Doubt - Tempts us to question God's Word and his goodness, forgiveness, and love
Discouragement - Tempts us to focus intently on our problems rather than entrusting them to God's care
Diversion - Tempts us to see the wrong things as attractive so that we will want them more than the right things
Defeat - Tempts us to feel like failure so that we don't even try
Delay - Tempts us to procrastinate so that things never get done
Reflect on these ploys of Satan, and if you find that he has darkened your life on any of these counts, lift up the situation to Our Lady in prayer.
Recall her advice on binding the evil one: "Put on the armor of battle. With the rosary in your hand, defeat him!"
St. Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Armies, pray for us!
1 comment(s):
Thank you for these necessary reminders! God bless you.
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