Would you like to have your prayers requests remembered by the friars, who pray next to his tomb?
You can email your requests for the friars to bring next to his tomb in prayer, or you can mail them. I received this information in my comment box by Mare54n:
"Every evening, at 8:30 pm, the Frati Cappuccini will be gathered to the grave of the blessed Padre Pio to recite the S. Rosario according to the intentions of all those people that ask to be remembered in the prayer. To that time, your prayers and intentions will be deposed on the grave. If you find it possible, anywhere you find yourself, spiritually unite to us with the recitation of the S. Rosario."
Contact Information
Letters can be sent here:
Convento Frati Minori Cappuccini
"Santa Maria Dell Grazie"
71013 S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)Italy
c/c postale n 189712
Telephone 0882.4171
Fax 0882.417252
Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain