Update (2014): While Ebay has forbidden the selling of human
remains, we need to continue our fight as the enemies of the faith are now
selling relics (or fake relics) and calling them “pieces of human hair” since
hair is allowed on Ebay. Please join me
in reporting all relics on Ebay and using the counterfeit/fake notation to
notify Ebay.
Catholic News Service has reported, that several Catholic's have petitioned America's online shopping mall, Ebay, to pan the selling of all relics. Why? First because it is a sin called 'simony' to sell or buy blessed objects, and relics are as Pius XII states, "blessed within themselves." So I encourage you to send an email to Ebay and stand up for what it right, for what is Catholic. The more people stand up, the better chance we have of victory.
eBay Inc.
2145 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125
19 comment(s):
Thanks again for this! I know people think they are "rescuing relics" from the hands of those who abuse them but actually participating in the error.
Are they still doing this? I wonder if they are still permitting Consecrated Hosts to be auctioned off.
Firemeg, Catholics believe in free will, but free will just means we can choose to sin or not to sin. It doesn't mean everyone should be content with sin. We have a responsibility to stop sin and to speak the truth and work for good.
I don't believe they allow consecrated hosts to be auctioned off, and I pray that they do not allow such horrendous things.
How would one go about getting a relic without buying it?
Peg, I would suggest talking with this to a priest that you know. I obtained a 3rd class relic of a blessed (I forget this name at the moment). I was visiting the Cathedral in New Orleans, LA, USA, when the Cathedral was celebrating a special Mass in honor of the blessed. So, all visitors were able to pick up a 3rd class relic.
You can also complain to eBay that selling a relic violates its policy against selling human body parts as that is what a 1st Class Relic is. Also, in regard to how you get a relic without paying for it, many shrines will either ask for a donation for a blessed object or relic or you will pay for the reliquary itself and not what it contains.
I appreciate your post, thanks for sharing the post, i would like to hear more about this in future.
As of 2011, eBay sellers are still selling relics. An "expert" wrote a commentary about the selling of relics, which is posted on eBay. It states that Canon Law does not forbid the sale of relics so long as the sellers make clear that they are selling the reliquary - and that the relic is a "gift". He also states that there is no market in the secular world for relics; that what people want are the antique and beautiful containers. Baloney! If a piece of the True Cross was offered on eBay in a zip lock bag, with documentation, it would sell.
Forgot to add that one seller of relics on eBay claims to be a priest, and he says that the relics that he sells will be shipped from Vatican City! The seller's eBay name is: father_salvatore
What can be done to stop this alleged priest?
It is disturbing and even frightening to hear people in this day and age still adhering to pagan beliefs about profaning holy objects. St. Peter in 1st Corr., when confronted by converted pagan about what he percieved as a profanation of the Holy Sacrament, was quick to tell him that unworthy people who recieve the Holy Sacrament do not profane the Sacrament, they do but profane themselves. In other words, St. Peter was saying that what God has made holy no man can profane and any deliberate act to do so merely profanes the man. What is true of the Holy Sacrament, the consecrated host, is also true of all the sacraments and sacramentals, including relics. No act of man can profane them, so stop worrying about it. We do not need to revert back to the darkest days of Christianity with some kind of Holy War or Holy Inquisition targeting everyone who doesn't share our faith or respect what we deem holy.
Obviously people who claim to be of Christ's teachings have not learned anything. God did not place laws to be used to condemn others or for those that think they know it all to play God. The truth is - what truly determines a sin is if it is going against the Lord's Will and no one has a right to judge that but God. There are some that buy relics because they are inspired by God---and unless you are God. You should keep your mouths shut. You don't need to be in control because God is in contol and if you don't have that faith in him to keep the peace and generate love- And trust- then we lose because this is exactly how satin is working in our world today- sowing discord among brethren. Those of you who rebuke this message with anger, denial or hate- you do because you are truly not one of his chosen.
Relics are still being sold on eBay. When a seller lists the item as a reliquary, there is nothing eBay can do if it contains a relic. Church law also states that if a person obtains a relic believing that it is a first class relic, possession of that relic is the same AS IF IT WERE a first class relic and must be handled accordingly;
Just found relics for sale on Etsy. I emailed the seller and the email for their legal department. Please help out and email Etsy to inform them of the church's stance on this issue.
father_salvatore is a fraud claiming to have and sell shavings of the true cross
Yes, the seller "father_salvatore" is still selling relics as of today March 15th 2014. He is not a priest but poses as one in several ways; i.e. his name " father_salvatore", and in some of the pictures of the sacred items he sells, there is a person from the neck down dressed in clericals holding the item for sale to the camera.
It could be good to report his selling fake items. just go open his items on ebay and report fake items he sell.Hair of the 6 apostiles? :) Tax for naive.
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