"Let nothing trouble you, let nothing make you afraid. All things pass away. God never changes. Patience obtains everything. God alone is enough." -- St. Teresa of Avila
Double (1955 Calendar): October 15
Today the Church remembers and celebrates the life of St. Teresa of Avila (also called St. Teresa of Jesus). St. Teresa was born on March 28, 1515, in Spain, and she loved Our Lord since her youth. St. Teresa would even play "hermit" in her garden. At the age of 12, St. Teresa's mother died, and she prayed for Our Blessed Mother Mary to be her new mother. St. Teresa was very weakened by a serious illness in her youth, and she was healed through the intercession of St. Joseph. At 17 she left home and entered a religious order but her father would not accept it initially. Finally, after seeing the conviction in his daughter, he consented to her entering the consecrated life.
St. Teresa was soon ill again, and she never fully recovered. During this time of spiritual growth, St. Teresa received many visions approved as authentic following examinations by Dominicans and Jesuits, including Saint Francis Borgia.
She founded a reformed convent after thinking her current one was too lax in the rule. She suffered much along with St. John of the Cross for this long work of restoring the primitive Rule.
St. Teresa was a mystic and a great writer, who wrote the Interior Castle.
On October 4, 1582, St. Teresa of Avila died in the arms of her secretary and close friend Blessed Anne of Saint Bartholomew. Her body is incorruptible. She was canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. While a great saint, we should not consider her a Doctor of the Church.
Graciously hear us, O God our Savior, and grant that as we rejoice in the festival of blessed Teresa, Thy Virgin, so we may be nourished by her heavenly teaching, and grow in loving devotion towards Thee. Through our Lord.
Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
On October 4, 1582, St. Teresa of Avila died in the arms of her secretary and close friend Blessed Anne of Saint Bartholomew. Her body is incorruptible. She was canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. While a great saint, we should not consider her a Doctor of the Church.
Traditional Reading at Matins:
The virgin Teresa was born at Avila in Spain, of parents illustrious for nobility and virtue. She was brought up by them in the fear of God; and while still very young, she gave admirable promise of her future sanctity. While reading the acts of the holy martyrs, she was so enkindled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, that she ran away from home, resolved to cross over to Africa, and there to lay down her life for the glory of Jesus Christ and the salvation of souls. She was brought back by her uncle; but her heart still burned with the desire of martyrdom, which she endeavored to satisfy by alms-deeds and other works of piety, weeping continually to see herself deprived of that happy lot. On the death of her mother, she begged the Blessed Virgin to be a mother to her; and she gained her request, for, ever afterward the Mother of God cherished her as a daughter. In the twentieth year of her age, she joined the nuns of St. Mary of Mount Carmel; and spent eighteen years in that monastery, enduring severe illnesses and many trials. While she was thus courageously battling in the ranks of Christian penance, she was deprived of the support of heavenly consolations, in which the saints usually abound even on this earth.
She was adorned with angelic virtues, and her charity made her solicitous not for her own salvation alone, but for that of all mankind. Inspired by God, and with the approbation of Pius IV, she restored the Carmelite rule to its primitive severity, and caused it to be thus observed first by the women and then by the men. The all-powerful blessing of our merciful God was evident in this work; for, though destitute of all human aid, and moreover opposed by many of the great ones of the world, the virgin was able, in her poverty, to build thirty-two monasteries. She wept continually over the blindness of infidels and heretics and offered to God the voluntary maceration of her body to appease the divine anger, on their behalf. Her heart burned like a furnace of divine love; so that once she saw an angel piercing it with a fiery dart, and heard Christ say to her, taking her hand in his: Henceforward, as my true bride, thou shalt be zealous for mine honor. By our Lord’s advice, she made the exceedingly difficult vow, always to do what she conceived to be most perfect. She wrote many works, full of divine wisdom, which arouse in the minds of the faithful the desire of their heavenly country.
Whereas Teresa was a pattern of every virtue, her desire of bodily mortification was most ardent; and in spite of the various maladies which afflicted her, she chastised her body with hairshirts and iron chains, scourged herself with sharp disciplines or with bundles of nettles, and sometimes rolled among thorns. She would often speak thus to God: O Lord, let me either suffer or die; for she considered that as long as she was absent from the fountain of life, she was dying daily and most miserably. She was remarkable for her gift of prophecy and was enriched to such a degree by our Lord with his divine favors, that she would often beg him to set bounds to his gifts, and not to blot out the memory of her sins so speedily. Consumed by the irresistible fire of divine love rather than by disease, after receiving the last Sacraments, and exhorting her children to peace, charity, and religious observance, she expired at Alba, on the day she had foretold; and her most pure soul was seen ascending to God in the form of a dove. She died at the age of sixty-seven, in the year 1582, on the Ides of October according to the corrected Roman calendar. Jesus Christ was seen present at her death-bed, surrounded by angels; and a withered tree near her cell suddenly burst into blossom. Her body has remained incorrupt to the present day, distilling a fragrant liquor; and is honored with pious veneration. She was made illustrious by miracles both before and after her death; and Gregory XV enrolled her among the saints.
Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
4 comment(s):
Thanks to you Moneybags I was able to pray the litany tonight...
I'm glad that helped you, Hector. Thanks for all of your input at my blog.
God Bless
At times many people become confused between man made Laws and God's Moral Law which overrides all!
It was once lawful to murder children and adults who had disabilities in Nazi Germany, that was a man made law..but was it right?
Love this topic BRAVO!
Peace of Christ to you all
Thank you for the reply, Marie :)
Peace be with you
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