With the Catholic media abuzz over the discussions between the SSPX and the Roman officials, I wish to publish here the recent letter from Fr. Arnaud
Rostand, District Superior of the US SSPX. His words can help us steer away from media bias and emotionalism. And don't forget to please join us in praying the Rosary Crusade in anticipation for its end this Pentecost Sunday!
Remember unity is not possible between those who adhere to Tradition and those who adhere to new modern versions of the Faith. We must pray through this all for the Holy Church - that She may be protected and defended.
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
Remember unity is not possible between those who adhere to Tradition and those who adhere to new modern versions of the Faith. We must pray through this all for the Holy Church - that She may be protected and defended.
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
A lot of
rumors are being spread regarding the relations between the Roman authorities
and the Society of St. Pius X. On this regard, I wish to simply remind the
communiqué from the General House of the Society of April 18,
In a letter dated April 17, 2012, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X responded to the request for clarification that had been made to him on March 16 by Cardinal William Levada concerning the Doctrinal Preamble delivered on September 14, 2011. As the press release dated today from the Ecclesia Dei Commission indicates, the text of this response “will be examined by the dicastery (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) then submitted to the Holy Father for his judgment".
The matter is in the hands of the Holy Father and we
are waiting for His decision.
Let us remember that it is to our Superior General,
and only to him, that has been entrusted by the law of the Church and the will
of Archbishop Lefebvre the delicate task of our relations with Rome. As such, he
is the only competent authority to take prudent decisions for our Society.
Because of his function and his 18 years of leadership in keeping the Faith and
seeking the common good of the Church, we renew to him all our confidence, trust
and respectful obedience in this difficult time. Our filial piety to him, as to
the Sovereign Pontiff, pushes us to do more than usual in these unusual
circumstances: we desire to bring to them the support of all your prayers.
1 comment(s):
And the Novena beginning on May 8th to the Holy Ghost for the Holy Father and Bishop Fellay!
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