Women from around the world are traveling to clinics in various locations that are now offering face lifts and cosmetic surgery using tissue from babies who have been killed by abortions. Pro-life advocates are strongly condemning the practice and saying the taking of human life is never warranted -- especially for such a self-serving purpose.
To obtain the cells, women in underdeveloped nations are paid up to $200 dollars to carry a baby up to the optimum eight to 12 week period when the fetuses are “harvested” for their stem cells which are then sold to exclusive cosmetic clinics.
Source: Life Site News
I am horrified! May God put an end to this heinous practice and an end to all abortions! We have awaited for this end for 33 years in the United States! Let us pray NOW for this second Dark Age to pass!
Prayer to end abortion:
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.
Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image - as well as theirs - made for eternal life. Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
St. Catherine of Sweden, patron against abortion, pray for us!
4 comment(s):
Oh my! This is horrifying! I will pray today specifically about this.
Please do pray for this. It is one of the most horrifying things I have ever read.
You need to get your facts straight before you make unfounded accusations. Where is the entire proof? I cannot believe a column that doesn't produce accurate data and studies. You should be ashamed of yourself!
The people that are using these aborted children are the ones that should be ashamed. I got the story from LifeNews and LifeSiteNews. Both of those have good stats and stories.
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