Of the many blunders of recent Vatican history, one that stands out is the Vatican's February 25th decision to open up the process for the beatification of Latin American born Monsignor Helder Camara (1909–1999), who served as auxiliary Bishop of Rio de Janiero and later as Metropolitan Archbishop of Olinda and Recife. Do our dear Vatican cardinals really know what this man was about? Hopefully Pope Francis will act to halt this process.
Dom Helder Camara began his career as a pro-Nazi militant in the 30s and 40s, and was ordained wearing the ill-famed Nazi "green shirt" under his cassock, so deep were his convictions. Thereupon his remaining days on earth were spent as a communist activist implementing Marxist principles inside the Catholic Church. We know from ex-communists like Bella Dodd and Anatoliy Golitsyn how a number of Communist agents entered the seminaries back in the 30s and 40s for the purpose of deliberately destroying the Catholic Church from within. Camara fits the pattern perfectly.
He is especially known as one of the champions of the so-called "Liberation Theology" condemned by the Vatican in 1984, and is also known for the key role he had in assisting the infamous "Comblin affair" which was committed to bringing down the Brazilian government and establishing dictatorial anarchy among the people. His Marxist convictions continued to the end.
His moral views followed suit, being radically pro-feminist, pro-divorce, pro-abortion, pro-women's ordination, and he made a number of eccentric statements that more than show him up as a theological crackpot. For instance, when asked by Professor Plinio de Oliveira in 1968 if he would kindly expel the notorious theological professor Joseph Comblin for his attempts to destroy the Church in Brazil, Camaro replied, "Everyone has the right to dissent."
His views on women's ordination alone rendered him a heretic. During the Second Vatican Council he addressed a group of bishops, and asked with insistence: "Tell me, please, if you can find any effectively decisive argument that impedes the admission of women to the priesthood, or is it just a male prejudice?"
If that's not absurd, consider the statement he made in the presence of the Vatican II fathers in 1965, wherein he gleefully projected: "I believe that man will artificially create life, and will arrive at the resurrection of the dead and… will achieve miraculous results of re-invigoration in male patients through the grafting of monkey’s genital glands."
Is this a man that Rome should be considering for canonization? Why not just beatify Hitler or Nelson Mandela? Camara has no miracles or merits to his credit, and much offense, but just because he blew some nice words around about the "the poor" to conceal his evils, our mainline media is promoting him as some kind of hero.
Camara was a walking scandal whose work brought much misery, pain, and poverty to the people, and now he is being hailed as a champion of religious freedom who loved the poor? We all know how Communism today is being advanced under the guise of "peace, brotherhood, and love." The agents of the red bear don't show their true horns anymore, but use this kind of pacifism to lull the masses. As they say, "the reds of yesterday are the greens of today."
Suffice to say, religious freedom means walking with God, not walking in sin. Mercy means delivering man from sin and from the advocates thereof. If the Vatican fathers had any love of the poor or love of religious freedom, they would quickly dispense with this plan to canonize one who labored so assiduously to put his fellow man in chains.
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