Wednesday, April 19, 2006
One Year with Benedict XVI

Last year on April 19, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected as the Roman Pontiff.

I look back to April and May 2005 and remember a very calm yet tired-looking man as our Pope. The burden of responsibility must have been intense, but after that, Benedict XVI has truly blessed the Church.

Here is a brief list of some of his work this past year:
This is an extremely shortened list of Pope Benedict XVI's great leadership. He has specifically asked us to pray for him this day, so I ask you to please say a prayer for his health and intentions.
Prayers for Healing

Update: Thank you so much, everyone. She's already feeling better. Your prayers have worked!

Hello, everyone.

I would like to ask you all to please pray for my mother. She is beginning to get a sinus infection, and I'm sure we all know how horrible it is to go through those. Please pray to the Lord with me asking that He heal her quickly.

Mother Mary, pray for her! Amen.

Thank you!
The Easter Octave

"Alleluia, alleluia. Christ our Pasch is sacrified" (Alleluia, 1962 Missal)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Memorial of St. Apollonius the Apologetic

Thanks to John from the St. Blogs Parish Hall for reminding me that today the Church remembers my patron saint for 2006. As most of you know, I received this saint through the Saint for the Year drawing, where individuals have a name randomly picked from them out of a container of 1,500 names. I am unable to fulfill more requests now because the kind person doing the drawing of the names is not available, but I would gladly relay the name to her if you would like a saint. It may take a few weeks though. I apologize.

Anyway, today the Church remembers St. Apollonius the Apologetic. He lived in 185, and lived the faith until his death. He was a Roman Senator, who was charged as a servant by one of his slaves. Now, the law at that time dictated that any slave that brings a charge against his master must be executed, so the slave was immediately executed.

Sextus Tigidius Perennis demanded that Apollonius renounce the faith, but Apollonius refused. In one of early Christianity most eloquent and brillant defenses of the faith, Apollonius revealed himself as a true servant of God. Apollonius, however, was condemned and beheaded - faithfully serving God to the very end.

Because he was my patron saint, I knew that God had revealed him to me for a reason. I had never heard of him and made sure to research him. And, it's only April but when I look back on this year, I've really tried to become more eloquent at defending the Catholic faith like Apollonius. I've set up websites and talked with numerous people in person and online. While I doubt any of them rushed out to convert, I hope and pray I left a mark on them that God will use to bring them to the Church. I'm very thankful for having St. Apollonius as my patron.

St. Apollonius the Apologetic, pray for me!
Contact Villanova University

I ask you to please contact Villanova's Board of Trustees and ask them to approve the Maternal Bond Memorial. An image of this memorial is to the left, and pro-lifers are hoping to have this memorial placed at Villanova University. The University initially appeared to approve, but they are worried it would offend non-Catholics so they postponed the decision.

First, this is a private Catholic University! This University should be supporting and working to uphold Catholic values. That is what is most important. As I posted on in the past, many "Catholic" universities are Catholic only in name (list). I hope Villanova doesn't become one of those. Wikipedia lists Villanova's landmarks and they include numerous Catholic ones. What's the difference if the landmark supports the unborn?

That is why I am asking you to email the Board of Trustees Chairperson, Villanova's President and President-elect. Please respectfully ask them to approve of the decision to install this memorial.

Board of Trustees Chair John G. Drosdick
President Rev. Edmund J. Dobbin
Incoming President Rev. Peter M. Donohue,

Source: Abortion Pundit
Words of Inspiration: April 18, 2006

"I therefore exhort you again to be trustful. A soul who trust in her Lord and places all her hope in Him has nothing to fear. The enemy of our salvation is always around us to snatch from our hearts the anchor that is to lead us to salvation, by which I mean trust in God our Father. Let us keep a very firm hold on this anchor and not relinquish it for a single moment. Otherwise all would be lost" (Letters II p 410).

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Monday, April 17, 2006
God or the Girl: 2nd Day

I was awaiting anxiously to watch this night's episode, and I think Mike made the right decision. After watching yesterday's episodes I knew he seemed to be called to the married life, and that is an important vocation too. I wish him the best, but I do hope and pray that he and others like him will serve the Lord as a deacon. Deacons of course can get married, so I think that would be excellent for him.

Second, I was so frustrated when Dan encountered the fundamentalist. Of course he said the classic examples of "If Mary was sinless why would she need a Savior as she said?" or "Isn't there only mediator between God and man."

And, I was practically jumping up and down: "But God saved many before her conception! She still needed a Savior" and "But, in Confession the mediator is Jesus not a man!"

This special A&E series has one made we want the priesthood more. The Church is perceived very badly by many people in our world, and too many people fall into the misinterpretations of other denominations. I've really tried to post this on my Apologetics Website, and this is one reason I am called to serve as a priest. I feel as if the Lord has asked me: "Will you give up everything you have and follow Me?" I answered, "Yes".

What tears me apart is seeing people leave the Church or not practice their faith. My vision is for us all to be under the Catholic Church with Christ as the head, but I know that this won't happen. But that doesn't mean we can't get as close to that as possible. This is the point of my blog and everything I do online - to honor Jesus Christ and bring others to Him.

And he said to them: The harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send labourers into his harvest. 3 Go: Behold I send you as lambs among wolves. Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes; and salute no man by the way. Into whatsoever house you enter, first say: Peace be to this house (Luke 10: 2 - 5)

Here I am, Lord. I come to do your will!

Thanks again for all of your prayers, and please keep them coming doing this special Octave for Easter.
Remember the Example of St. Joseph

"Saint Joseph adored our Lord in a spirit of compassion. By faith he saw and joined the self-immolation of Christ on Calvary and on the altar. To perfect his love Jesus gave him a preview of the Passion, for a love that does not suffer is a childlike love. You will never equal Joseph in compassionate love, but unite with him in adoring the Sacred Victim on the altar; let your faith be food and light for your adoration. Have faith and you will see, for faith is the eye of a pure soul."

(St. Peter Julian Eymard)

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Sunday, April 16, 2006
God or the Girl: Update on my own vocation

The blogsphere has been filled with news on the recent A&E production: "God or the Girl". Since I am also contemplating the priesthood, I was really interested in seeing the show. And, after seeing the first episode I'm really hoping that some of them will answer the call we need priests so much. That is why I want to follow Our Lord. I'm finding it a very interesting show, but I'm really interested in how it will all turn out.

Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday, and I will be meeting with my diocese's vocations director concerning the priesthood. This is really important to get the process started. Please keep me in your prayers during this time.

Thank you all!
Easter 2006: Urbi et Orbi

As we celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI is also celebrating his 79th birthday. Let us please pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for his health and intentions.

Pope Benedict XVI has gave his traditional Urbi et Orbi address after the Easter Sunday Mass attended by thousands.

Pope Benedict XVI arrives at St. Peter's Basilica to celebrate Easter Sunday Mass.

Here is part of his Urbi et Orbi address:

May the risen Lord grant that the strength of his life, peace and freedom be experienced everywhere. Today the words with which the Angel reassured the frightened hearts of the women on Easter morning are addressed to all: "Do not be afraid! ... He is not here; he is risen" (Matthew 28:5-6). Jesus is risen, and he gives us peace; he himself is peace. For this reason the Church repeats insistently: "Christ is risen -- 'Christós anésti.'"

Let the people of the third millennium not be afraid to open their hearts to him. His Gospel totally quenches the thirst for peace and happiness that is found in every human heart. Christ is now alive and he walks with us. What an immense mystery of love! "Christus resurrexit, quia Deus caritas est!" Alleluia!

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