Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Blessed Martyrs of Nowogrodek

On this date, August 1, 1943, eleven nuns exchanged their lives for 120 citizens of Nowogrodek. These eleven nuns were then murdered by the Nazis:
  • Maria Stella, Superior (Adelaide Mardosiewicz) (1888-1943)
  • Mary Imelda (Jadwiga Zak) (1892-1943)
  • Mary Rajmunda (Anna Kukulowicz) (1892-1943)
  • Maria Daniela (Eleanor Juzwik) (1895-1943)
  • Maria Kanuta (Jozefa Chrobot) (1896-1943)
  • Maria Gwidona (Helena Cierpka) (1900-1943)
  • Maria Sergia (Julia Rapieg) (1900-1943)
  • Maria Kanizja (Eugenia Mackiewicz) (1904-1943)
  • Maria Felicyta (Paulina Borowik) (1905-1943)
  • Maria Heliodora (Leokadia Matustzewska) (1906-1943)
  • Maria Boromea (Veronika Narmuntowicz) (1916-1943)

They were beatified on March 5, 2000, by Pope John Paul ll. They are also known as the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. More information concerning their canonization and lives can be found at the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Images of Heaven, and through Father Vincent A Lapomarda, SJ.

Photo Source: Adam Styka (1890-1959), Painting is from 1948

1 comment(s):

del_button August 1, 2006 at 9:54 PM
tlwest said...

WOW ... I never heard about this. What must have been going through those solders minds while firing upon the nuns...

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