"We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to look upon Him present within us."-- Saint Teresa of Avila
We don't need to search any further for Christ than first within us as it was through His divine will that He gave us light - a spark of His divine love. As Pope Benedict XVI said, "Each of us is the result of a thought of God," and before anything else we must find a personal relationship with Christ. We don't have to search for Christ over the Internet, in a book, or anything first. In reality, we must find Him first within us and respond by loving Him. Only if we love Him may we receive His Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist the source of the greatest graces.
I said it before and will say it as much as necessary - our faith is completely on love because we will be judged on only one thing - how much did we love (St. John of the Cross). Every single day we are to love and give as much as possible. I know someone that even took in Hurricane Katrina evacuees. God knows how much you can give of time, talent, and treasure. Give what you can from each area and do it with love.
As Saint Teresa of Avila said, we don't have to make life more complex. Trust in God and find Him within yourself, in the Catholic Church and love Him "who humbled Himself to death even death on a cross."
Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
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