayer Sources: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal - Prayers for September 23rd
11 comment(s):
Great site for converts like me...I'm learning something every day...You will make a great priest...God bless
yep, lots of historical veracity about THIS particular pope who wasn't at all invented
There is no proof in the entire Bible that Linus was a Pope or that he succeeded St. Peter. Someone called Linus was mentioned only one time by St. Paul in his Epistle to Timothy. His name was also not first in rank, but third among several other people. If this Linus was supposed to lead an important role and succeed Peter, wouldn't St. Paul or John mention the fact? wouldn't they mention his name more than one time?
We all want conclusive evidence to support our beliefs. However, what we are left with is remarkable considering the persecution the early Church was under after the death of Christ. We all have the power to accept or reject any information brought forth. However, personally I can't reject what history leaves
us which is:
Irenaeus, Against Heresies 3:3:3 [A.D. 189]).
Eusebius of Caesarea, Church History 3:4:9–10 [A.D. 312]).
Jerome, Lives of Illustrious Men 15 [A.D. 396]).
Liber Pontificalis, stopped with Pope Adrian II (867–872)
Great post,..I'm learning something every day...You will make a great priest...God bless
Peple shoul have mor info on him because he is an important man in our religious history.
When you want information about any of the early history, it's best to read the Catholic Encyclopedia available on the internet and also CD-Rom because of the thorough research and attempts to clarify any misconceptions. Rome was the center of the world at that time, and the first bishops of Rome were later called Pope as I understand.
I often wonder what life and leadership was like for Pope Linus. I can look back into time with 20 - 20 hindsight; but what did he remember? What was it like to have someone write a long "letter" of encouragement and have it take so long to be delivered? Did he know how to write himself? Who did he have a chance to meet? Were they someone whose name we know? What would it have been like to share what we call the Eucharistic meal with St. Linus? It certainly wasn't like our Mass celebration today.
I have a simple question not having to do with St Linus: How can one believe in the monarchial authority of the Pope yet disobey the Pope? How can one claim the Pope has ultimate and even sole authority, then refute that authority pronounced on an ecumenical council?
I am unable to reconcile what appears to be a logical contradiction. Please help me understand.
When a pope does not not believe in the monarchial authority of the pope we need to correct him. Who is disobeying him?
St. Linus was my saint name I had chosen for my conformation.
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